Notna sveska $4.50
Hopscotch. Joyce Grill. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.
Školice. Joyce Grill. Piano Solo note. Srednji.
Hopscotch composed by Joyce Grill. For Piano. Duet or Duo. Piano Duet. 1 Piano, 4 Hands. Sheet. Signature Series. Early Intermediate. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.37601. ISBN 0739081535. This timeless childhood game is depicted in an energetic duet in 4. 4 meter that doubles as an excellent tool for reinforcing staccato technique. Students will enjoy exaggerating the hopscotch-type motion that is created by the staccatos. The piece begins in C major and then "hops" through the key of F minor before returning to the home key.
Školice skladao Joyce Grill. Za Piano. Duet ili Duo. Piano Duet. 1 Piano, 4 ruke. List. Potpis Serija. Rani Srednji. 8 stranica. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.37601. ISBN 0739081535. Ovaj bezvremenski djetinjstva igra prikazana u energičnoj duet u 4.. 4 metra koja služi i kao izvrstan alat za jačanje stakato tehniku. Studenti će uživati pretjerali školice tipa gibanja koja je stvorena od strane staccatima. Djelo počinje u C-duru, a potom hmelja kroz tipke F-molu prije povratka u ključu početnu.