Notna sveska $5.00
Revenge of the Red Pepper - Score. Jeffrey Bishop.
Revenge of the Red Pepper - Score. Jeffrey biskup.
Revenge of the Red Pepper - Score composed by Jeffrey Bishop. For string orchestra. Original Concert Work. Grade 3. Conductor score. Duration 2. 31. Published by Wingert-Jones Publications. WJ.3033932. Here is your chance to "taste" Jeffrey Bishop's spicy sequel to the popular original "Red Pepper. " A lively melody over lower pizzicati gives the impression that we've already tasted the chili peppers, and now we have begun to feel the effects. Shared melodic ideas, generous double-stops, judicious syncopations and a bit of a swagger make this the perfect way to add a little fire to your next concert. Accessible and fun.
Revenge of the Red Pepper - Score composed by Jeffrey Bishop. Za gudački orkestar. Izvorni Koncert rad. Grade 3. Dirigent ocjenu. Trajanje 2. 31. Objavio Wingert-Jones publikacije. WJ.3033932. Ovdje je vaša prilika da se "okus" Jeffrey Biskupski začinjeno nastavak popularne izvorne "crvena paprika. "Živahna melodija preko donjih pizzicati daje dojam da smo već okusio chili paprike, a sada smo počeli osjećati posljedice. Zajednička melodijske ideje, velikodušni dvostruko-zaustavlja, pametan syncopations i malo šepuriti bi to savršen način za dodavanje malo vatru na sljedećem koncertu. Pristupačan i zabavno.