Prijevod: Novčić od šest penija Ništa bogatiji. Ljubav, Spasenje, strah od smrti.
Prijevod: Novčić od šest penija Ništa bogatiji. Ljubav, Spasenje, strah od smrti [Dance Mix Intro].
Love, salvation, the fear of death love, salvation, the fear of death love, salvation, the fear of death [ Dance Mix Intro ]
so close and I can't even tell I'm so afraid I'll amount to nothing 'cause I don't have much to love much to love much to love much to love
m so close and I can't even tell I'm so afraid I'll amount to nothing 'cause I don't have much to love [much to love much to love much to love]
: Love, salvation, the fear of death love, salvation, the fear of death love, salvation, the fear of death [ Dance Mix Intro ]
so close and I can't even tell I'm so afraid I'll amount to nothing 'cause I don't have much to love [much to love much to love much to love]