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The Real Book - Volume II - Mini Edition. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Prava knjiga - Volume II - mini izdanje. Raznovrstan. Note C Instrument. Piano note.


The Real Book - Volume II - Mini Edition. C Edition. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Fake Book. 438 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240293. ISBN 1423424522. 5.25x8.5 inches. Hal Leonard proudly presents new “mini” editions of its bestselling Real Books. These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch. they include all 400 fantastic songs found in the 9 x 12 versions. Air Mail Special. Birdland. Bye Bye Blackbird. Caravan. Doxy. Fly Me to the Moon. In Other Words. Georgia. Girl Talk. I Remember You. I Thought About You. In Walked Bud. The Jodi Grind. Just the Way You Are. Killer Joe. Little Sunflower. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Moanin'. The Nearness of You. Now's the Time. Old Devil Moon. Phase Dance. St. Thomas. Speak Low. Stardust. Tangerine. Tenor Madness. Watch What Happens. Whisper Not. Willow Weep for Me. Yardbird Suite. and more. I Get Along Without You Very Well. Except Sometimes. If I Should Lose You. Gravy Waltz. Joyce's Samba. Work Song. All Alone. Left Alone. Strode Rode. A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing. Lotus Blossom. Circle. Parisian Thoroughfare. Dance Of The Infidels. Shine. Memories Of You. Straight Life. North Atlantic Run. Out Back Of The Barn. Air Mail Special. You Are Beautiful. Blues By Five. Blue Serge. Feels So Good. The Kicker. Speak Like A Child. Syeeda's Song Flute. Quicksilver. One By One. I'm A Fool To Want You. Until I Met You. corner Pocket. Azure. Shutterbug. Einbahnstrasse. First Trip. I Remember Bird. Wendy. Pannonica. A Walkin' Thing. Two Degrees East, Three Degrees West. Birk's Works. A Ballad. Sippin' At Bells. Crazeology. Manteca. You're My Everything. Warm Valley. Jingles. Adam's Apple. Down For Double. Let's Get Lost. Day by Day. Avalon. Take The Coltrane. Ba-Lue Bolivar Ba-Lues-Are. Bolivar Blues. Brilliant Corners. Criss Cross. Hackensack. Let's Cool One. Little Rootie Tootie. Rhythm-a-ning. The Core. Ran Kan Kan. Idol Gossip. Cantelope Island. Humpty Dumpty. Picadillo. a la Puente. The Champ. Ask Me Now. Jump, Jive An' Wail. The Cooker. Sack Of Woe. Serene. Close Your Eyes. Nature Boy. Farmer's Trust. Lakes. Lone Jack. Question & Answer. The Red One. Song For Bilbao. Watercolors. The Whopper. Caravan. Tenderly. Moanin'. Epilogue. More Than You Know. Crosscurrent. Mr. Magic. Move. Lady Day. The Frim Fram Sauce. Just A Settin' And A Rockin'. Petits Machins. Another Star. Are You Havin' Any Fun. Comin' Home Baby. Dexter Rides Again. Blow Mr. Dexter. Wow. Monk's Shop. Blue Seven. Head And Shoulders. Hocus-Pocus. Night Song. Baby, It's Cold Outside. St. Louis Blues. Bags' Groove. Buster Rides Again. Barbara. Blue Silver. In Pursuit Of The 27th Man. Love Vibrations. Serenade To A Soul Sister. The Jody Grind. Tippin'. Leila. Hummin'. Three Base Hit. April Skies. Better Leave It Alone. Bright Boy. Bunko. Elora. Fox Hunt. Funky. Gettin' It Togetha. Jackie. Minor Mishap. Minor Mood. No Moe. One Foot In The Gutter. Trane's Blues. Turnaround. Soultrane. Bags And Trane. The