Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haa Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haa Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haa Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo
price we have to pay Around the world they're fightin', it's not that far away Feel the darkness, can we change our ways? We line in the American zone
some kind of a trap and we are supposed to die In the Neutral Zone we are all alone in the Neutral Zone We'd better get away there's no reason
(Spirits Of The Dead) Thy soul shall find itself crying alone Mid dark thoughts of gray tomb-stone Not one, of all the crowd Into the hour of horror
Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haha Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haha Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haha Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia
I've looked her in the eyes for the last time Tears fell down, they were so bitter She asked me not to forget, it felt like the last Summer While I said
Mai ai hee Mai ai huu Mai ai haa Mai ai haa haa (x4) Hello, Salute, it's me, your duke And I made, something that's real, to show you, how I feel Hello
x4 Ma-i-a-hii Ma-i-a-huu Ma-i-a-haa Ma-i-a-haa-haa Alo, Salut, sunt eu, un haiduc, Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea. Alo, alo, sunt eu
Oooo, stii de ce plang chitarele? Le-au ranit amintirile, Tu iubire spune-le, Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut! De ce plang chitarele Stiu doar felinarele
De noptile calde iti vei aminti Toata iarna daca vii cu mine, Ziua vom dormi pana va veni Sarbatoarea noptile de vis. Da-mi iubirea ta, Ia-o pe a mea
Ma trezesc cu tine-n gand Despre tine vreau sa cant Melodia mea de dor Care place tuturor. Nu raspunzi la SMS, Eu iti scriu atat de des Poate m
Hello everybody, noi suntem O-zone Am venit pentru dmneavoastra, sub fereastra, s v Cint m ceva, cantecele de dor O-zone pentru voi in aceasta seara
visele mele, Sa-ti spun cat imi doresc, Sa ma privesti ca-nainte Cand incercai sa iubesti. Te vreau aici langa mine Sa te-ncalzesc numai eu. Cu-o aripa
De-o fi cumva sa fim vreodata Loviti de sus de-o soarta stramba Mai bine muti o viata toata Decat lipsiti de-a noastra limba. De-o alta nu-mi strigati
Am privit-o in ochi, ultima oara Lacrimile curgeau, erau atat de amare Ma ruga sa n-o uit, simtea ca-i ultima vara Iar eu ii spuneam asa iubire nu moare