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300 Fiddle Tunes. Various. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music. Intermediate.
300 violina Tunes. Raznovrstan. Gusle note. Violina note. Srednji.
300 Fiddle Tunes by Various. For Fiddle, Violin. Fiddle. Folk. Difficulty. medium. Solo fiddle songbook. Performance notes, introductory text and standard notation. 96 pages. Published by Centerstream Publications. HL.235. ISBN 1574240560. With performance notes, introductory text and standard notation. Folk. 9x12 inches. This comprehensive collection of fabulous fiddle tunes includes reels, hornpipes, strathspeys, jigs, waltzes and slow airs. Andrew Carey's Jig. Bag Of Meal. Belle Of The Kitchen. Billy O'Rourke's Jig. Billy Patterson's Jig. Billy The Barber. Bottle Of Brandy. Boys Of Brockhill. Broken Latern. The Butcher Boy. Captain Holmes' Jig. Catholic Bill's Jig. Catholic Boys. Charlie Mack's Jig. Charles' Favorite. Come, Haste To The Wedding. Come Under My Pladdie. Connelly's Ale. The Diamond Jig. Eviction Jig. Exile's Lament. Fagins Holiday. Garry Owen. Geese In The Bog. Green Forever. Highway To Dublin Jig. Humors Of Donnybrook. Irish Fancy. Irish Show Boy. Irish Washerwoman. Irishman's Heart To The Ladies. Jackson's Fancy Jig. Joe Kennedy's Jig. Johnny Morgan's Jig. Joy's Of Wedlock. Katy's Rambles. Kilkenny Rovers. Kitty O'neil's Jig. Kitty Tyrrell's Jig. Land Of Sweet Erin. Lanigan's Ball. Larry Grogan's Jig. Larry O'Gaff. Larry O'tooles Gig. Limerick Lass. Little Drummer's Jig. Little House Under The Hill. Little Peggy's Jig. Loony Mc Twolter. Magggie Brown's Favorite. Maid On The Green. Morgan Rattler's Jig. Mrs. Montoe's Jig. Munster Lass. My Wedding Day. Night Cap Jig. O'connell's Welcome. On The Road To Dublin. One Bottle More. O'raffert's Jig. Our Boys Jig. Paddy Carey's Fortune. Paddy Haggerty. Paddy O'rafferty. Paddy The Weaver. Paddy Was Up. Paddy Whack. Paddy's Best. Paddy's Day. Paddy's Farewell. Pander's Dance. Pausteen Fawn The Priest In His Boots Jig. Rakes Of Killdare. Rambler From Clare. Riding On A Hand Car. Rory O'moore. Rose Bush. St Patrick's Day In The Morning. Sheriff Mulddon's Jug. Sir Roger De Coverly. Skiver The Quilt. Sorry To Part. Straight Jig. Swallow Tail. Swimming In The Gutter. Tatters Jack. Tea In The Morning Jig. Teddy Malos' Jig. Teetotal Jig. Tell Her I Am Jig. Terry Heigh Jig. Three Little Drummer's Jig. Tipperary Jig. Tivioli Jig. Alhambra Reel. Arkansas Traveller. Banjo Reel. Banks Of Enverness. Beaux Of Oak Hill. Belles Of Lewiston. Belles Of Tipperary Reel. Blue Eyed Lassie. Bonnie Kate's Reel. Bunch Of Roses. Collin's Reel. Devil Among The Tailors. Devil's Dream. Dimen Dru Deelish. Dominion Reel. Dublin Lasses. Eileen Alanna. Fairy Dance. Farewell To Erin. Farrel O'gara's Favorite. First Of May. Fling Dang Reel. Flowers Of St Petersburg. Four Hand Scotch Reel. Game Cock Reel. Green Fields Of America. Green Groa The Rushes O. Hibernia's Pride. Higland Skip. Ivy Leaf Reel. Jenny Danged The Weaver's Reel. Katy's Reel. Kitty Clyde's Reel. Ladies Delight. Lady Jane Gray's Reel. Lady Wapole's Reel. Limber Up Reel. Lord James' Reel. Magic Slipper. Mary Rose's Reel. Mason' Apron. Mc Donald's Reel. Mc Gruffum's Reel. Miller's Reel Top Of Cork Road. Trip To The Cottage Jig. Two