Thumper. Ezz-thetic. Little Chicago Fire. Simone. Lover. Kids Are Pretty People. Hi Beck. Bali Ha'i. Ice Cream Konitz. Kary's Trance. No Splice. Subconscious Lee. Limbo. Lonely Dreams. Bohemia After Dark. Now See How You Are. Baltimore Oriole. It's So Peaceful In The Country. Holy Land. Rubberneck. Duff. Happy Little Sunbeam. Alto Itis. The Drive. Teenie's Blues. Barbados. Bill's Hit Tune. Blues For Wood. Ablution. Round Trip. Strayhorn 2. Basin Street Blues. Eye Of The Hurricane. I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket. Be-Bop. I Believe In You. I Remember You. Prisoner Of Love. Beyond the Sea. Big P. Billie's Bounce. Bill's Bounce. Billie's Blues. I Love My Man. Bird Feathers. Birdland. The Birth Of The Blues. Black And Tan Fantasy. Blame It On My Youth. Bloomdido. Blue 'N Boogie. Blue Skies. Just A Few. Blues In The Closet. Blues March. This I Dig Of You. Booker's Waltz. Grooveyard. Imagination. Brian's Song. If I Were a Bell. Look for the Silver Lining. Love, Look Away. Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful. Get Me to the Church on Time. Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'. Old Devil Moon. I Have Dreamed. I'll Know. If I Loved You. There's A Small Hotel. Till There Was You. Budo. Russian Lullaby. Saint James Infirmary. Bye Bye Blackbird. The Way You Look Tonight. Cast Your Fate To The Wind. Chameleon. Chasin' The Trane. Cheesecake. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Cousin Mary. Dat Dere. Dewey Square. Dinah. Dindi. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans. Don't Explain. Doxy. Early Autumn. Emancipation Blues. Everything I Have Is Yours. Fever. Five Brothers. Five Spot After Dark. Flying Home. The Folks Who Live on the Hill. Four Brothers. Georgia on My Mind. Get Out Of Town. Ho-ba-la-la. The Hucklebuck. I Thought About You. I Will Wait For You. I Wish I Didn't Love You So. I'm Confessin'. That I Love You. I'm Just A Lucky So And So. I've Found A New Baby. I Found A New Baby. I've Told Ev'ry Little Star. In Case You Haven't Heard. In The Still Of The Night. Indiana. Back Home Again In Indiana. Infant Eyes. Island Birdie. It Could Happen To You. It Might As Well Be Spring. It's A Blue World. It's All Right With Me. It's only a Paper Moon. Jeannine. Jitterbug Waltz. Jumpin' With Symphony Sid. June Is Bustin' Out All Over. Just in Time. Just The Way You Are. Katrina Ballerina. Killer Joe. Last Night When We Were Young. The Last Time I Saw Paris. Lennie's Pennies. Let's Fall In Love. Like Sonny. Simple Like. Like Young. Little Sunflower. Locomotion. Love Is Just Around The Corner. A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening. Lover Man. Oh, Where Can You Be. Make Someone Happy. At The Mambo Inn. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Miles Ahead. Moonglow. Moon Rays. Moon River. Moose The Mooche. Moten Swing. My Attorney Bernie. All Of A Sudden. My Heart Sings. My Little Suede Shoes. My Old Flame. The Nearness Of You. Now's The Time. Nutville. On The Sunny Side Of The Street. Our Language Of Love. Oye Como Va. Peel Me A Grape. Pennies from Heaven. People Will Say We're In Love. Pick Yourself Up. Polka Dots and Moonbeams. The Gift. Recado Bossa Nova. Red Cross. Rockin' In Rhythm. Rosetta. Route 66. S'posin'. Salt Peanuts. Say It. Over And Over Again. Sentimental Journey. Skyliner. