: God! God! God! Thou art the food, and when I break my fast Of nightly separation from Thee, I will taste Thee, and mentally say: God! God! God! No
Prijevod: Simone, Nina. Bog, Bog, Bog.
She was too good to me How can I get along now Sop close she stood to me Everything seems all wrong now She would have brought me the sun Making me smile
I have been a rover, I have walked alone Hiked a hundred highways, never found a home Still in all I'm happy, the reason is, you see Once in a while along
No good man Loving on a no good plan Never treats me as he should And that ain't good He's always bringing me down He's no saint Heaven knows that's
Prijevod: Simone, Nina. Nema dobar čovjek.
Prijevod: Simone, Nina. Dobar mamac.
Prijevod: Simone, Nina. Ljubav je bila dobra za mene.