[Translation of the text] Thine is the land and glory and greatness forever, forsooth. Dua-mutef, Qebeh-senuef, Imseti, Khapi. Everyone is a star. Behold
I am the unlearned and they can learn from me, I am shame and I am boldness. I am the shameless and I am ashamed, I am knowledge and I am ignorance. I
The first matter, The salt of salts, Celestial water dissolves The subtlest fluid sustains The burning of sulphur. Squaring the circle, Spirit and matter
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas, the inner becomes the outer In my nekromanteion I summoned a son of smokeless fire. * The rebis transmutates into azoth
Again I decorate Inca tiara geode (eradication age) Ian ate goad rice (acid rain goatee). Coniuratio Quinotauri Conspiratio Quinotauri Radiate coinage
Prijevod: Griffins. Metsà ¤ npeitto Primjer 1 do 2.
Prijevod: Griffins. Cutis Mortuae osoba.
Prijevod: Griffins. Crna Keyes (od R'lyeh).
Prijevod: Griffins. Myrrys.
Prijevod: Griffins. U ovčjem odijelu.
Prijevod: Griffins. Weird Od Vipunen.
Prijevod: Griffins. Transcend Čovječanstvo.
Prijevod: Griffins. Ostvarivanje Azathoth.