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Smoke Rings. Softly As In A Morning Sunrise. Some Other Blues. Songbird. Thank You For Your Lovely Song. Soul Eyes. Speak Low. Spiral. St. Thomas. Stardust. Struttin' With Some Barbecue. Suddenly It's Spring. Sweet Sue-Just You. The Sweetest Sounds. The Swingin' Shepherd Blues. 'Tain't What You Do. It's The Way That Cha Do It. Tanga. Tangerine. Tempus Fugit. These Foolish Things. Remind Me Of You. The Things We Did Last Summer. This Year's Kisses. Tomorrow's Destiny. Too Young. Twisted. Two Cigarettes In The Dark. It Will Have To Do Until The Real Thing Comes Along. Until The Real Thing Comes Along. Walkin' Shoes. Watch What Happens. What'll I Do. What's New. Whisper Not. Who Can I Turn To. When Nobody Needs Me. Why Do I Love You. Willow Weep For Me. Without A Song. A Wonderful Day Like Today. Eclypso. Yardbird Suite. Things To Come. 52nd Street Theme. Phase Dance. Didn't We. You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. A Portrait of Jenny. Theme From Mr. Broadway. Tenor Madness. Freight Trane. Bouncing With Bud. Hallucinations. Havona. In Walked Bud. Off Minor. Sandu. A Weaver Of Dreams. Cold Duck Time. Filthy McNasty. Gregory Is Here. Horace Scope. Silver's Serenade. Strollin'. Summer In Central Park. Webb City. Alfie's Theme. Girl Talk. C-Jam Blues. Estate. Slipped Disc. Menina Flor. When Lights Are Low. Crepuscule. I Hear A Rhapsody. Fly Me to the Moon. In Other Words. With a Song in My Heart. Honeysuckle Rose. Cool Blues. You Can Depend On Me. Candy. Morning Dance. This Masquerade. Monk's Mood. Perdido. Affirmation. One Morning In May. Right As Rain. September Song. Petite fleur. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You. Pursuance. Hi-Fly. Frenesí. Robbins Nest.


Prava knjiga - Volume II - mini izdanje. C Edition. Sastoji se od strane raznih. Za C instrumenti. Lažni knjiga. 438 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.240293. ISBN 1423424522. 5.25x8.5 inča. Hal Leonard s ponosom predstavlja novi "mini" izdanja njegovih najprodavanijih realnih knjiga. Ove 5,5 x 8,5 malo knjige omot veliki jazz bušiti. oni su sve 400 fantastične pjesme pronađene u 9 x 12 verzija. Air Mail Special. Birdland. Bye Bye Blackbird. Karavan. Doxy. Me letjeti do Mjeseca. Drugim riječima. Gruzija. Djevojka Razgovor. Sjećam se da. Ja mislio o vama. U hodao Buda. Jodi Grind. Samo Way You Are. Killer Joe. Little Sunflower. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Moanin '. Blizina vas. Sada je vrijeme. Old Devil Moon. Faza Dance. St. Thomas. Govorite Low. Stardust. Mandarina. Tenor Madness. Gledajte što se događa. Whisper Not. Willow plači za mene. Yardbird Suite. i još mnogo toga. I Get Along Without You Vrlo dobro. Osim Ponekad. Ako sam u slučaju gubitka. Sos Waltz. Joyce Samba. Radno Tekstovi. All Alone. Left Alone. Strode Rode. Cvijet je Lovesome Thing. Lotus Blossom. Krug. Pariški prometnice. Ples nevjernika. Sjaj. Sjećanja na tebe. Ravno Life. Sjevernoatlantski Run. Iz stražnjeg dijela Barn. Air Mail Special. Ti si lijepa. Blues za pet. Plava Serge. Feels So Good. Kicker. Speak Like A Child. Syeeda Pjesma frula. Živa. Jedan po jedan. Ja sam budala što želite. Dok nisam sreo tebe. kutak