Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Beyond The Sunset. Over the Sunset planinama. Raznovrstan.
Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Beyond The Sunset. Over the Sunset planinama. JB, Brown.
Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Beyond The Sunset. Over the Sunset planinama. KJV, Dawn Blue.
Prijevod: Samo Standardi Prava knjiga. iz "Strike Up the Band '. iz 'Strike Up The Band. Dock of the Bay. iz 'The Pirate'.
Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Beyond The Sunset. Over the Sunset planinama. KJV, neukoričen.
Prijevod: Pohvala. Joy To The World. Nothing But The Blood. Beyond The Sunset. Over the Sunset planinama. JB, neukoričen.