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Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust.


Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust.


Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust. Off the Record with The Beatles, Bowie, Elton & So Much More. Composed by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski. Book. DVD. Reference Textbooks. Textbook - General. 448 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.37250. ISBN 0739078585. Turn on any classic rock station and you'll soon hear a song that Ken Scott worked on. As one of the preeminent recording engineers and producers of the 20th century, Ken has garnered gold, platinum, and diamond record sales awards. multiple Grammy nominations. and even a Clio award. for his recording of the classic Coke ad "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing". Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust shares Ken Scott's intimate memories of working with some of the most important artists of the 20th century while crafting a sound that influenced generations of music makers. Ken's work has left an indelible mark on hundreds of millions of fans with his skilled contributions to Magical Mystery Tour and The White Album. As producer and. or engineer of six David Bowie albums. including the groundbreaking Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. as well as other timeless classics, the sound Ken crafted has influenced several generations of music makers that continues to this day. Ken captured the sonic signatures of a who's-who of classic rock and jazz acts, including Elton John, Pink Floyd, Jeff Beck, Duran Duran, The Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, America, Devo, Kansas, The Tubes, Missing Persons, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Billy Cobham, Dixie Dregs, and Stanley Clarke. This is his story, complete with funny, provocative, and oh-so-honest tales of the studio, stage, and even an infamous swimming pool incident. Never-before-seen photographs and technical details make this book a must-have for every music fan. "This is easily the best book of its sort I've ever read, and it works on so many levelsâ”it's got great stories that give us insights into some of the biggest names in music. it offers a history of recording technology and techniques from the late '60s to the present. and coursing through it all is an unflinching and often self-deprecating biography of our hero as he negotiates the perils, pitfalls and triumphs of a life in the m.


Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust. Neslužbeno s Beatlesima, Bowie, Elton. Sastavljen Ken Scott i Bobby Owsinski. Knjiga. DVD. Referentne Udžbenici. Udžbenik - General. 448 stranice. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.37250. ISBN 0739078585. Uključite bilo klasični rock stanice i da ćete uskoro čuti pjesmu koja je Ken Scott radio na. Kao jedan od nadmoćan snimanje inženjera i producenata iz 20. stoljeća, Ken je osvojio zlato, platine i dijamanata rekordnu prodaju nagrade. više nominacije Grammy. pa čak i Clio nagrada. za snimku klasične Koks oglas Želio bih naučiti svijet pjevati. Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust dijeli Kena Scotta intimne uspomene rada s nekim od najznačajnijih umjetnika 20. stoljeća, a lukavost zvuk koji je utjecao na generacije glazbenih odluka. Ken rad je ostavio neizbrisiv trag na stotine milijuna obožavatelja sa svojim vještim doprinosa Magical Mystery Tour i The White Album. Kao producent i. ili inženjer šest David Bowie albuma. uključujući poznatu Ziggy Stardust i Pauci s Marsa. kao i druge bezvremenskih klasika, zvuk Ken izrađen je pod utjecajem nekoliko generacija glazbe odluka koja se nastavlja do danas. Ken zarobljeni SONIC potpise who's-koji klasičnih rock i jazz djela, uključujući i Elton John, Pink Floyd, Jeffa Becka, Duran Duran, The Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, Americi, Azra, Kansas, epruvete, nestale osobe, Mahavishnu . Ovo je njegova priča, zajedno s smiješno, provokativnim i oh-tako-pošteni pričama o studiju, pozornici, pa čak i sramotno bazen incident. Nikad-prije-vidio fotografije i tehnički detalji čine ovu knjigu morati-imati za svaki ljubitelj glazbe. To je jednostavno najbolja knjiga svoje vrste koje sam ikad pročitao, i to radi na toliko levelsâ To je dobio sjajne priče koje nam daju uvid u neke od najvećih imena u glazbi. nudi povijest snimanja tehnologije i tehnike iz kasnih 60-ih do danas. a kolala kroz sve to je nepokolebljiva i često samo-deprecating biografiju našeg junaka kao što je on pregovara opasnosti, zamke i uspjehe u životu u m.
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