Pocket. Plav. Shutterbug. Jednosmjerna ulica. Prvo la. I Remember Bird. Wendy. Pannonica. A Walkin 'Thing. Dva stupnjeva istočno, Tri stupnjeva zapadno. Birkom Djela. Balada. Sippin 'Na Bells. Crazeology. Manteca. Ti si moje sve. Toplo Valley. Jinglova. Adamova jabučica. Dolje za dvostruko. Idemo Lost. Iz dana u dan. Avalon. Uzmite Coltrane. Ba-Lue Bolivar Ba-sti-Are. Bolivar Blues. Brilliant Corners. Criss Cross. Hackensack. Idemo ohladitijednu. Malo Rootie Tootie. Ritam--Ning. Temeljni. Ran Kan Kan. Idol Gossip. Cantelope Island. Humpty Dumpty. Picadillo. Most. Champ. Pitaj Me Now. Skoči, Jive 'Plači. Štednjak. Vreća jao. Spokojan. Zatvorite oči. Nature Boy. Farmer je povjerenje. Jezera. Lone Jack. Pitanje. Red Jedan. Pjesma za Bilbao. Akvareli. Krupna laž. Karavan. Nježno. Moanin '. Epilog. Više nego što mislite. Crosscurrent. Mr. Magic. Potez. Blagovijesti. FRIM Fram Sauce. Samo postavke 'I Rockin'. Mali dodatak. Još jedna zvijezda. Jeste li Havin 'bilo zabavno. Comin 'Home bebe. Dexter Rides Again. Blow gospodin Dexter. Wow. Monaški Shop. Plava Sedam. Glavu i ramena. Hocus Pocus-. Noć Pjesma. Beba, je vani hladno. St. Louis Blues. Torbe 'Groove. Buster Rides Again. Barbara. Blue Silver. U traganju za 27. Man. Ljubav Vibracije. Serenada Za dušu sestra. Jody Grind. Tippin '. Leila. Hummin '. Tri Base Hit. Travnja Skies. Better Leave It Alone. Bright Boy. Koještarija. Elora. Fox Hunt. Prožet fanki ritmom. Gettin' It Togetha. Jackie. Minor Mishap. Minor Mood. Ne Moe. One Foot In The Gutter. Trane je Blues. Preokret. Soultrane. Torbe i Trane. Thumper. Ezz-protetska. Little Chicago Fire. Simone. Ljubavnik. Djeca su lijepi ljudi. Hi Beck. Bali Ha'i. Ice Cream Konitz. Kary je Trance. Ne Splice. Podsvijest Lee. Limbo. Lonely Dreams. Bohemia After Dark. Sada vidimo kako ćeš ti. Baltimore zlatka. To je tako mirno u zemlji. Sveta zemlja. Rubberneck. Varanje. Happy Little Sunbeam. Alto itis. Pogon. Teenie u Blues. Barbados. Billov Hit Tune. Blues za drvo. Pranje. Povratno putovanje. Strayhorn 2. Street Basin Blues. Eye Of The Hurricane. Dajem sve moje jaja u jednoj košari. Be-Bop. Ja vjerujem u tebe. Sjećam se da. Zatočenik ljubavi. Beyond the Sea. Big P. Billie je Bounce. Billov Bounce. Billie je Blues. I Love My Man. Bird Perje. Birdland. Rođenje Blues. Crno-Tan Fantasy. Okriviti moje mladosti. Bloomdido. Blue 'N Boogie. Blue Skies. Samo Malo. Blues u ormaru. Blues ožujka. To sam Dig Of You. Valcer Booker-a. Grooveyard. Mašta. Brian Pjesma. Ako sam bio Bell. Potražite srebro podstava. Ljubav, Look Away. Nemojte Volim te zato što si lijepa. Get Me Crkvi na vrijeme. Oh, Što Lijepa Jutro. Old Devil Moon. Ja sam sanjao. Ja ću znati. Ako sam te voljela. Postoji mala hotela. Do Tu Je Vi. Budo. Ruski Lullaby. Saint James Ambulanta. Bye Bye Blackbird. Way You Look Tonight. Uloge svoju sudbinu u vjetar. Kameleon. Chasin 'Trane. Torta od sira. