Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition And we'll all stay free Praise
Ho-ho-ho ho ho, ho-ho-ho ho ho Oh, that's the Woody Woodpecker song Ho-ho-ho ho ho, ho-ho-ho ho ho Yeah, he's a-peckin' it all day long He pecks a few
Yippie yay There'll be not wedding bells for today 'Cause I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (Jingle, jangle) As I go ridin' merrily along (Jingle
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Jingle, larma, Jingle.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Three Little fishies.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Ole Mlaćenica Sky.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Woody djetlić.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Ne mogu izaći iz ovog raspoloženje.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Little Red Fox.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. (Bit će Bluebirds više) Bijela litice Dovera.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Stari fenjerdžija.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Nosi Par Srebrna Krila.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Na Spora brodom do Kina.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Collegiate Fanny.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Vi ste Darlin '.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Playmates.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Umbrella Man.
Prijevod: Kay Kyser. Ja i moja Melinda.