
Notna sveska $36.23


Tom Feldmann. The Gospel Guitar Of Mississippi John Hurt. DVD. Region 0. Guitar. GTR. Mississippi John Hurt. --.


Tom Feldmann. Evanđelje Guitar Mississippi John Hurt. DVD. Regija 0. Gitara. GTR. Mississippi John Hurt. --.


Mississippi John Hurt is certainly renowned for his blues songs, whether tales of murder like Stack O'Lee and Frankie or the tongue-in-cheek Candy Man Blues, yet it is his gospel songs that may more accurately reflect the heart of the man himself. gentle yet powerful, simple yet substantial. In this lesson Tom Feldmann takes you step by step through Mississippi John Hurt's most celebrated and inspiring gospel songs in the keys of G, C, D and E. Whether beginner or intermediate you will learn to pick in the distinctive "Hurt" style and build a large repertoire of classic gospel country blues. A detailed tab. music booklet is included as a PDF file on the DVD. In addition the original old recordings of all the tunes are included. Titles include. Do Lord Remember Me, Here I Am Oh Lord Send Me, Blind Man Sit In The Way And Cried, Since I’ve Laid My Burden Down, Weeping and Wailing, Blessed Be The Name, Praying On The Old Camp Ground, Nearer My God To Thee, Beulah Land and Oh Mary Don’t You Weep.


Mississippi John Hurt je svakako poznat po svojim blues pjesama, bilo priče o ubojstvu kao što su Stack O'Lee i Frankie ili Candy Man Blues jezik-u-lice, ali to je njegova gospel pjesme koje možda preciznije odražavaju srce samoga čovjeka. nježan, ali moćan, jednostavan, ali znatan. U ovoj lekciji Tom Feldmann vas vodi korak po korak kroz Mississippi John Hurt najslavnijih i inspirativnih gospel pjesama u ključeva G, C, D i E. hoće li početnik ili srednji naučit ćete odabrati u prepoznatljiv "Hurt" stil i graditi Veliki repertoar klasika gospel country blues. Tab detaljni. glazba knjižica je uključena kao PDF datoteku na DVD-u. Osim toga su uključeni izvorne stare snimke svih pjesama. Naslovi uključuju. Da Gospodine Zapamti, ovdje sam Gospode pošaljite mi, Blind Man sjediti na putu i plakala, Od sam položio moje breme Down, plakat će i tugovati, Blagoslovljeno ime, moli na starom Camp Ground, bliže Bože moj Za tebe, Beulah Zemljište i Oh Mary ne plačeš.
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