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Great Hymns Of The Faith. Red. Various. Choir sheet music.


Velika Himne vjere. Crven. Raznovrstan. Zbor note.


Great Hymns Of The Faith. Red. arranged by Various. For SATB choir. Benson Hymnals. Sacred, Modern Christian. Hymnal. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.2598655367. ISBN 9781598021219. Sacred, Modern Christian. 5.75 x 8.12 inches. Compiled and edited by master songwriter and arranger John W. Peterson, Great Hymns of the Faith is a collection of lasting, classic hymns and is designed to meet the needs of congregations, choral groups and families with a strong appreciation for the traditions of the church. Hymns are arranged by topic, with generous cross-referencing for hymns with available alternate tunes, hymns with similar meter, or locations of the same hymn tune in an alternate key. Responsive readings, an index of songs taken from scripture and a comprehensive topical index combine to make Great Hymns of the Faith a classic worship tool and a resourceful reference guide to timeless hymnody. Songs include. 'Tis Midnight - And On Olive's Brow - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus - 'Tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer - A Charge To Keep I Have - A Child Of The King. - A Christian Home - A Flag To Follow - A Glorious Church - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - A Passion For Souls - A Shelter In The Time Of The Storm - A Student's Prayer - Abide With Me - According To Thy Gracious Word - After - Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. - All Creatures Of Our God - All For Jesus - All Glory To Jesus - All Glory, Laud and Honor - All Hail The Power - All People That On Earth Do Well - All That Thrills My Soul - All The Way My Savior Leads Me - All Things Come Of Thee - All Things Work Out For Good - Almighty Father, Hear Our Prayer - Almost Persuaded - Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient Of Days - And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain. - Angels We Have Heard On High - Angels, From The Realms Of Glory - Another Year Is Dawning - Anywhere With Jesus - Are Ye Able, Said The Master - Are You Washed In The Blood. - Arise My Soul, Arise. - Art Thou Weary. - As With Gladness Men Of Old - At Calvary - At The Cross - Away In A Manger - Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Be Still, My Soul - Be Thou My Vision - Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus - Beulah Land - Bless The Lord - Blessed Assurance - Blessed Be The Fountain - Blessed Be The Name - Blessed Calvary. - Blessed Day Of Rest And Cheer - Blessed Quietness - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Be The Tie That Binds - Break Thou The Bread Of Life - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God - Brethren, We Have Met To Worship - Bring Them In - Bringing In The Sheaves - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary - Channels Only - Christ Arose - Christ Is Risen From The Dead - Christ Liveth In Me - Christ Receiveth Sinful Men - Christ Returneth. - Christ The Lord. Topical song index with 113 headings. Metrical index. Alphabetical index of titles and first lines. 58 Responsive readings. Calls to worship. Benedictions. Index of selections from scripture. Praise God Whom All Blessings Flow. The Lord Is In His Holy Temple. Glory Be To The Father. O Worship the King. Love Divine. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above. Praise Ye The Triune God. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme. Some, Thou Almighty King. Praise Our God. All People That On Earth Do Well. His Loving-Kindness. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. When All Thy Mercies, O My God. Great God Of Wonders. Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty. God Of Everlasting Glory. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship. The Lord Is King. Come Thou Fount. Now Thank We All Our God. The God Of Abraham Praise. We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer. We Gather Together. Ancient Of Days. Come, We That Love The Lord. We Magnify Our Father God. The Great Creator. Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart. I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. Praise The Lord. Ye Heavens, Adore Him. Bless The Lord. All Creatures Of Our God. Blessed Be the Name. Stand Up And Bless The Lord. Immortal, Invisible. Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. How Great Thou Art. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. This Is My Father's World. Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Oh, He's A Wonderful Savior. All Hail the Power. And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain. Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim. O For A Thousand Tongues. All Glory To Jesus. His Matchless Worth. OUR GREAT SAVIOR. Fairest Lord Jesus. Praise The Savior. Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned. How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds. For The Beauty Of The Earth. Come, Christians, Join To Sing. I Am His And He Is Mine. Jesus, I Am Resting. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee. The Great Physician. Shepherd Of Eager Youth. O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus. Crown Him with Many Crowns. Take The Name Of Jesus With You. The Name Of Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. How Can It Be. O Day Of Rest And Gladness. Safely Through Another Week. Holy, Holy, Holy. Blessed Day Of Rest And Cheer. Still, Still with Thee. My Jesus Christ Be Praised. Now The Day Is Over. Abide with Me. Savior, Breathe An Evening Blessing. Sun of My Soul. Day Is Dying In The West. Softly Now The Light Of Day. Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing. Savior, Again To Thy Dear Name. God Be With You. O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus. Silent Night. Holy Night. Away In A Manger. Joy To The World. In A Cave. Angels We Have Heard On High. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. The First Noel. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. What Child Is This. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks. As with Gladness Men of Old. There's A Song In The Air. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Angels, From The Realms Of Glory. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. Jesus, Wonderful Lord. One Day. Immortal Love-Forever Full. That Beautiful Name. Tell Me The Story Of Jesus. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. All Glory, Laud and Honor. Ride On. Ride On In Majesty. Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. What Will You Do With Jesus. Blessed Redeemer. The Old Rugged Cross. There Is A Green Hill Far Away. Ivory Palaces. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded. He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. 'Tis Midnight - And On Olive's Brow. Opened For Me. Blessed Calvary. Why. In The Cross of Christ I Glory. Lead Me To Calvary. Jesus Paid It All. Rock Of Ages. Hallelujah. What A Savior. Wounded For Me. At the Cross. God Incarnate, Jesus Came. Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now. He Lives. The Strife Is O'er. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth. The Day Of Resurrection. Christ Is Risen From The Dead. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Christ Arose. Golden Harps Are Sounding. Open Wide, Ye Doors. Look Ye Saints. The Sight Is Glorious. Jesus Shall Reign. Rejoice - The Lord Is King. Hark. Ten Thousands Harps And Voices. Hail, Thou Once-Despised Jesus. Sooner Or Later. There'll Be Not Dark Valley. Will Jesus Find Us Watching. When We See Christ. When He Cometh. Jesus Is Coming Again. Lo. He Comes, With Clouds Descending. What If It Were Today. For God So Loved The World. He Is Coming Again. Christ Returneth. What A Gathering. Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove. Blessed Quietness. Channels Only. The Comforter Has Come. Fill Me Now. Open The Eyes That I May See. Holy Ghost, with Light Divine. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. Cleanse Me. Holy Spirit, Now Outpoured. Even Me. Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide. O Breath Of Life. