Prijevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Gospel Songs of Hank Williams. Hank Williams. Electronic Tipkovnica note. Piano note. E-Z Играть Сегодня. Hank Williams.
Prijevod: Lawrence Welk pjesmarice. The Poor People of Paris. Beyond the Sea. Lawrence Welk. Electronic Tipkovnica note. Piano note.
Prijevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. 35 pjesama, uključujući Moon River, Over the Rainbow, Pjevajmo na kiši i više. Over The Rainbow.
Prijevod: The Thorn Birds. Shot in the Dark. Zviždanje Away the Dark. Dear Heart. Life In A Looking Glass.
Prijevod: Velika Himne vjere. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. A Child Of The King. Take My Life and Let It Be.
Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Take My Life and Let It Be. Beyond The Sunset.
Prijevod: Između konce-The Secret Lives of gitare. Između konce-The Secret Lives of gitare. The Blues Ne Float. Gitara note.
Prijevod: Jumbo pjesmarice. Rock Island Line. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Down By The Riverside. Beč Life. Raznovrstan.
Prijevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. The Swingin 'ovčar Blues. Up With The Lark. Gdje Blue Of The Night. White Pages. Raznovrstan.
Prijevod: Prava Dixieland knjiga. My Baby Just Cares for Me. Ace In The Hole. Down By The Riverside. Bluin 'the Blues.
Prijevod: Prava Dixieland knjiga. My Baby Just Cares for Me. Bluin 'the Blues. Ace In The Hole. Down By The Riverside.