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Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty. - Digital Sheet Music.


Baker Street Gerry Rafferty. - Digitalni Sheet Music.


Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. D4-D5. MN0072639. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Baker Street. Gerry Rafferty. C Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 4. 5 based on 2 customer reviews. "There is a guitar solo near the end of this song which is not on the sheet music. You.. continued. see all reviews. Winding your way down Baker Street, light in your head and then on your feet, well another crazy day, you drink the night away and forget about ev'rything. Song. q 120. Pop Rock. Singer-Songwriter. Soft Rock. Classic Rock. 1978. AMPD. Gerry Rafferty - City to City. View All.


Plan. Vokalni. Gitara. Glas, raspon. D4-D5. MN0072639. Sadrži kompletne lyrics. Kompatibilan. Baker Street. Gerry Rafferty. C-duru. Musicnotes što je ovo. Musicnotes File. Odmah ispis digitalnih notnih plus PC-kompatibilna interaktivna, preuzeti list glazbenih datoteka. Rated 4. 5 na temelju 2 mišljenja korisnika. "There is a guitar solo near the end of this song which is not on the sheet music. Vi.. nastavila. Pogledajte sve recenzije. Winding your way down Baker Street, light in your head and then on your feet, well another crazy day, you drink the night away and forget about ev'rything. Pjesma. 120 q. Pop rock. Kantautor. Soft rock. Klasični rock. 1978. AMPD. Gerry Rafferty - grada do grada. Vidi sve.