And Sixpence. The Unfortunate Rake Jig. The Whim Of A Moment Jig. Whiskey And Beer Jig. The Wink Of Her Eye Jig. Winnick's Favorite Jig. Yellow Stocking's Jig. Miss Brown's Reel. Miss Cambell's Reel. Miss Johnson's Reel. Miss Kelly's Reel. Miss Mcleod's Reel. Money Musk. Morton's Reel. Mountain Reel. Muldoon's Favorite. Neath The Moonlight Reel. New York Reel. Old Sport Reel. Old Zip Coon. Opera Reel. Paddy Mc Fadden's Reel. Paddy The Piper. Par Carney's Reel. Pig Town Fling. Pink Eyed Lassie. Piper's Lass. Pride Of The Ball. The Primrose Lass Reel. Randy Wife Of Greenlaw. Reed's Favorite. Reilly's Reel. Riley's Favorite. The Rival. Rocks Of Cashel. Rosebud Reel. Rustic Reel. The Scotch Patriot's Reel. Single Reel. Smuggler's Reel. Tullochgorum. Turnpike Reel. Twin Katy's Reel. Twin Sisters. Waterloo Reel. Weel May The Keel Row. Wind That Shakes The Barley. Wind Up Reel. Witch Of The Wave Reel. Admiral's Hornpipe. Ariel Hornpipe. Bamford Hornpipe. Belle Of The Ball. Bricklayer's Hornpipe. Campbell's Hornpipe. Cincinnatti Hornpipe. College Hornpipe. Constitution Hornpipe. Copenhagen Hornpipe. Corinthian Hornpipe. Curt Lawrence's Hornpipe. Danish Hornpipe. Delaware Hornpipe. Democratic Hornpipe. Devine's Hornpipe. Dundee Hornpipe. Durang's Hornpipe. Erie Hornpipe. Erin's Isle. Favorites Hornpipe. Fisher's Hornpipe. Good For The Tongue. Hand Organ Hornpipe. Harlequin Hornpipe. High Level Hornpipe. Hopkin's Hornpipe. Indian River Hornpipe. Lamplighter's Hornpipe. Liverpool Hornpipe. Lord Nelson's Hornpipe. Macgregor's Hornpipe. Miss Barker's Hornpipe. Miss Johnson's Hornpipe. Miss Mountain's Hornpipe. Mountain Ranger Hornpipe. Nelson's Victory. Niagara Hornpipe. Occidental Hornpipe. Pushee's Hornpipe. Ricker's Hornpipe. Rickett's Hornpipe. Snow Flake Hornpipe. Tin Wedding Hornpipe. Village Bells Hornpipe. Vinton's Hornpipe. Violetts Hornpipe. Wade Hamptons' Hornpipe. Whipple's Hornpipe. Willie's Hornpipe. Wilott's Hornpipe. Young America Hornpipe. Ypsilanti Hornpipe. Lancashire Clog. Lee's Double Clog. Loch Eroch Side. Marquis Of Huntly's Stathspey. Minstrel's Fancy Clog. Miss Stuart's Stathspey. Mrs. Adye's Stathspey. My Bonnie Laddie, Highland Fling. My Love Is Like The Red, Red Rose. Neal Gow's Wife, Stathspey. New Orleans Lancashire Clog. On The Road Clog. Petronella. Pop Goes the Weasel. Rakes Of Mallow. Roy's Wife Of Aldivalloch. Sicilian Circle. Skip Rope Clog. Soldier's Joy. Speed The Plough. Strathearn Stathspey. Tempest. White Cockade. Zulma, Fancy Dance. Alstair Macalastair. Valance Lancashire Clog. Bells Of Campbelltown, Stathspey. Bells Of Edinboro', Highland Fling. Ben Lomond Scotch Dance. Blue Stocking Clog. Bonniest Lass In Ayer. Campbells Are Comin'. Carnichael's. Cincinnati Lancashire Clog. Danish Dance. Early Morn Lancashire Clog. Esmerelda. Essence Of Old Kentucky. Essence Of Old Virginny. Fred Wilson's Clog. Girl I Left Behind Me. Highland Fling. Hull's Victory. I'm O'er Young To Marry Yet, Stathspey. Ladies Triumph. Lady Baird's Stathspey. Lady Mary Ramsay'sstathspey. Lady Templeton's Clog. Cheris The Ladies. Chorus Jig. Clancy's Favorite. Donnybrook. Double Head Jig. Priest In His Boots Jig. Time O' Day Jig. Top Of The Cork Road. Spitfire Reel. Temperance Reel. Oriental Hornpipe. Belles of Campbelltown, Strathspey.
