Notna sveska $55.17
Essential Techniques for Dobro. 2 DVDs. DVD. Region 0. Guitar. DOB. Rob Ikes. --.
Eterična Tehnike za DOBRO. 2 DVD-a. DVD. Regija 0. Gitara. DOB. Rob Ikes. --.
Award-winning instrumentalist Rob Ickes has created a comprehensove course to help you master all aspects of the resonator guitar, from bar tachnique to fingerpicking rolls. He covers ererything you'll need to hold your own in a bluegrass band, from a fine-tuning the strings to achieving good tone, timing and volume control. You'll learn correct hand positions for fast and clean playing, powerful forward and reverse right hand rolls, basic music theory and all aspects of good bar techniques. With Jim Hurst on vocal and guitar, you'll gain an understanding of how to play back-up rhythm and fills behind a vocalist, create effective solos, build chords and scales, and much more. Rob teaches or demonstrates several great tunes, including Will the circle be unbroken, Dixie Hoedown, Ol' Dangerfield, Sailin' To Hawaii, Monrobro, Reuben, How great Thou Art and Flat Lonesome. Whether you want to play bluegrass or explore country, blues, Hawaiian or other styles, these DVDs will get you on the right track-fast.
Award-winning instrumentalist Rob Ickes has created a comprehensove course to help you master all aspects of the resonator guitar, from bar tachnique to fingerpicking rolls. He covers ererything you'll need to hold your own in a bluegrass band, from a fine-tuning the strings to achieving good tone, timing and volume control. You'll learn correct hand positions for fast and clean playing, powerful forward and reverse right hand rolls, basic music theory and all aspects of good bar techniques. With Jim Hurst on vocal and guitar, you'll gain an understanding of how to play back-up rhythm and fills behind a vocalist, create effective solos, build chords and scales, and much more. Rob teaches or demonstrates several great tunes, including Will the circle be unbroken, Dixie Hoedown, Ol' Dangerfield, Sailin' To Hawaii, Monrobro, Reuben, How great Thou Art and Flat Lonesome. Whether you want to play bluegrass or explore country, blues, Hawaiian or other styles, these DVDs will get you on the right track-fast.