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Black Sabbath for Ukulele. Black Sabbath. Ukulele sheet music.
Black Sabbath za ukulele. Black Sabbath. Ukulele note.
Black Sabbath for Ukulele by Black Sabbath. For Ukulele. Music Sales America. Softcover. 48 pages. Music Sales #AM1001616. Published by Music Sales. HL.14037748. ISBN 0825637546. 9x12 inches. 20 songs from these hard rock heroes arranged for ukulele. Complete with full lyrics, and easy-to-read chord boxes. Songs include. Children of the Grave. Die Young. Heaven and Hell. Iron Man. Lonely Is the Word. The Mob Rules. Paranoid. Snowblind. War Pigs. Interpolating Luke's Wall. and more. Electric Funeral. The Mob Rules. Children Of The Grave. Paranoid. Die Young. Lady Evil. Lonely Is The Word. Fairies Wear Boots. Interpolating Jack The Stripper. Heaven And Hell. Iron Man. N.I.B. Sweet Leaf. War Pigs. Interpolating Luke's Wall. Children Of The Sea. Neon Knights. Never Say Die. Lommi. Butler. Ward. Snowblind.
Black Sabbath za ukulele Black Sabbath. Za ukulele. Glazba Prodaja Amerika. Softcover. 48 stranica. Музыка по продажам. Objavio prodaje glazbe. HL.14037748. ISBN 0825637546. 9x12 inča. 20 pjesama s tim hard rock heroja uređen za ukulele. Zajedno s punim tekstovima i jednostavan za čitanje akord kutije. Pjesme su. Children of the Grave. Die Young. Raj i pakao. Iron Man. Lonely je riječ. The Mob Rules. Paranoidan. Snowblind. Ratni Svinje. Interpolacijom Lukeov zid. i još mnogo toga. Electric Funeral. The Mob Rules. Children Of The Grave. Paranoidan. Die Young. Lady Evil. Lonely Is The Word. Vile nositi čizme. Interpolacijom Jack je striptizeta. Raj i pakao. Iron Man. N.I.B. Sweet Leaf. Ratni Svinje. Interpolacijom Lukeov zid. Children Of The Sea. Neon Knights. Never Say Die. Lommi. Batler. Štićenik. Snowblind.