300 gusle Tunes po raznim. Za gusle, violina. Violina. Narodni. Teškoća. medium. Solo gusle pjesmarica. Bilješke o izvedbi, uvodni tekst i standardni zapis. 96 stranice. Objavio Centerstream Publikacije. HL.235. ISBN 1574240560. S performansama bilješke, uvodni tekst i standardne notacije. Narodni. 9x12 inča. Ova sveobuhvatna zbirka nevjerojatnih gudačkim pjesama uključuje i role, hornpipes, strathspeys, šablonama, valcere i spore emitira. Andrew Carey Jig. Vreća brašna. Belle u kuhinji. Billy O'Rourke je Jig. Billy Patterson Jig. Billy Barber. Boca rakije. Boys Of Brockhill. Slomljena ulici. Butcher Boy. Kapetan Holmes 'Jig. Katoličke Billov Jig. Katolički Boys. Charlie Mack Jig. Charles 'Omiljeni. Dođite, žurbe na svadbu. Dođite Under My Pladdie. Connelly je Ale. Diamond Jig. Iseljenje Jig. Exile je tuže. Fagins odmor. Garry Owen. Guske u močvaru. Zelena Zauvijek. Highway To Dublin Jig. Sokovima Of javna rasprava. Irski Fancy. Irski Show Boy. Irski Pralja. Irac je srca prema damama. Jackson je Lepa Jig. Joe Kennedy Jig. Johnny Morganov Jig. Radost je u izvanbračnoj zajednici. Katy je rambles. Kilkenny Rovers. Kitty O'Neil je Jig. Kitty Tyrrell je Jig. Land Of Sweet Erin. Lanigan bal. Larry Grogan je Jig. Larry O'Gaff. Larry O'Tooles Gig. Limerick Lass. Little Drummer je Jig. Mala kuća ispod brda. Little Peggy Jig. Loony Mc Twolter. Magggie Browna Favorite. Maid On The Green. Morgan čegrtuše je Jig. Gospođe Montoe je Jig. Munster Lass. Moj dan vjenčanja. Noć Cap Jig. O'Connell je Welcome. On The Road To Dublin. Jedna boca Više. O'raffert je Jig. Naš Dječaci Jig. Paddy Carey Fortune. Paddy Haggerty. Paddy O'rafferty. Paddy Weaver. Paddy Je Gore. Paddy Hrga. Paddy je najbolji. Dan Paddy-a. Paddy oprašta. Pander je Dance. Pausteen Fawn Svećenik u čizmama Jig. Grablje Of Killdare. Skitnica Od Klare. Jašući na ruci Car. Rory O'moore. Rose Bush. Na dan Svetog Patrika u jutarnjim satima. Šerif Mulddon je Jug. Sir Roger De Coverly. Kaiš jorgan. Žao mi je da dio. Ravno Jig. Progutati rep. Plivanje u jarku. Dronjci Jack. Čaja ujutro cupkati. Teddy Malos 'Jig. Antialkoholičarski Jig. Recite joj da sam Jig. Terry hej Jig. Tri mala bubnjara Jig. Tipperary Jig. Tivioli Jig. Alhambra Reel. Arkansas Traveller. Banjo Reel. Obalama Enverness. Beaux Of Oak Hill. Belles Of Lewistonu. Belles Tisno Reel. Blue Eyed Lassie. Bonnie Kate Reel. Hrpa od ruža. Collin je Reel. Devil Među krojače. Vražji Dream. Mjera Dru Deelish. Dominion Reel. Dublin lasses. Eileen Alanna. Vilinski ples. Zbogom Erin. Farrel O'Gara je omiljena. Prvi svibanj. Baciti Dang Reel. Cvijeće u St Petersburgu. Četiri ruke Scotch Reel. Igra Cock Reel. Green Fields of America. Zelena Groa juri O. Hibernia Ponos. Higland Preskoči. Ivy Leaf Reel. Jenny Danged tkalačkoga Reel. Katy je Reel. Kitty Clydovo Reel. Dame Delight. Lady Jane Gray Reel. Lady Wapole je Reel. Zagrijati Reel. Lord James 'Reel. Magic Papuče. Mary Rose Reel. Mason 'pregača. Mc Donald je Reel. Mc Gruffum je Reel. Miller Reel Top Of Cork Road. La na vikend Jig. Dvije i Sixpence. Nesretni Rake Jig. Ćud A Moment Jig. Whiskey i pivo Jig. Mig je oka Jig. Winnick je omiljena Jig. Žuta čarapa