We hand on to each blade Forget the things I say to you When I`m in a rage Don`t listen to the row I make You`d better skip this page I beg you Lay down
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We hand on to each blade Forget the things I say to you When I`m in a rage Don`t listen to the row I make You`d better skip this page I beg you Lay
then 10 times 42, what's that got to do with anything this song's about This jealousy I'll do without Where am I in this fairytale, this nightingale
, we both do reside On this riverside where we hide Vacation's a lot of work But here we are with ringing bells And floating on this cockleshell My pal
Lil' Los] Yoc influenced I'd never know I'd grow up to do this Pursue this life of struggle and strife And hunt when I sooth this pain in my brain When
' Los] Yoc influenced I'd never know I'd grow up to do this Pursue this life of struggle and strife And hunt when I sooth this pain in my brain When I