Long afloat on shipless oceans I did all my best to smile 'Til your singing eyes and fingers Drew me loving to your isle Sail to me Sail to me Let me
(Tim Buckley/Larry Beckett) Long afloat on shipless oceans I did all my best to smile 'Til your singing eyes and fingers Drew me loving to your isle
Prijevod: Moonlight Mile soundtrack. Pjesma The Siren [Robert Plant].
Prijevod: Robert Plant. Pjesma Za Sirena.
: (Tim Buckley/Larry Beckett) Long afloat on shipless oceans I did all my best to smile 'Til your singing eyes and fingers Drew me loving to your isle
Long afloat on shipless oceans I did all my best to smile 'Til your singing eyes and fingers Drew me loving to your isle And you sang Sail to me Sail