possibly been avoided anyway The crazy landscapes behind the faces, Holding back the forbidden places Abolished music, lost for ages The living words of forbidden pages Though dust has gathered on honest feeling Forbidden
Ice on the wings and we were flying Sand in our eyes but we were seeing Below us a crowd that wasn't buying Watching us pass and not believing No one
Twenty-one little pink salamanders pass me by tonight Twenty-one little red tongues are flickering in my sight Amphibious thoughts are flowing with the
Love flies on wings Listen to the angels sing Love flies on wings Put it in the calibrations Show it to be ornamental Wrapped up, crapped on, torn up,
Maybe you won't have to hit me again Maybe you won't try to slap me for lying I did what you heard and I can admit That I'd do it again in a second tomorrow
Prijevod: Meso lutke. Zabranjeno Mjesta.