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. O Word Of God Incarnate. Thy Word Is Like A Garden, Lord. The Old Book and the Old Faith. Standing On The Promises. Break Thou The Bread Of Life. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart. The Bible Stands. Holy Bible, Book Divine. Lord God, Our Thanks To Thee We Raise. Onward, Christian Soldiers. O Where Are Kings And Empires Now. Faith of Our Fathers. A Glorious Church. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. The Church's One Foundation. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. In Jordan's Stream. We Bless The Name Of Christ, The Lord. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face. According To Thy Gracious Word. No, Not Desparingly. Ye Must Be Born Again. Look And Live. Blessed be the Fountain. Hallelujah, 'Tis Done. There Is Power In The Blood. Christ Receiveth Sinful Men. My Sins Are Blotted Out, I Know. He Is Able To Deliver Thee. In Times Like These. Whosoever Will. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. Once For All. Wonderful Grace Of Jesus. O Happy Day. Are You Washed In The Blood. Grace Greater Than Our Sin. Saved By The Blood. Hallelujah For The Cross. Nothing But The Blood. The Light Of The World Is Jesus. Verily, Verily. Nor Silver, Nor Gold. Look To The Lamb Of God. Jesus Thy Blood And Righteousness. Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary. Grace. 'Tis A Charming Sound. I'll Stand Until Morning. Thank You, Lord. There Is A Fountain. Arise My Soul, Arise. I Know Whom I Have Believed. I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say. My Savior. The Cleansing Wave. My Faith Has Found A Resting Place. Tell Me The Old, Old Story. Saved, Saved. Jesus Saves. When I See The Blood. Depth Of Mercy. Wonderful Words Of Life. Pass Me Not. Amazing Grace. Why Do You Wait. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing. Art Thou Weary. I Am Coming, Lord. Have You Any Room For Jesus. Jesus, I Come. Room At The Cross For You. Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. I Am Praying For You. Softly And Tenderly. Jesus Is Calling. Why Not Now. Just As I Am. God's Final Call. Almost Persuaded. Only Trust Him. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Come To The Savior. Blessed Assurance. It Is Well With My Soul. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. He Hideth My Soul. The Rock That Is Higher Than I. Is My Name Written There. Trust and Obey. Trusting Jesus. A Shelter In The Time Of The Storm. In the Garden. We Have An Anchor. Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy. All Things Work Out For Good. How Firm A Foundation. Under His Wings. The Haven Of Rest. My Anchor Holds. The Solid Rock. Walk In The Light. Jesus Never Fails. I Belong To The King. In The Hour Of Trial. O Thou, In Whose Presence. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus. A Child Of The King. Moment by Moment. Never Alone. Hiding In Thee. Yesterday, Today, Forever. Sweet Peace, The Gift Of God's Love. Peace, Perfect Peace. Com, Ye Disconsolate. Like A River Glorious. Wonderful Peace. Does Jesus Care. Be Still, My Soul. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Surely Goodness And Mercy. The Lord's My Shepherd. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. He Leadeth Me. All The Way My Savior Leads Me. God Will Take Care of You. God Leads Us Along. Day by Day. More Secure Is No One Ever. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is. Lead Me, Savior. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me. Savior, More Than Life To Me. Just One Step At A Time. A Passion For Souls. I With Thee Would Begin. Higher Ground. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. Whiter Than Snow. We Would See Jesus. O Perect Love. Stepping In The Light. I Am Thine, O Lord. Deeper And Deeper. O To Be Like Thee. A Charge To Keep I Have. i need Thee Every hour. I Would Be True. O I Want To Be Like Jesus. Nothing Between. Near To Thy Heart. More Love To Thee. A Student's Prayer. Moe Like The Master. More About Jesus. O For A Faith That Will Not Shrink. Close To Thee. Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus. Fill All My Vision. Make Me A Channel Of Blessing. My Jesus, I Love Thee. May The Lind of Christ, My Savior. Be Thou My Vision. God Of Our Youth. O For A Closer Walk With God. Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord. O Grant Thy Touch. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go. Nearer, Still Nearer. Something for Thee. Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone. I Want A Principle Within. I Must Tell Jesus. 'Tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer. Teach Me To Pray. Tell It To Jesus. The Beautiful Garden Of Prayer. There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing. Teach Me To Trust. Near The Cross. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Leave It There. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. From Every Stormy Wind That Blows. Near to the Heart of God. Nearer, My God, to Thee. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind. My Faith Looks Up To Thee. Speak Lord In The Stillness. Sweet Hour of Prayer. More Holiness Give Me. Dare To Be A Daniel. Yield Not To Temptation. Are Ye Able, Said The Master. Give Me Thy Heart. His Way With Thee. Have I Done My Best For Jesus. Give Of Your Best To The Master. Count Your Blessings. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning. Who Is On The Lord's Side. You May Have The Joy-Bells. Jesus Calls Us. I Gave My Life For Thee. Take Time To Be Holy. Fight The Good Fight. Rise Up, O Men Of God. Is Your All On The Altar. Trust, Try and Prove Me. Follow, I Will Follow Thee. Where He Leads Me. Take The World, But Give Me Jesus. All For Jesus. True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. I Am Resolved. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken. A Flag To Follow. O Jesus, I Have Promised. Take My Life and Let It Be. I Surrender All. Only One Life. I'll Live For Him. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. Follow On. My Heart's Prayer. Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be. Where He Leads I'll Follow. Faith Is The Victory. Soldiers Of Christ, Arise. The Fight is On. My Soul, Be on Thy Guard. I'm A Soldier. Lead On, O King Eternal. Loyalty To Christ. Hold The Fort. The Banner Of The Cross. Victory Through Grace. The Son Of God Goes Forth To War. Sound The Battle Cry. Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. Ye Christian Heralds. So Send I You. I Christ There Is No East Or West. Must I Go, And Empty-Handed. The Call for Reapers. Bringing In The Sheaves. Go Tell The Untold Millions. Anywhere With Jesus. We've a Story to Tell. Send The Light. Seeking the Lost. Throw Out The Life-Line. Go Ye Into All The World. To The Work. Ready. O Zion, Haste. I Love To Tell The Story. Rescue the Perishing. From Greenland's Ice Mountains. Hail To The Brightness. Lord, Speak To Me. Bring Them In. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. Footsteps Of Jesus. Work, For The Night Is Coming. I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go. Love Lifted Me. Praise Him. Praise Him. There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth. There's A Wilderness In God's Mercy. No, Not One. Satisfied. The Lily Of The Valley. He Ransomed Me. To God Be The Glory. Isn't The Love Of Jesus Something Wonderful. Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus. My Savior's Love. He Keeps Me Singing. What A Wonderful Savior. In My Heart There Rings A Melody. He Is So Precious To Me. In My Heart. Ring The Bells Of Heaven. He Lifted Me. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. O It Is Wonderful. Sunshine In My Soul. All That Thrills My Soul. I Will Praise Him. Springs Of Living Water. Christ Liveth In Me. Since I Have Been Redeemed. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story. I've Found A Friend. Jesus Is All The World To Me. Love Found A Way. Heavenly Sunlight. Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul. Only A Sinner. Redeemed. It Is Glory To Walk With Him. At Calvary. Constantly Abiding. Jesus Loves Me. In Tenderness He Sought Me. Sunlight. Walking In The Light. O How I Love Jesus. Still Sweeter Every Day. Revive Us Again. Sweeter As The Years Go By. Now I Belong To Jesus. My Redeemer. Glory To His Name. When Love Shines In. Heavenly Joy Is Ringing. Jesus Loves Even Me. Since The Savior Found Me. It's Just Like His Great Love. Unsearchable Riches. Victory In Jesus. When Can I Read My Title Clear. When We All Get To Heaven. I've A Home Beyond The River. