Notna sveska $15.00
Were You There. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. English Horn sheet music. Grade 4.
Bio si tamo. B-Stan Truba note. Engleski Horn note. Grade 4.
Were You There. composed by John P. Lynch. For concert band. Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1. 2, English Horn, Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon, Contrabassoon, Alto Saxophone 1. 2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet in Bb 1, Trumpet in Bb 2, Trumpet in Bb 3, Horn i. Band Music. Grade 4. Score only. Duration 6. 10. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.11031. Were You There. is a tone poem based on the traditional hymn tune. Tender, flowing themes permeate the work as the rich scoring carries the listener to many levels of musical expression. Were You There. is a tone poem based on the traditional hymn tune. The title becomes a philosophical and rhetorical question as the piece examines various contemporary views of the message of religion. A primary unifying musical element is the river motive, marked 'flowing,' a metaphor for life. Two new themes are introduced. One, marked 'with conviction,' presents a righteous viewpoint whose interpretation of the message of Christianity is literal, and a second, marked 'tenderly,' that expresses an interpretation based on compassion. The ensuing section is a transformation of the river motive. An ongoing ostinato creates a sense of stasis and introduces a third point of view reflecting Buddhist philosophy, in which the themes are posed as questions. A brief piano solo, a cyclic idea that could go on forever, alludes briefly to the atheist point of view. This section culminates in the most straightforward presentation of 'Were You There. ' The piece draws to a close with a forceful statement of the three main themes in juxtaposition to the hymn tune, which appears in augmentation in the horn and chime parts. The final conclusion is thus left to the listener.
Bio si tamo. skladao John P. Lyncha. Za koncertni bend. Frula 1, 2 frula, obou 1. 2, engleski rog, klarinet u BB1, klarinet u Bb 2, klarinet u Bb 3, bas klarinet u BB, fagot, Contrabassoon, alt saksofon 1. 2, tenor saksofon, bariton saksofon, truba u BB1, truba u Bb 2, truba u Bb 3, rog i. Band Glazba. Grade 4. Postići samo. Trajanje 6. 10. Objavljeno C. Alan Publikacije. CN.11031. Bio si tamo. je ton pjesma temelji se na tradicionalnom himnu tune. Tender, teče teme prožimaju rad kao bogate bodovanje nosi slušatelja na mnogim razinama glazbeni izričaj. Bio si tamo. je ton pjesma temelji se na tradicionalnom himnu tune. Naslov postaje filozofska i retoričko pitanje komad ispituje različite suvremene pogled na poruke vjere. Primarni jedinstvena glazbena element je rijeka motiv, obilježila 'teče', metafora za život. Dvije nove teme su uvedeni. Jedan od njih, obilježio 's uvjerenjem,' predstavlja bogobojaznost stajalište čiji tumačenje poruka kršćanstva je doslovan, a drugi, s oznakom 'nježno', koji izražava tumačenje se temelji na suosjećanju. Uslijedila dio je preobrazba rijeke motiv. Tijeku ostinantni stvara osjećaj zastoj i uvodi treću točku gledišta odražava budističku filozofiju, u kojoj su se teme koju predstavljaju kao pitanja. Ukratko klavir solo, ciklički ideja da bi mogao ići na zauvijek, nakratko aludira na ateist gledišta. Ovaj dio kulminira najizravniji predstavljanju 'Bio si tamo. 'Komad približi s nasilnom izjavu o tri glavne teme u sučeljavanje na himnu melodiju, koja se pojavljuje u povećanje u rog i zvoniti dijelova. Konačni zaključak je tako ostalo do slušatelja.