standing Standing on the picket line I said I'm standing Standing on the picket line I'm standing Standing on the picket line I'm standing Standing on the picket line
Prijevod: Kolac Line. Čak i na nebu nose Switchblades.
Prijevod: Kolac Line. I čvrsto spavati Ja sam tvoj Sve.
Prijevod: Kolac Line. Smanjujuće na mostovima.
Prijevod: Kolac Line. Prazna koridori.
Prijevod: Nepoznat. Dolje na kolac Line.
I wait here, but you?ve left us. I can only watch as you drift away. I wish you only had more time. So I sit and stare as the world turns grey, your
I am so tired of this runaround. You said you were destiny then you destined me to shape mine alone. I?ve learned too well. If there?s no paradise then
wish that I could see but my eyes are as good as glass to me. And now its hard to breathe only seeing what I with could be mine. When do we draw the line
baked (on my arms) and she said tiptoe my waters, but I only slid on the glass. And I?m sorry for me too, I was born on a fault line. God couldn?t have
So pinch me, I?m dreaming and I just need to wake up. And I can?t believe that this could happen again, that me and you are close again for the time.
And she moves me across the floor and I can see the way she moves so softly to the beat that she feels in her soul. With every step you take, with poise
I?m plotting what ill say to you last night now go lay dawn and pen out your mind. Now concentrate as I squeeze out the juice from the twinkle in her
I am walking in this world of cardboard cutouts and I can?t fall asleep. This wont get better will it, when will I learn to dream. Visions burned into
Where is "The Black In White"...
This passion I can?t hold, cracks entice this wall on a dream that now forever falls? I?m begging you to turn back now; I just can?t reach you, turn
So hold my heart so close, ill close my eyes, is this how I? Every time? And every time I?m alive I realize that these are? So crawl? And when we