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. After. My Savior First Of All. My Home, Sweet Home. Sweet By And By. O That Will Be Glory. Meet Me There. When We All Get Home. For All The Saints. The Sands Of Time Are Sinking. Shall We Gather at the River. Face To Face. Saved By Grace. He The Pearly Gates Will Open. We're Marching to Zion. Beulah Land. I'm Going Home. On Jordan's Stormy Banks. Over The Sunset Mountains. Great God, We Sing That Mighty Hand. Another Year Is Dawning. Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life. Our Thanks, Of God, For Fathers. Happy The Home When God Is There. Gracious Savior, Who Didst Honor. A Christian Home. Come, Ye Thankful People. Thanks To God. The Star-Spangled Banner. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. America The Beautiful. God Of Our Fathers. We Bid Thee Welcome. Let All The World In Every Corner Sing. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord. Almighty Father, Hear Our Prayer. All Things Come Of Thee. We Give Thee But Thine Own. Stand Up For Jesus. Geibel. Stand Up For Jesus. Webb.


Velika Himne vjere. Crven. raspoređeni po raznim. Za SATB zbor. Benson pjesmarice. Sveto, Moderna Christian. Slavopojni. Objavio Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.2598655367. ISBN 9781598021219. Sveto, Moderna Christian. 5,75 x 8,12 inča. Pripremili master tekstopisac i aranžer John W. Peterson, Velika Himne Vjere je skup trajanju, klasične pjesme te je osmišljen kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe župe, pjevačkih skupina i obitelji s jakim zahvalnost za običajima u crkvi. Himne su raspoređeni po temama, uz velikodušnu cross-pozivom za himni s raspoloživim Alternativna pjesme, himne sa sličnim metru, odnosno mjestima iste himnu napjev u alternativnoj ključu. Osjetljivi čitanja, indeks pjesama uzima iz Svetog pisma i sveobuhvatne tematska indeksa zajedno čine Velike Himne Vjere klasični štovanje alat i snalažljiv referentni vodič za bezvremensku hymnody. Pjesme su. 'Tis Midnight - I na maslinovom čelo -' Tis tako slatko da vjerujemo u Isusa - 'Tis Blažena Sat molitve - Naknada za ostanak imam - dijete kralja. - Christian Početna - Zastava slijediti - Slavna Crkva - Mighty tvrđava je naš Bog - Strast za duše - utočište u doba Oluje - student molitva - ostati kod mene - Prema tebi svidjelo Word - Nakon - Jao. I je li moj spasitelj Bleed. - Svi Stvorenja našeg Boga - Sve za Isusa - Sve Slava Isusu - svu slavu, hvaliti i časti - All Hail snaga - Svi ljudi koji na Zemlji činiti dobro - sve što uzbuđenjima My Soul - All My Way Spasitelj vodi me - Sve stvari dolaze od tebe - Sve stvari raditi za dobro - svemogući Oče, čuj našu molitvu - Gotovo nagovor - Am IA Soldier Of The Cross. - Amazing Grace - Amerika Beautiful - Pradavnome - i mogu li biti da sam ramena Steknite. - Anđeli smo čuli o Visokom - Anđeli, iz oblasti Glory - Još jedna godina je Svitanje - Bilo gdje s Isusom - Što ste u mogućnosti, rekao je majstor - Jeste li opran u Krvi. - Ustani My Soul, ustani. - Lud Umorno. - Kao što je s veseljem starima - na Kalvariji - na križanju - daleko u jaslicama - Bitka Himna Republike - Budite mirni, My Soul - Budi Moja vizija - Begin, moj jezik, neki Nebeski Tema - Ispod križa Isus - Beulah Land - blagoslivljati Gospodina - Blažena Osiguranje - Blagoslovljen Fontana - Blagoslovljen Ime - Blažena Kalvarija. - Blagoslovljen dan odmora i razveseliti - Blažena Mir - Blažena Otkupitelja - Blest Budite veza koja veže - Break si kruh života - Breathe On Me, Božji dah - Braćo, susreli smo se obožavati - Donesite ih u - Dovođenje u snopova - opterećuje se podižu na Kalvariji - kanale - Krist je uskrsnuo - Krist je uskrsnuo od mrtvih - Krist živješe u meni - Krist prima grešnika - Krist Returneth. - Krist Gospodin. Tematska pjesma index sa 113 naslova. MetriÀka index. Abecedni popis naslova i prva linija. 