
Tekstovi: Sesame Street. If Moon Was Cookie.

(Cookie monster speaks:) Oh . . . me love to look out window at night, see all the pretty stars twinkle-twinkle. But! you know what me like to look at best of all? The MOON!
It's so big, and round . . . And . . . you know what moon remind me of? It remind me of great big delicious--COOKIE!

Imagine, imagine what me do if moon was cookie.
Just imagine . . .


If moon was cookie, me think me would be--
Happiest monster you ever see!
Me put on a space suit, then up through the night
Me ride in a rocket, to go take a bite . . .

Me take bite from here, me take bite from there,
And pretty soon, me bite everywhere!--
Me eat with both hands, no need fork or spoon,
Me chew it all up, until there no moon . . .

(Cookie monster speaks again:)

Wha happen!? Who turned out the lights? Oh, me know what happen!
Me eat moon, and now there no moonlight!

(Sings again:)

If moon was cookie, it wouldn't be fine;
Because if me ate it, then it wouldn't shine;
Me come to the window, and look up at night,
But no little moonbeams would give me their light . . . !

So me not like to say it, but it clear to me,
It lucky the moon is not--a cookie.