A vague shadow lurking in the dark, A sane man's worst nightmare, A vision containing death, As a wake in honour of himself, For equal sane mortals, It
FA?ste gaongen di kom va ra med kvite krist A? krA?ss, A maonge ao A?ss nekta A? ta imot dinna bysle krist, men nA?ken ao A?ss svikta. Jor A? stidling
gudn Nor si ti. Yst i Lomeldi, heimsta Slind vart 'a pao Hydneshaugen i ran sista helfti ao ra fjera aorhondra lakt ain haug fA?r ain windir. Ai mannalaonge
I mA?dlo fjedl A? fjora. staor krigaradn, mi ekkje tjora, RA?vhaugadn. Mi staor pao vaor A?fferplass, komma ska rai gudadn her oppao RA?vhaugadn. Lyden
Ai jenta gjikk i krystallnatti, hinna skjede so raine A? uA?pna. Hinna haor blafra i ran kalde vindn I maonaskjine saog ho ljA?se ao vegen. Vegen ti han
Every move that we make are for our own sake You see yourself in the eye of others, why the hell do you bother? You are the civil man dying for a Promised
Bondn fA?r oppstaobeel aolaina han for, ottamaole ra va A? aovabA?re sto. utn styvingen fA? i huga han va, sjao jite budkapen pao Flo. Fram om Flatadn
The Mountain of Goats I shall reign A sight where hate gains A sight where evil reigns The mountain of Goats Under the sign of the Devil Chanting our
Svartesmien budde pao Bjeddla i Saogndal. Da va dai daga dao ra draiv tradl i adle grende, or haug a hamra, adle staa i frao, a gjore jabnast ubya. Some
It is he who holds the power - It is he who reflects the will - It is he who reigns the masses - It is he who urges to win - It is he who lights the fire
MA?rke spaigla mine kjainsle, men da e ait hA?l i spaiggedl. Ait hA?l so ikkje enda, akkorat so sakne i sjeli mi. HA?le e so sakne i sjeli mi. Sakne e
Mistress of beauty come dance with me, Let your soul into my obscurity, Walk with me through the fields of fire, I will fulfit your utter desire, Feel
Sognafjorden ligge mA?rke og blanke MA?ddlo viddle fjeddl Braott so lyse so lyse fjorden opp Frao himmedl hA?yre ein tordenskreddl Eit dimt lys so bli
Seduced by the fire of power Blessed with the gift of deception I will become the reigning master Fullfilling my desires for perfection My strength is
Saognarike si herskarinne e krigarn A? herskarn si kvinna. Svikara vi ho ikkje ha i si ver, daira liv ska enda me A?ks A? sverd. HA?yr pao hinna vise
Her inne mA?dlo Fimraite A? aorA?ya e framtii sine krigara, uredde A? stA?lte e rai klar ti A? drepa, fA? gudadn dai alt vi gjera. Laia ao krigaren so
On the horizon I stand, Watching the fallen men, Victims of hatred, greed and desire, In retrospect I feel no anger, Only a urge for something higher,
Gje han evig kvile Gje han sjelefred Gje han sA¦lt minne Martyrium evig liv Gir ein heila livet Martyrium da blir Vis han evig kvile Vis han sjelefred