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Leroy the Redneck Reindeer. Joe Diffie. Choir sheet music.


Leroy redneck Sob. Joe Diffie. Zbor note.


Leroy the Redneck Reindeer composed by Joe Diffie, Stacy Slate, and Steve Pippin. Arranged by Roger Emerson. For Choral. ShowTrax CD. Secular Christmas Choral. GR 4-ADULT. CD only. 12 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8742014. Oh, no. Rudolph's under the weather so he calls his southern cousin Leroy, who hops in his pickup truck and saves the day for Santa. This little Christmas novelty is especially fun for those schools where holiday “green” is the “John Deere” kind. Available. SATB, SAB, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Performance Time. 30.


Leroy the Redneck Reindeer composed by Joe Diffie, Stacy Slate, and Steve Pippin. Uređeni Roger Emersona. Za zborske. ShowTrax CD. Sekularni Božić zborske. GR-4 odraslih. Samo CD. 12 stranica. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.8742014. Oh, ne. Rudolph je pod utjecajem vremena, tako on naziva svoju južnu rođaka Leroy, koji hmelj u svom kamionetu i spašava dan za Djeda Mraza. Ovaj mali Božić Novost je posebno zabavno za one školama gdje odmor "zeleni" je "John Deere" vrsta. Dostupan. SATB, SAB, 2-dio, ShowTrax CD. Performanse Vrijeme. 30.
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