Prijevod: The Very Best of Lionela Richieja. The Very Best of Lionela Richieja. Dancing on the Ceiling. Piano note.
Prijevod: Dock of the Bay. We Are the World. Lionel Richie. Dock of the Bay. Top of the World.
Prijevod: Lionel Richie Antologija Lionel Richie. Klavir, Vocal, Guitar note. Glas note. Gitara note. Srednji. Za Piano.
Prijevod: Lionel Richie - renesansa - Piano Software. Lionel Richie - renesansa - Piano Software. Piano note. Disk.
Prijevod: Najvećem svjetskom Pop Sheet Music. Dancing Queen. Diana Ross i Lionel Richie. Over the Rainbow. Raznovrstan.
Prijevod: Billboard Hot 100s 1970-ih - 1980. The Doobie Brothers. Dancing Queen. We Are The World. Dancing Queen.
Prijevod: Potpun. Glas note. Piano note. Za klavirom i glasom. Vokalna muzika. Pjesmarica. Objavio Carisch izdanje. M7.ML-2316.