As a child I went wild when a band played How I ran to the man when his hand swayed Clarinets were my pets and a slide trombone I thought was simply divine
This song is orchestral. No lyrics!!
I love a piano, I love a piano. I love to hear somebody play upon a piano, a grand piano. It simply carries me away. I know a fine way to treat a Steinway
Ein junger Engel tritt vor den Tempel Unter seinen Schwingen klebt ihr Speichel Von seinen Wimpern tropft frisches Blut Er offnet seine Hande und schreit
Nuestro amor era igual que una tarde de abril que tambien es fugaz como ser feliz Pudo ser y no fue por ser la vida como es nos dio la vuelta del reves
Kauf' dir ein Sackchen voll Blei, bind's an mein Bein und wirf' mich hinein in den See deiner Wunsche und sieh' zu wie ich versink'. Verbring' dann den
Il suffit qu'au piano Qu'avec un seul doigt Je joue cet air-la Ou qu'un violon le chante au fond d'une cour Alors je crois entendre tout un orchestre
I lost you long ago along the way I never thought I'd be here without you And every time I think about the way I think maybe I'm better off Maybe I'm
Where are you, no view, no sign. I lied alone in my bed. Where are you. Where you tonight. I lie awake in my bed tonight. Escape from here. This is not
Dove vai, ancora fuori questa sera dove suoni? Scusa ma, ti sembra che sia questo il modo di stare insieme? Ma tu lo sai cos'e per me per me suonare
Il pianoforte non e il mio forte non riconosco il fa ma se mi guardi io potrei suonarlo come Bach ma tu chi sei, non parli mai ascoltami e vedrai ti piacera
You've bit off more than you can chew you think you can hide from me it's too late i've already found out this is what happens when you lie i never doubted