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The Jazz Guitar Stylings of Howard Roberts. Electric Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


The Jazz Guitar Stylings of Howard Roberts. Električna gitara note. Srednji.


The Jazz Guitar Stylings of Howard Roberts composed by Mitch Holder and Patty Roberts. For Guitar. All. Perfect binding, Solos. Jazz. Intermediate. Book. 112 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20011. ISBN 9780786674091. Jazz. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. The Jazz Stylings of Howard Roberts consists of transcriptions of melody, solo, comping examples and ensemble passages from Howard's extensive solo albums spanning from the '50's to the '70's in accurate detail. There is a bio of HR. as he was affectionately known to all of his acquaintances and fans. with personal comments from Pete Jolly, well known LA jazz and studio pianist who was best friends with Howard going back to their early days in Phoenix. An extensive section covers the history and development of the Epiphone and Gibson signature guitars that Howard created along with the Benson amp story, which is told by Howard's original partner, Ron Benson, the first of the 'boutique' amplifier companies, so common today. Along the way, Howard's involvement with guitar education and publishing is described culminating in the opening of the Guitar Institute of Technology. now the Musicians Institute. in 1977. A discography of Howard's solo albums as well as the key hit records he played on and a list of the major motion picture soundtracks he participated in as a studio musician in Los Angeles are also included. Dedication by Jeff 'Skunk' Baxter. Memories of Howard Roberts by Michael Anthony. Remembrances of Howard by Bob Bain. Author's Introduction by Mitch Holder. A Brief H.R. Biography. Bio Sidebar by Pete Jolly. The Sound Of Howard Roberts. Notes and Sources to the Transcriptions. Glossary of Symbols. The Transcriptions. Serenata Burlesca. Will You Still Be Mine. Easy Living. Theme to Route 66. When Lights Are Low. Hoe Down. Shiny Stockings. Down Under. Li'l Darlin'. Bluesette. Cute. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Autumn Leaves. Mr. Lucky. Winchester Cathedral. If She Walked Into My Life. The Face I Love. It's About TIme. Serenata. Quotes and Reminiscences. Appendix B. H.R.'s Toolbox. Mr. Roberts' Guitars. H.R.'s Toolbox. The Benson Amp Story by Ron Benson. Appendix C. A Selected Discography. Author Credits.


The Jazz Guitar Stylings of Howard Roberts composed by Mitch Holder and Patty Roberts. Za gitaru. Svi. Uvezom, solo. Jazz. Srednji. Knjiga. 112 stranica. Objavljeno Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20011. ISBN 9780786674091. Jazz. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. The Jazz Stylings of Howard Roberts consists of transcriptions of melody, solo, comping examples and ensemble passages from Howard's extensive solo albums spanning from the '50's to the '70's in accurate detail. There is a bio of HR. as he was affectionately known to all of his acquaintances and fans. with personal comments from Pete Jolly, well known LA jazz and studio pianist who was best friends with Howard going back to their early days in Phoenix. An extensive section covers the history and development of the Epiphone and Gibson signature guitars that Howard created along with the Benson amp story, which is told by Howard's original partner, Ron Benson, the first of the 'boutique' amplifier companies, so common today. Along the way, Howard's involvement with guitar education and publishing is described culminating in the opening of the Guitar Institute of Technology. now the Musicians Institute. in 1977. A discography of Howard's solo albums as well as the key hit records he played on and a list of the major motion picture soundtracks he participated in as a studio musician in Los Angeles are also included. Dedication by Jeff 'Skunk' Baxter. Memories of Howard Roberts by Michael Anthony. Remembrances of Howard by Bob Bain. Author's Introduction by Mitch Holder. A Brief H.R. Biography. Bio Sidebar by Pete Jolly. The Sound Of Howard Roberts. Notes and Sources to the Transcriptions. Glossary of Symbols. Prijepisa. Serenata Burlesca. Hoćete li i dalje Be Mine. Jednostavno Dnevni. Theme to Route 66. Kada je svjetlo slabo. Motika Down. Sjajnim čarapama. Na putu za Australiju ili Novi Zeland. Li'l draga. Bluesette. Sladak. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Jesenje lišće. Mr. Lucky. Winchester Cathedral. If She Walked Into My Life. Lice I Love. Bilo je i vrijeme. Serenada. Quotes and Reminiscences. Dodatak B. H.R. 's alatima. Mr. Roberts' Guitars. H.R. 's alatima. The Benson Amp Story by Ron Benson. Dodatak C. Odabrani Diskografija. Author Credits.