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You Can Teach Yourself Uke. William Bay. Ukulele sheet music. Beginning.


Možete se Nauči uke. William Bay. Ukulele note. Početak.


You Can Teach Yourself Uke composed by William Bay. For Ukulele. Soprano. Perfect binding, Methods. You Can Teach Yourself. All Styles. Beginning. Book. 96 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94809. ISBN 9781562224547. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. A wonderfully easy, entertaining way to learn the uke. Based on C tuning, this text presents strum-along. sing-alongs in the keys of C, G, D, F, and B flat. The video will teach you in a step-by-step manner, and provide hours of fun and enjoyment. You will learn 58 great, all-time favorite uke songs including Peg O' My Heart and Fascination. Ballin' the Jack. Camptown Races. Down By The Riverside. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain. Streets Of Laredo. The Gospel Train. Alexander's Ragtime Band. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Moonlight Bay. The Sidewalks of New York. East Side, West Side. Three Fishermen. Frankie & Johnny. Hello. Ma Baby. I Want A Girl. Melody of Love. Sweet Rosie O'Grady. Yellow Rose Of Texas. Beautiful Dreamer. Buffalo Gals. In the Good Old Summertime. My Wild Irish Rose. Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Crawdad Song. Oh. Susanna. Shine on Harvest Moon. Three Blind Mice. After the Ball. Come And Go With Me. Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider. Skip to My Lou. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take Me Out To The Ballgame. When The Saints Go Marhin' In. Blow, Ye Winds. I Love You Truly. It Ain't Gonna Rain No More. Mary Ann. My Gal Sal. The Blue Bells Of Scotland. The Marine's Hymn. The Yankee Doodle Boy. All Through The Night. He's Got The Whole World. Li'l Liza Jane. My Melancholy Baby. Oh, You Beautiful Doll. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. While Strolling Through The Park One Day. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad. Peg O' My Heart. Rock-A-My Soul. Standing in the Need of Prayer. Sweet By And By. Alabama Jubilee. Aloha Oe. Farewell To Thee. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Give My Regards to Broadway. Away In A Manger. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Down by the Old Mill Stream. I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now. In My Merry Oldsmobile. The Darktown Strutters Ball. You're A Grand Old Flag. Beautiful Brown Eyes. Bicycle Built For Two. For Me And My Gal. Pay Me My Money Down. Poor Butterfly. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. The Girl I Left Behind Me. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. Peace Like A River. Santa Lucia. This Train. Dear Old Girl. Oh, My Darling Clementine. Raiilroad Bill. The Wabash Cannonball. Juanita. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Swanee River. This Little Light of Mine. Wait Till The Sun Shines, Nellie. Wildwood Flower. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Our Boys Will Shine Tonight. Over the River and Through the Woods. That's An Irish Lullaby. When You And I Were Young, Maggie.


Možete naučiti sami uke sastoji William Bay. . Sopran. Uvezom, Metode. Možete se Nauči. Svi stilovi. Početak. Knjiga. 96 stranice. Objavljeno Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94809. ISBN 9781562224547. Svi stilovi. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Predivno jednostavno, zabavan način učiti uke. Na temelju C tuning, ovaj je tekst drndanje-zajedno. Sing-alongs u ključeva C, G, D, F i B stan. Video će vas naučiti u korak-po-korak način, te osigurati sate zabave i uživanja. Vi ćete naučiti 58 velike, sve vrijeme omiljeno uke pjesama uključujući Peg O 'My Heart i fascinacije. Ballin 'Jack. Camptown Utrke. Down By The Riverside. Row, Row, Redak brod. Doći će oko planine. Streets Of Laredo. Evanđelje Vlak. Aleksandrovo Ragtime Band. Reci to Na planini. Nazvat ću vas Sweetheart. Moonlight Bay. Pločnicima New Yorka. East Side, West Side. Tri Ribari. Frankie. Bok. Ma bebe. I Want A Girl. Melody of Love. Sweet Rosie O'Grady. Žuta ruža u Teksasu. Beautiful Dreamer. Buffalo Gals. U dobrom starom Summertime. Moj Wild Irish Rose. Oh Gdje Je Moj mali pas Gone. Crawdad Tekstovi. Oh. Susanna. Sjaj na Harvest Moon. Tri Blind Mice. Nakon što je lopta. Dolaze i odlaze sa mnom. Ida, slatka kao jabučni. Preskoči na My Lou. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take Me Out To ballgame. Kad sveci Go Marhin 'U. Blow, Ye vjetrovi. Volim te Truly. Neće Rain No More. Mary Ann. Moj Gal Sal. Blue Bells Of Scotland. The Marine Himna. Yankee Doodle Boy. Sve preko noći. On je dobio cijeli svijet. Li'l Liza Jane. Moj Melankolija bebe. Oh, ti lijepa lutka. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. Šetajući kroz park jedan dan. Bill Bailey, neće vam Molimo Come Home. Goin 'Down the Road Feelin' Bad. Peg O 'My Heart. Rock--My Soul. Stojeći u potrebi molitve. Sweet Do I Do. Alabama Jubilej. Aloha Oe. Zbogom Za Tebe. Battle Hymn Republike. Do Svjetlosti srebrno Mjeseca. Moje pozdrave Broadwayu. Gost u jaslama. Chinatown, Moj Chinatown. Dolje kod starog mlina Stream. Pitam se tko će ljubiti joj sada. U moje Sretan Oldsmobile. Darktown Strutters Ball. Ti si Grand Old Flag. Prekrasne smeđe oči. Bicikl za dvije osobe. Za mene i moju Gal. Plati mi novac Down. Slabo Butterfly. Nosila je žutu vrpcu. Djevojka Ostavio sam iza sebe. Kad irski Oči nasmijani. Mir kao rijeka. Santa Lucia. To Train. Dragi Old Girl. Oh, My Darling Clementine. Raiilroad Bill. Wabash Cannonball. Juanita. Nađimo se u St. Louisu, Louisu. Swanee Rijeka. Ovaj Little Light of Mine. Pričekajte dok sunce sja, Nellie. Wildwood Flower. Svaki put kad sam osjetiti duh. Naši dečki će Shine Tonight. Preko rijeke i kroz šumu. To je irski Lullaby. Kad ti i ja bili mladi, Maggie.