Notna sveska $50.44
Michael Nyman. String Quartet No. 3 Parts. Sheet Music. String Quartet. STR QUARTET. Michael Nyman. --.
Michael Nyman. String Quartet No. 3 Parts. Sheet Music. Gudački kvartet. STR KVARTET. Michael Nyman. --.
String Quartet No.3 was written for, and first performed by the Balanescu Quartet, February 1990 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. Duration 16 minutes. A score is available on sale. Quoting composer. In the summer of 1989 I composed a choral work, Out of the Ruins , for Agnieszka Piotrowska’s BBC2 documentary which dealt with the physical and emotional responses of some inhabitants of Leninakhan to the earthquake which devastated Armenia the previous December. When he heard the recording of the work that I made with the Holy Echmiadzin Chorus under the fervent conducting of Khoren Meykhanejian, Alex Balanescu suggested turning Out of the Ruins into a string quartet. There seemed no reason or opportunity to do this until I felt the need to add to the intensity of my experiences in Armenia the no less profound experience of witnessing the images of the Romanian revolution on television during the later part of December 1989. The compositional procedure was as follows. to take Out of the Ruins as a template on which the Romanian vocal or instrumental music would be superimposed, quite often stretched into new intervallic shapes though the demands of the completely performed harmonic structure.
Gudački kvartet No.3 je napisana za, a praizvedena je Balanescu Quartet veljače 1990. godine na Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. Trajanje 16 minuta. A score is available on sale. Citirajući skladatelj. U ljeto 1989. godine sam napisao je zborno djelo, od ruševina, za Agnieszka Piotrowska je BBC2 dokumentarac koji se bavio fizičkim i emocionalnim reakcijama nekih stanovnika Leninakhan potresa koji je poharao Armeniju prethodna prosinca. Kad je čuo snimku posao koji sam napravio sa Svetim Echmiadzin zbora pod žarkom provođenje Khoren Meykhanejian, Alex Balanescu predložio izlaskom ruševina u gudački kvartet. Činilo nema razloga ili priliku to učiniti dok sam osjetio potrebu da se dodati na intenzitet mojih iskustava u Armeniji ne manje intenzivan doživljaj svjedoci slike rumunjske revolucije na televiziji tijekom kasnijeg dijela prosinca 1989. Kompozicijski postupak je kako slijedi. da se iz ruševina kao predložak na kojem bi se nanizanih Rumunjski vokalne ili instrumentalne glazbe, često pruži u nove intervallic oblika, iako su zahtjevi u potpunosti izvodi harmonijske strukture.