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Cousin Mary. Dat Dere. Dewey Square. Dinah. Dindi. Dali Nothin 'Till You Hear From Me. Znate li što to znači za Miss New Orleansu. Ne Objasni. Doxy. Rana jesen. Emancipacija Blues. Sve što imam je tvoje. Groznica. Pet Brothers. Five Spot After Dark. Flying Home. Ljudi koji žive na brdu. Four Brothers. Georgia On My Mind. Get Out Of Town. Ho-ba-la-la. Hucklebuck. Ja mislio o vama. Čekat ću vas. Volio bih da ti nisi ljubavi, tako. Ja sam Confessin '. To Volim te. Ja sam samo sretan je taj i taj. Ja sam pronašao novi Dječji. I pronašao novu bebu. Rekla sam Ev'ry Little Star. U slučaju da niste čuli. U još uvijek u noć. Indijana. Back Home Again U Indiani. Dječji Eyes. Otok Birdie. To bi se moglo dogoditi za vas. To može biti i kao Spring. To je Plavi svijet. Sve je u redu sa mnom. To je samo Paper Moon. Jeannine. Nervozna Waltz. Jumpin 'Uz Simfonijski Sid. U lipnju je Bustin 'Out All Over. Samo u vremenu. Just The Way You Are. Katrina Ballerina. Killer Joe. Sinoć kad smo bili mladi. Zadnji put sam vidio Pariz. Lennie je Novčići. Idemo Fall In Love. Kao i Sonnyja. Jednostavno Like. Kao Young. Little Sunflower. Kretanje. Ljubav je samo oko kutu. Lijep način za provesti večer. Lover Man. Oh, gdje možete biti. Učiniti netko sretan. At The Mambo Inn. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Miles Ahead. Moonglow. Mjesečevih zraka. River Moon. Moose Mooche. Moten Swing. Moj odvjetnik Bernie. Iznenada. Moje srce pjeva. Moj mali Suede Shoes. Moj Old Flame. Blizina vas. Sada je vrijeme. Nutville. Na sunčanoj strani ulice. Naš jezik ljubavi. Oye Como Va. Peel Me grožđa. Novčići s neba. Ljudi će reći da ste u ljubavi. Se pokupiti. Točkicama i mjesečevih zraka. Poklon. Recado Bossa Nova. Crveni križ. Rockin 'In Rhythm. Rosetta. Route 66. S'posin '. Salt Peanuts. Say It. Neprestano. Sentimental Journey. Skyliner. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Kolutove dima. Tiho Kao u jutarnjim izlaskom sunca. Neki Ostali Blues. Pjevica. Hvala ti za tvoju lijepu pjesmu. Soul Eyes. Govorite Low. Spirala. St. Thomas. Stardust. Struttin 's nekim Roštilj. Odjednom je proljeće. Sweet Sue-Samo ti. Najslađa Zvukovi. The Swingin 'ovčar Blues. 'Tain't Što učiniti. To je način na koji Cha Do It. Tanga. Mandarina. Tempus Fugit. Ove gluposti. Podsjeti me na tebe. Stvari smo učinili Last Summer. Ovogodišnji poljupci. Sutrašnji Sudbina. Premlada. Uvrnut. Dva Cigarete u mraku. To će morati učiniti sve dok prava stvar dolazi zajedno. Do Prava stvar dolazi zajedno. Walkin 'Cipele. Gledajte što se događa. Što da radim. Što ima novoga. Whisper Not. Kome se mogu obratiti. Kad me nitko ne treba. Zašto Volim te. Willow plači za mene. Bez pjesmu. Prekrasan dan kao i danas. Eclypso. Yardbird Suite. Stvari koje dolaze. 52. Ulica Tema. Faza Dance. Zar ne. Ti bi tako lijepo doći kući. Ti si nitko 'Til Netko te voli. Portret Jenny. Theme From gospodina Broadwaya. Tenor Madness. Teretni Trane. Jak S Bud. Halucinacije. Havona. U hodao Buda. Off-molu. Sandu. A Weaver Of Dreams. Cold Duck Vrijeme. Filthy McNasty. Gregory je ovdje. Horace Scope. Silver Serenade. Strollin '. Ljeto u Central Parku. Webb City. Alfie tema. Djevojka Razgovor. C-Jam Blues. Imanje. Iščašenje pršljena. Menina Flor. Kada je svjetlo slabo. Crépuscule. Čujem rapsodiju. Me letjeti do Mjeseca. Drugim riječima. Uz pjesmu u mom srcu. Kozja krv Rose. Cool Blues. Možete ovisiti o meni. Bombon. Jutro Dance. Ovaj Masquerade. Monk je raspoloženje. Izgubljen. Potvrđivanje. Jedno jutro u svibnju. Pravo Kao kiša. Rujna Tekstovi. Mali cvijet. Ja ne stoje A Ghost Of A Chance With You. Gonjenje. Hi-Fly. FrenesÃ-. Robbins Nest.
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