Prijevod: Five of the madrigals. , and the Latin motet Vide homo , are set in the original high clefs. Kompozitor.
Prijevod: Radujte se u Gospodinu svagda. Anoniman. A capella. Sveto, himna. Jezik. Engleski. Pogrešno pripisuje Ivanu Redforda.
Prijevod: manje melismas, dijelovi set sa samo dva glasa. A capella. Sveto, motet. Jezik. SATB.
Prijevod: , albeit with lines 5 and 6 of the third stanza coming first. "'Watchman, what of the night. Charles H. Giffen.
Prijevod: John Wall Callcott. a cappella Accompaniment added by William Horsley. 1774-1858. Svjetovni, Glee. Jezik. SATB. 1710-1787.
Prijevod: This poem of Thomas Lovell Beddoes is from a dirge from the play, "Death's Jest Book". Charles Hubert Hastings Parry. Plan.
Prijevod: He found it to his unspeakable Joy, and alone in the Merits of Christ Jesus, Witnessed by the Holy Spirit to his soul.
Prijevod: see Elegy on the death of Mr. Shenstone. A capella. Svjetovni, Partsong. Jezik. Engleski. Bio je orguljaš katedrale Wells.
Prijevod: Svete Marije misa. Vokalni Line. Glas note. Zbor note. Klavirsku pratnju note. Pratnju orgulja note. Svete Marije misa. Vokalni Line.
Prijevod: I smrt neće imati nikakvih Dominija. Glas note. Zbor note. I smrt neće imati nikakvih Dominion uređen Kenneth Jennings. Za TTBB zbor. Osmi.
Prijevod: Čovjek boli. This anthem would be perfect for a time of congregational worship during the most intimate moment of an Easter service.
Prijevod: Naravno o ovoj Shining Night. Zbor note. Klavirsku pratnju note. Naravno o ovoj Shining Night. iz nokturna SATB i glasovir. 1943 -.
Prijevod: Epilog. Ovdje je večer. Zbor note. Klavirsku pratnju note. Epilog. Ovdje je večer. iz nokturna SATB i glasovir. Sastavljen Morten Lauridsen.
Prijevod: Lord of the dance. Lord of the dance. Plesala sam u jutro. Cappella note. Bariton Voice note. Sopranistica Voice note.
Prijevod: This poignant and reflective carol is set to a poetic text by Richard Wilbur, inspired by verses from St. Luke's Gospel.