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Standard of Excellence. Sounds of the Season-Trumpet. Baritone T.C. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Baritone Horn TC sheet music. Beginning.


Standardni izvrsnosti. Zvuci tijekom sezone truba. Bariton T.C. B-Stan Truba note. Bariton rog TC note. Početak.


Standard of Excellence. Sounds of the Season-Trumpet. Baritone T.C. composed by Bruce Pearson, Chuck Elledge. Band. For trumpet. Concert Band Method. Standard of Excellence Comprehensive Band Method. Christmas. Grade 1-2. Method book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.W25TP. ISBN 849757819. Christmas. Sounds of the Season is a collection of 15 songs from around the globe representing holiday musical traditions from Africa, the British Isles, Germany, France, the Middle East, the West Indies, and the United States. Kjos Multiple Option Scoring allows each arrangement to be performed as a solo, as an ensemble piece of any size or instrumentation, or as a full concert band work. All pieces are correlated with Standard of Excellence Comprehensive Band Method Books 1 & 2. Eight sacred and seven secular titles make Sounds of the Season ideal for use in school, church, or community settings. Holiday Medley. Chanukah. Adeste Fideles. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Rocky Rocky Road. Angels We Have Heard On High. Here We Come A-Wassailing. Go Tell It On the Mountain.


Standardni izvrsnosti. Zvuci tijekom sezone truba. Bariton T. C. sastavljen od Bruce Pearson, Chuck Elledge. Vrpca. Za trubu. Koncert Band Method. Standard izvrsnosti Sveobuhvatna Band metodi. Božić. Grade 1-2. Metoda knjiga. Objavljeno Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.W25TP. ISBN 849757819. Božić. Zvuci sezone je zbirka od 15 pjesama iz cijelog svijeta koje predstavljaju blagdanske glazbene tradicije iz Afrike, na Britanskom otočju, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, na Bliskom istoku, Zapadna Indija i SAD-a. Kjos Višestruki Opcija bodovanja omogućuje svaki aranžman koji se obavlja kao solo, kao ansambl komad bilo koje veličine ili instrumentacije, ili kao puna koncert bend rada. Svi dijelovi su u korelaciji sa standard izvrsnosti Sveobuhvatni Band metodi Knjige 1. Osam sveto i sedam svjetovnih naslovi čine zvukove sezone idealan za korištenje u školi, postavke crkva, ili u zajednici. Holiday Medley. Hanuka. Adeste Fideles. Čuj Herald Angels Sing. Rocky Rocky Road. Anđeli smo čuli o Visokom. Ovdje smo došli-Wassailing. Reci to Na planini.