58 Osjetljivi čitanja. Pozivi na bogoslužje. Blagoslova. Indeks selekcijama iz Pisma. Hvala Bogu koga svi blagoslovi Flow. Gospodin u svojem svetom Hramu. Slava Ocu. O Obožavanje kralja. Ljubav Divine. Pjevajte hvalu Bogu koji vlada iznad. Hvalite Trojstveni Bože. Počnite, moj jezik, neki Nebeski Tema. Neki, Ti Svemogući kralj. Hvalite Naš Bog. Svi ljudi koji na Zemlji činiti dobro. Njegova blagonaklonost. O Bože, naša pomoć u davnine. Kad sve tvoje Mercies, Bože moj. Velika God of Wonders. Hvalite Gospodin, Svemogući. Bog vječne slave. Braćo, susreli smo se na bogoslužju. Gospodin je kralj. Dođi ti vrelo. Sada smo svi Hvala Bogu našemu. Bog Abrahamov Praise. Slavimo Tebe, Bože, naš Otkupitelj. Mi smo okupiti. Pradavni. Dođite, mi tu ljubav Gospodin. Mi uvećajte našeg Boga Oca. Veliki Stvoritelj. Raduj se, Ye čista srca. Ja Pjevaj Moćna Sila Boga. Sveti Bože, slavimo ime tvoje. Hvalite Gospodina. Nebesa, Obožavam ga. Blagoslovi Gospodin. Sva stvorenja našeg Boga. Blagoslovljen Ime. Stand Up And blagoslivljati Gospodina. Immortal, Nevidljivi. Pohvala, My Soul, King of Heaven. Mighty tvrđava je naš Bog. Kolika si ti. Veselo, Radosna, klanjamo Ti. To je svijet moga oca. Tvoja je vjernost velika. Oh, on je Wonderful Spasitelja. All Hail moć. I mogu biti da sam ramena Steknite. Sluge Božjega, diplomu proglašenju. O Za tisuću jezika. Sve Slava Isusu. Njegov Nenadmašiv isplati. Veliko nam SAVIOR. Najpravedniji Gospodine Isuse. Hvalite spasitelj. Majestic Slatkoća stoluje. Kako slatko ime Isusa Zvuci. Za ljepotom zemlje. Dođite, kršćani, Pridružite pjevati. I Njegov Am I On Is Mine. Isuse, ja sam Odmaranje. Isuse, pomisli na Tebe. Veliki liječnik. Pastir nestrpljivih mladeži. O Deep, Deep Isusove ljubavi. Okruniti ga s mnogim krunicama. Uzmi ime Isusa s vama. Isusovo ime. Isus. Isus. Isus. Kako to može biti. O dan odmora i radosti. Sigurno Kroz drugi tjedan. Sveti, Sveti, Sveti. Blažena dan odmora i razveseliti. Ipak, još uvijek s tobom. Moj Isus Krist za svaku pohvalu. Sada dan je više. Ostati kod mene. Spasitelj, Diši An Evening blagoslov. Sunce moje duše. Dan umire na Zapadu. Softly Sada svjetlo dana. Gospodine, Odbaci nam tvoj blagoslov. Spasitelj, opet tvojim Dragi ime. Bog s vama. O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Hajde, ti Long-Očekivani Isus. Silent Night. Holy Night. Gost u jaslama. Joy To The World. U pećini. Anđeli smo čuli o Visokom. On je došao Nakon ponoći Clear. Prvo Noel. O gradiću Betlehemu. Slušati. Herald Angels Sing. Što je dijete ovo. Dok pastiri Gledao svoja stada. Kao što je s veseljem starima. Tu je pjesmu u zraku. Čuo sam zvona na Božić. Anđeli, iz oblasti Glory. O Dođite, svi ste vjerni. Ti si 'Ostavi Throne. Isuse, Wonderful Gospodin. Jednog dana. Immortal Ljubav-Forever Cijeli. To lijepo ime. Reci mi priča o Isusu. Hosana, Hosana Loud. Sve Glory, Laud i Honor. Vozi Na. Vožnja na U Veličanstva. Avaj jao meni. I je li moj spasitelj Bleed. Što ćete učiniti s Isusom. Blažena Otkupitelja. Stari Čvrsto križ. Tu je Green Hill Far Away. Ivory Palače. O Sveto voditelj, sad Ranjen. Bio je ranjen za naše grijehe. Kad sam Anketa o čudesnoj križ. 'Tis Midnight - I na maslinovom čelo. Otvoren za mene. Blažena Kalvarija. Zašto. U Kristovu križu I Glory. Vodi me na Kalvariju. Isus je to sve Plaćeni. Stijena od vijeku. Aleluja. Što Spasitelja. Ranjen za mene. Na križu. Bog je utjelovljena, Isus je došao. Podignite, podignite svoje glasove Sada. Živi. Svadljivost O'er. Znam da moj Izbavitelj živi. Sudnjem danu. Krist je uskrsnuo iz mrtvih. Krist Gospodin je uskrsnuo danas. Krist je uskrsnuo. Zlatnim harfama Jeste Sondiranje. Širom otvorena vrata, i vi. Pogledajte Ye Saints. Pogled je slavna. Isus će vladati. Radujte - Gospodin je kralj. Slušati. Deset tisuća harfe i glasovi. Zdravo, Ti Jednom prezrenog Isus. Prije ili kasnije. Tu ćete Nije Tamno Valley. Hoće li Isus Pronađite nas Gledanje. Kada vidimo Krista. Kad dođe. Jesus Is Coming Again. To. On dolazi, s oblacima silazno. Što ako je to danas. Jer Bog je tako ljubio svijet. On dolazi opet. Krist Returneth. Što Okupljanje. Dođite, Duh Sveti, Nebeski Dove. Blažena Mir. Kanali samo. Branitelj prešla. Ispunite Me Now. Otvorite oči koje sam možda vidjeti. Duh Sveti, uz lagane Božanskim. Dišite na mene, Božji dah. Operi me. Duh Sveti, sada Outpoured. Čak me. Duh Sveti, Vjeran Vodič. O dah života. Duh Božji, obrušiti My