
Notna sveska $28.34


In A League Of His Own. Pop Standards Played By Ron Odrich And You. Sheet Music, CD. Clarinet. CLT. Ron Odrich. --.


U ligi po vlastitom. Pop Standardi glumi Ron Odrich i vi. Sheet Music, CD-. Klarinet. CLT. Ron Odrich. --.


The great Ron Odrich invites you to join him in a bevy of popular classics with the Al Raymond Orchestra. You won't be disappointed by this great collection, containing such classics as "Saturday Night," "Stardust," and "Days of Wine and Roses. Includes a complete, high-quality printed music score with performance suggestions. and a compact disc containing the complete version of each piece with soloist and accompaniment. then a second performance with accompaniments minus you, the soloist. Performed by Ron Odrich, clarinet. Accompaniment. The Al Raymond Orchestra. Mark Stallings, string synthesist.


The great Ron Odrich invites you to join him in a bevy of popular classics with the Al Raymond Orchestra. You won't be disappointed by this great collection, containing such classics as "Saturday Night," "Stardust," and "Days of Wine and Roses. Potpuno, kvalitetno tiskana glazba rezultat s prijedlozima performansama. i kompaktni disk koji sadrži kompletnu verziju svaki komad sa solistima i pratnju. onda drugi nastup s pratećim minus vama, solista. Izvodi Ron Odrich, klarinet. Pratnja. Al Raymond orkestar. Mark Stallings, string synthesist.
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