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Songs Never Silenced. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Pjesme Nikada ušutkao. Klavir, Vocal, Guitar note. Glas note. Gitara note.


Songs Never Silenced arranged by Velvel Pasternak. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Tara Books. Jewish. 192 pages. Tara Publications #1928918263. Published by Tara Publications. HL.331159. ISBN 1928918263. Jewish. 8.5x11 inches. In l948, a Holocaust survivor named Shmerke Kaczerginsky wrote down the songs that he remembered from the camps or that he could gather from others. The book consisted of the lyrics for 220 songs, together with the handwritten, melody transcriptions of 100 of them. Velvel Pasternak somehow discovered this forgotten book and has given it new life in this edition, which contains those songs for which there were written melodies, plus a few more from other sources, and a small section of songs without melodies that were simply too powerful to leave out. The book begins with a translation of Kaczerginsky's introduction, written in Paris, just after the war. Whoever reads these folksongs or listens to them sung on the accompanying CD by some of the great artists of our time, will have a glimpse into the holy of holies that existed midst the destruction of the Holocaust. Hardcover.


Pjesme Nikada ušutkao uređen po Velvel Pasternak. Za Piano. Vokalni. Gitara. Tara Books. Židov. 192 stranica. Тара Публикации. Objavio Tara Publikacije. HL.331159. ISBN 1928918263. Židov. 8.5x11 inča. U l948, preživjela holokaust zove Shmerke Kaczerginsky zapisala pjesme koje je on sjećao iz logora, ili da je mogao prikupiti od drugih. Knjiga se sastoji od tekstova za 220 pjesama, zajedno s rukom, Melody prijepisa njih 100. Velvel Pasternak nekako otkrili ovu zaboravljenu knjigu i dao novi život u ovom izdanju, koji sadrži one pjesme za koje postoje pisani su melodije, plus još nekoliko iz drugih izvora, a mali dio pjesme bez melodija koje su jednostavno previše moćan da izostaviti. Knjiga počinje s prijevodom Kaczerginsky uvodu, napisan u Parizu, neposredno nakon rata. Tko čita ove narodnih pjesama ili ih sluša pjeva na pratećem CD-u od strane neke od velikih umjetnika današnjice, imat će uvid u svetinja koja je postojala usred uništenja holokausta. Tvrdi povez.