Heart. O Riječi Božje utjelovljene. Tvoja Riječ je poput vrta, Gospodinu. Stara knjiga i Old Faith. Stojeći na obećanjima. Break Ti kruh života. Tvoje Riječi, skrio sam u mom srcu. Biblija Štandovi. Biblija, Knjiga Divine. Gospodine Bože, našu zahvalnost Tebi podižemo. Nadalje, kršćanski vojnici. O Gdje su kraljevi i Empires Sada. Vjera naših otaca. Slavna Crkva. Slavna Stvari o Tebi govori. Jedan temelje Crkve. Blest Budite veza koja veže. Volim tvoje kraljevstvo Gospodina. U Jordana Stream. Mi Bless ime Krista, Gospodara. Evo, O Gospodine moj, ja vidim Tebe licem u lice. Prema tebi svidjelo Word. Ne, ne Desparingly. Vi mora roditi Opet. Pogledajte i Live. Blagoslovljen Fontana. Aleluja, 'Tis Done. Tu je snaga u krvi. Krist prima grešnika. Moji grijesi izbrisao, ja znam. On je mogao izbaviti. U vremenima poput ovih. Whosoever Will. Uključite oči nakon Isusa. Jednom Za Sve. Wonderful milosti Isusa. O Happy Day. Jeste li opran u Krvi. Grace je veći od našega grijeha. Spašen po krvi. Hallelujah zbog križa. Nothing But The Blood. Svjetlo svijeta je Isus. Uistinu, uistinu,. Ni srebra, ni zlata. Potražite Za Jaganjče Božji. Isuse Tvoja krv i pravednost. Tereti se podižu na Kalvariji. Milost. 'Tis Charming Sound. Stajat ću do jutra. Hvala ti, Gospodine. Tu je fontana. Ustani My Soul, ustani. Ja znam koje sam vjerovao. Sam čuo plač Isus rekao. Moj Spasitelj. Čišćenje Wave. Moja vjera je pronašao počivalište. Reci mi je stari, Old Story. Spremljeno, Spremljeno. Isus spašava. Kad vidim krv. Dubina od Milosrđa. Prekrasne riječi života. Pass Me Not. Amazing Grace. Zašto čekati. O Isuse, ti si Standing. Lud Umorno. Ja dolazim, Gospodine. Imate li mjesta za Isusa. Isuse, dolazim. Soba na križu za tebe. Neka Isus ući u tvoje srce. Ja molim za vas. Tiho i nježno. Isus vas zove. Zašto ne sada. Kao što sam. Božja Final Call. Gotovo na nagovor. Samo povjerenja u njega. Gospodine, dolazim kući. Dođite na Spasitelja. Blažena Osiguranje. To je dobro s moje duše. 'Tis Dakle Sweet vjerovati u Isusa. Krije My Soul. Stijena koja je viša od mene. Je li moje ime napisano Postoji. Povjerenje i poštujte. Vjerujući Isus. Utočište u doba Oluje. U vrtu. Imamo Sidro. Fade, Fade, Svaki zemaljski Joy. Sve stvari raditi za dobro. Kako Firm Foundation. Pod njegovim krilima. Haven odmora. Moj Sidro presuđuje. Solid Rock. Hodati u svjetlu. Isus nikada ne. Pripadam kralja. U sat suđenje. O Ti, u čijoj je prisutnost. Ja sam Vjerujući Tebe, Gospodine Isuse!. A Child Of The King. Iz trenutka u trenutak. Nikada Alone. Skrivanje u Tebi. Jučer, danas, zauvijek. Sweet Mir, dar Božje ljubavi. Mir, mir Savršen. Com, Ye neutješan. Kao rijeka Glorious. Wonderful Mir. Isus je stalo. Budite Ipak, My Soul. Vodič me, O Ti Veliki Jahve. Sigurno dobrotu i milosrđe. Gospodnja Moj Shepherd. Spasitelj, kao pastir uvedi nas. On me upravlja. Sve Way Moj Spasitelj me vodi. Bog će se pobrinuti za vas. Bog nas vodi uz. Iz dana u dan. Više Sigurno je nitko nikada. King Of Love My Shepherd je. Vodi me, Spasitelj. Isus, Spasitelj, pilot Me. Spasitelj, More Than Life To Me. Samo jedan korak u isto vrijeme. Strast za duše. Ja s tobom će početi. Uzvisinu. Ispod Isusov križ. Bjelji od snijega. Mi bismo vidjeti Isusa. O Perect Ljubav. Ulazeći u svjetlu. Ja sam Tvoja, Gospode. Dublje i dublje. O biti kao ti. Naknada za ostanak imam. trebam tebe svaki sat. Ja bih bio True. O Želim biti poput Isusa. Ništa Između. Blizu k srcu. Više Ljubav Za Tebe. Student molitva. Moe Kao Master. Više o Isusu. O Za vjeru koja neće Stisni. Zatvori Za Tebe. Sjedeći na noge Isusu. Ispunite sve Moja vizija. Make Me Channel blagoslov. Moj Isuse, volim Te. Svibanj Lind Krista, Spasitelja. Budi Moja vizija. Bože naših mladih. O za bliži hoda s Bogom. Učite mi svoj put, Gospodine. O Grant Thy Touch. O ljubavi koja Hoćeš Ne Let Me Go. Bliže, ipak Bliže. Nešto za tebe. Mora Isus nosi križ Alone. I Want princip unutar. Moram reći Isusa. 