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Gospel Harp. Phil Duncan. Harmonica sheet music. Intermediate.


Evanđelje Harp. Phil Duncan. Harmonika note. Srednji.


Gospel Harp composed by Phil Duncan. For Harmonica. All. Squareback saddle-stitched, Solos. Gospel-Old Time. Intermediate. Book. 112 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95331. ISBN 9780786601776. Gospel-Old Time. 8.5 x 11 inches. A collection for diatonic, crossharp, and chromatic harmonica. The gospel songs presented here are written as the song has been presented throughout the years. Key changes have been made to accommodate the harmonica. The first section is standard harmonica, key of C. The second section is in cross-harp. second. position. The third section uses a changed or retuned harmonica such as Lee Oskar's Melody Maker in G, or the Country Tuned Hohner Harmonica in C. Written in standard notation and tablature for diatonic and chromatic harmonicas with lyrics and chord symbols. Includes 91 tunes such as The Old Rugged Cross. The Love of God. In the Garden. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In. This Train Is Bound For Glory. His Eye is on the Sparrow. and much more. He Is Able To Deliver Thee. I Feel Like Travelin' On. Amazing Grace. Are You Washed In The Blood. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. The Love of God. Whispering Hope. His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Joy Unspeakable. He Brought Me Out. I Shall Know Him. My Burdens Rolled Away. We'll Give The Glory To Jesus. When The Battle's Over. When We All Get To Heaven. Come, Let Us Go. Heavenly Sunlight. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. It Is Mine. I've Been Anchored In Jesus. Stepping In The Light. Brighten the Corner. Glory To His Name. He's A Wonderful Savior To Me. He's Everything To Me. I Will Enter His Gates. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord. The Lily Of The Valley. There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing. Throw Out The Life Line. We'll Understand it Better. A Child Of The King. At Calvary. Come And Dine. Get On Board, Little Children. In the Garden. Love Lifted Me. Tell It To Jesus. When I See The Blood. Whosoever Meaneth Me. He Took My Sins Away. It's Just Like His Great Love. Just Call On The Name Of Jesus. More About Jesus. Walk Down That Calv'ry Road. An Old Account Settled. I Shall Not Be Moved. In The Twinkling Of An Eye. More Abundantly. Oh, When The Saints Go Marching In. We Shall See The King. Come to the Feast. Leaning On Your Love. Standing On The Promises. The Church In The Wildwood. The Old Rugged Cross. When The Redeemed Are Gathering In. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. A New Name In Glory. Count Your Blessings. I've Been Redeemed. Joy To The World. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. The Haven Of Rest. The Unclouded Day. This World Is Not My Home. He Ransomed Me. in the Great Triumphant Morning. Just Over In The Glory Land. My Savior's Love For Me. This Train Is Bound For Glory. Bring Your Vessels, Not A Few. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Sweeter As The Years Go By. The Healing Waters. Victory. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Amen. Oh I Want To See Him. The Name Of Jesus. When They Ring The Golden Bells. A Shelter In The Time Of Storm. I Surrender All. O That Will Be Glory. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story. It Is Truly Wonderful. Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad. The Glory-Land Way. Victory Ahead. Softly And Tenderly. Still Sweeter Every Day.


Evanđelje Harp sastoji Phil Duncana. Za Harmonica. Svi. Squareback uvezanih, solo. Evanđelje-Old Time. Srednji. Knjiga. 112 stranica. Objavljeno Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95331. ISBN 9780786601776. Evanđelje-Old Time. 8,5 x 11 inča. Kolekcija za dijatonici, crossharp i kromatsku harmoniku. Evanđelja pjesme koje se ovdje pišu kao pjesma je predstavljena tijekom godina. Ključne promjene su napravljene kako bi se prilagodili harmoniku. Prvi dio je standardni harmonika, ključ C. Drugi dio je u cross-harfa. drugi. položaj. Treći dio koristi mijenjati ili preuredi harmoniku kao što su Lee Oskar je Melody Maker u G, ili Zemlja tuned Hohner Harmonica u C. zapisano u standardnom zapisu i tablature za dijatonske i kromatske harmonika sa stihovima i akord simbolima. Sadrži 91 pjesama, kao što su The Old Rugged križa. Ljubav prema Bogu. U vrtu. On je dobio cijeli svijet u rukama. Oh, kada Saints Go Marching In. Ovaj vlak je dužan za slavu. Njegov pogled je na Sparrow. i još mnogo toga. On je mogao izbaviti. Osjećam se kao Travelin 'na. Amazing Grace. Jeste li opran u Krvi. Samo Closer Walk s tobom. Ljubav prema Bogu. Šapće Hope. Njegov pogled je na vrabac. Neizrecivom radošću. On me izveo. Ja će ga znati. Moje opterećuje otkotrljala. Mi ćemo dati Slava Isusu. Kad se bitka je gotova. Kada smo svi dobili na nebu. Dođite, pođimo. Nebeski Sunčeva svjetlost. On je dobio cijeli svijet u rukama. To Is Mine. Ja sam bila usidrena u Isusu. Ulazeći u svjetlu. Uljepšajte kutu. Slava na svoje ime. On je predivan Spasitelj To Me. On je sve do mene. Ja ću ući u njegovu Gates. Pjevat ću od milosrđa Gospodinova. Đurđice. Bit će to kiša blagoslova. Izbaciti život linija. Mi ćemo ga bolje razumjeti. A Child Of The King. Na Kalvariji. Dođite i ručati. Dobiti na brodu, dječice. U vrtu. Ljubav me Lifted. Reci Isusu. Kad vidim krv. Tko god me Meaneth. On je uzeo moje grijehe Gost. To je baš kao i njegova velika ljubav. Samo Poziv na ime Isusovo. Više o Isusu. Prošećite To Calv'ry Road. Stara račun Obavljene. Ja ne pomiče. U tren oka. Obilnije. Oh, kada Saints Go Marching In. Mi ćemo vidjeti kralja. Dođite na blagdan. Naslonjena na vaše ljubavi. Stojeći na obećanjima. Crkva u Wildwood. Stari Čvrsto križ. Kad otkupio okupljaju u. Kad Roll pozvat će tamošnje. Novo ime u slavi. Brojati svoje blagoslove. I've Been Redeemed. Joy To The World. Budući da je Isus došao u moje srce. Haven odmora. Dan nezamagljeno. Ovaj svijet nije moj dom. On me otkupio. u Velikoj trijumfalnim jutro. Samo Over u slavi zemlji. Moj Spasitelj je ljubav za mene. Ovaj vlak je dužan za slavu. Donesite svoje posude, ne Few. Svaki put kad sam osjetiti duh. Slađe kako godine prolaze. Liječenje Waters. Pobjeda. Hoće Circle Be neprekinute. Amen. Oh ja želim ga vidjeti. Isusovo ime. Kad zvone Zlatna zvona. Sklonište u vrijeme Oluje. Ja predaju. O koja će biti slava. Pjevat ću čudesno Story. To je uistinu prekrasna. Život je kao Mountain Railroad. Slava-Land način. Pobjeda naprijed. Tiho i nježno. Još uvijek slađe Svaki dan.