je Jig. Miss Browna Reel. Miss Cambell je Reel. Miss Johnson Reel. Miss Kelly Reel. Miss McLeod je Reel. Novac Musk. Mortona Reel. Mountain Reel. Muldoon je omiljena. Neath Moonlight Reel. New York Reel. Old Sport Reel. Stari Zip Coon. Opera Reel. Paddy Mc Fadden je Reel. Paddy Piper. PAR Carney je Reel. Svinja Grad bacati. Pink Eyed Lassie. Piper je Lass. Ponos loptu. Jaglac Lass Reel. Randy supruga Greenlaw. Reed je u Favorite. Reilly je Reel. Riley je Favorite. Rival. Stijene Cashel. Rosebud Reel. Rustikalni Reel. Scotch Patriot-a Reel. Jedna Reel. Krijumčara Reel. Tullochgorum. Mitnica Reel. Twin Katy je Reel. Blizanke. Waterloo Reel. Weel svibnja Keel Row. Vjetar koji povija ječam. Vjetar Do Reel. Witch Of The Wave Reel. Admiral Hornpipe. Ariel Hornpipe. Bamford Hornpipe. Ljepotica bala. Zidar je Hornpipe. Campbell Hornpipe. Cincinnatti Hornpipe. College Hornpipe. Ustav Hornpipe. Kopenhagen Hornpipe. Korintski Hornpipe. Curt Lovre Hornpipe. Danski Hornpipe. Delaware Hornpipe. Demokratska Hornpipe. Devine je Hornpipe. Dundee Hornpipe. Durang je Hornpipe. Erie Hornpipe. Erin je Isle. Omiljene Hornpipe. Fisherov Hornpipe. Dobro za jezik. Hand orgulje Hornpipe. Harlekin Hornpipe. Visoka razina Hornpipe. Hopkin je Hornpipe. Indian River Hornpipe. Fenjerdžija je Hornpipe. Liverpool Hornpipe. Lord Nelson Hornpipe. MacGregor je Hornpipe. Miss Barker je Hornpipe. Miss Johnson Hornpipe. Miss Mountain Hornpipe. Mountain Ranger Hornpipe. Nelson pobjede. Niagara Hornpipe. Occidental Hornpipe. Pushee je Hornpipe. Ricker je Hornpipe. Rickett je Hornpipe. Snow Flake Hornpipe. Tin Vjenčanje Hornpipe. Selo Zvona Hornpipe. Vinton je Hornpipe. Violetts Hornpipe. Wade Hamptons 'Hornpipe. Whipple je Hornpipe. Willie je Hornpipe. Wilott je Hornpipe. Young America Hornpipe. Ypsilanti Hornpipe. Lancashire Zabrtviti. Lee Double Zabrtviti. Loch Eroch Side. Markiz Huntly je Stathspey. Minstrel je Lepa Zabrtviti. Miss Stuarta Stathspey. Gospođe Adye je Stathspey. Moj Bonnie Laddie, Highland Fling. Moja ljubav je kao crvena, Red Rose. Neal GOW Žena, Stathspey. New Orleans Lancashire Zabrtviti. On The Road začepiti. Petronella. Pop Goes lasicu. Grablje Of slez. Roy je supruga Aldivalloch. Sicilijanski krug. Preskoči Rope začepiti. Vojničke Joy. Brzina Plough. Strathearn Stathspey. Oluja. Bijela kokarda. Zulma, Fancy Dance. Alstair Macalastair. Valance Lancashire Zabrtviti. Zvona Campbelltown, Stathspey. Zvona Edinboro ', Highland Fling. Ben Lomond Scotch Dance. Plava čarapa Zabrtviti. Bonniest Lass U Ayer. Campbells vračaš '. Carnichael-a. Cincinnati Lancashire Zabrtviti. Danski Dance. Rano Morn Lancashire Zabrtviti. Esmerelda. Suština Old Kentucky. Essence starih Virginny. Fred Wilson Zabrtviti. Djevojka Ostavio sam iza sebe. Highland Fling. Hull Pobjeda. Ja sam O'er mlada za udaju Ipak, Stathspey. Dame Triumph. Lady Baird je Stathspey. Lady Mary Ramsay'sstathspey. Lady Templeton je Zabrtviti. Cheris Dame. Chorus Jig. Clancy je Favorite. Javna rasprava. Double Head Jig. Svećenik u čizmama Jig. Time O 'Dan Jig. Top Of The Cork Road. Spitfire Reel. Umjerenost Reel. Orijentalna Hornpipe. Belles iz Campbelltown, živa škotska.