'Tis Blažena Sat molitve. Nauči me moliti. Reci Isusu. Lijepa Vrt molitve. Bit će to kiša blagoslova. Nauči da vjerujem. Uz križ. Isuse, Lover of My Soul. Ostavite ga tamo. Što prijatelj imamo u Isusu. Iz svakog olujnoj vjetar koji puše. Blizu Srcu Boga. Bliže, Bože moj, Tebi. Dragi Gospodine i otac čovječanstva. Moja vjera gleda sa Tobom. Govori, Gospodine u miru. Sweet Sat molitve. Više Svetost Give Me. Usudite se biti Daniel. Prinos Ne iskušenju. Što ste u mogućnosti, rekao je Master. Daj mi svoje srce. Njegov put s tobom. Sam učinio moj najbolji za Isusa. Daj od svoje najbolje na master. Brojati svoje blagoslove. Neka donjem Svjetla biti gori. Tko je na Gospodnjoj strani. Vi svibanj imati radost-Bells. Isus poziva nas. Dao sam svoj život za Tebe. Uzmite si vremena da bude sveta. Bij dobar boj. Ustani, o ljudi Božji. Je li Vaša Sve na oltaru. Povjerenje, probajte i dokazati me. Slijedi, I Will Follow Tebe. Gdje me vodi. Uzmite u svijetu, ali daj mi Isusa. Sve za Isusa. Srdačan, svesrdni. Neka ti je pak svoj način, Gospodine. Ja sam Riješeno. Isuse, moj križ poduzeli. Zastava slijediti. O Isuse, ja obećali. Take My Life and Let It Be. Ja predaju. Samo jedan život. Živjet ću za njega. Ja sam odlučio slijediti Isusa. Pratite On. Moje srce je molitva. Isuse, te će ga ikada biti. Gdje vodi ću slijediti. Vjera je pobjeda. Vojnici Krista, ustani. Borba je Uključeno. My Soul, budite na Tvojoj garde. Ja sam vojnik. Olovo On, kralju Vječni!. Odanost Kristu. Držite Utvrda. Barjak Križa. Pobjeda milošću. Sin Božji izađe u rat. Zvuk bojni poklič. Jesam li Soldier Of The Cross. Ye kršćanski navjestitelji. Pa ja šaljem vas. I Krist Ne postoji istok ili zapad. Moram ići, i praznih ruku. Poziv za žeteocima. Dovođenje u snopova. Idi Recite Neispričana Millions. Bilo gdje s Isusom. Imamo priču. Pošalji svjetlu. Tražim The Lost. Izbaciti Life-Line. Pođite po svem svijetu. S radom. Spreman. O Zion, Žurba. I Love ispričati priču. Spašavanje se propasti. Od Grenland je Ice planinama. Tuča na svjetlinu. Gospodine, razgovarati sa mnom. Donesite ih u. O Gospodaru, Let Me Šetnja s tobom. Isusovim stopama. Rad, za noć dolazi. Ja ću ići gdje želite da odem. Ljubav me Lifted. Hvalite ga. Hvalite ga. Nema imena tako slatko na Zemlji. Postoji Wilderness u Božje milosrđe. Ne, nije jedan. Zadovoljan. Đurđice. On me otkupio. Bogu slava. Nije li Isusova ljubav nešto predivno. Divni, divni Isuse. Moj Spasitelja ljubav. On drži me Pjevanje. Što Wonderful Spasitelja. U mom srcu ima prsteni Melody. On je toliko dragocjeno To Me. U mom srcu. Zvone zvona Neba. On me podiže. Naslonjena na vječne ruke. O to je divno. Sunshine In My Soul. Sve to uzbuđenjima My Soul. Ja ću ga hvalite. Izvore voda života. Krist živješe u meni. Budući da sam otkupljena. Pjevat ću čudesno Story. Ja sam pronašao prijatelja. Isus je sve na svijetu za mene. Ljubav pronašao način. Nebeski Sunčeva svjetlost. Nebo je sišao i slava Ispunjen My Soul. Samo Sinner. Otkupio. To je Slava hodati s Njim. Na Kalvariji. Stalno Abiding. Isus me voli. U Nježnost On me tražili. Sunčana svjetlost. Pješačka u svjetlu. O Kako Volim Isusa. Još uvijek slađe Svaki dan. Oživite nas opet. Slađe kako godine prolaze. Sada ja pripadam Isusu. Moj Otkupitelj. Slava na svoje ime. Kad ljubav sja u. Nebeski Joy zvoni. Isus voli čak i mene. Budući Spasitelj me našli. To je baš kao i njegova velika ljubav. Neistražljivo bogatstvo. Pobjeda u Isusu. Kad mogu pročitati moj naslov Očisti. Kada smo svi dobili na nebu. Imam Home onu stranu rijeke. Kad Roll pozvat će tamošnje. Nakon. Moj Spasitelj, prije svega. Moj dom, Sweet Home. Sweet Do I Do. O koja će biti slava. Upoznajte me tamo. Kada smo svi dobili dom. Na sve svete. Pijesak vremena tonu. Shall We okupljaju po rijeci. Licem u lice. Spašeni milošću. On Pearly Gates će otvoriti. Mi smo Marching Sionu. Beulah Land. Idem kući. Na Jordana olujnoj banaka. Over the Sunset planinama. Veliki Bože, pjevamo To Mighty ruku. Još jedna godina je Svitanje. Gdje Ubačaj prepunoj načina života. Naši Hvala, Boga, za oci. Happy Home Kad Bog je tu. Milostivi Spasitelj, koji si Honor. Christian Home. Dođite, zahvalni ljudi. Zahvaljujući Bogu. Star-Spangled Banner. Moja zemlja, 'Tis od tebe. Battle Hymn Republike. Amerika Beautiful. God of Our Fathers. Sudjelujte Mi Tebe Dobrodošli. Neka sve Svijet u svakom kutku Sing. Usliši nas, Gospodine. Svemogući Oče, čuj našu molitvu. Sve stvari dolaze od tebe. Mi dam ti nego tvoja neka Own. Stand Up za Isusa. Geibel. Stand Up za Isusa. Webb.