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Russian Operatic Arias for Tenor 19th and 20th Century Repertoire. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.


Ruski operne arije za tenor 19. i 20. stoljeća Repertoar. Tenorom note. Glas Solo note.


Russian Operatic Arias for Tenor 19th and 20th Century Repertoire edited by Fanning. For Tenor Voice, Piano. Voice & Piano Albums. Opera. Collection. Published by Edition Peters. PE.P07582. Vertovsky-Askold's Grave. Toropka. Soft. A gentle zephyr goes. Glinka-A life for the Tsar. Sobinin. Brothers in arms. Glinka-Ruslan and Lyudmila. Bayan. In a distant Land. Dargomyzhsky-Rusalka. Prince. Here all things remind me of days gone forever. Boro din-Prince Igor. Vladimir. Ah. Hear my call. Mussorgsky-Boris Godunov. Holy Fool. Weep, my eyes, with bitter tears flowing. Mussorgsky-Sorochintsy Fair. Gritsko. Ag, why, my heart, with such sorrow laden. Tchaikovsky-Eugene Onegin. Lensky. I love you , I love you, Olga & Farewell, farewell, o springtime all too fleeting. Tchaikovsky-Mazeppa. Andrey. Where battle rages, and honour calls me. Tchaikovsky-The Queen of Spades. German. Once I could march towards my goal & What is our life. Rimsky-Korsakov -May Night. Levko. Sleep, My love. Rimsky-Korsakova-The Snow Maiden. Tsar Berendey. How rich, how wondrous rich & The glorious day is going. Rimsky-Korsakova-Sadko. Sadko. Dark the oak-trees in the wildwood growing. Indian Merchant. Unnumbered Diamo nds. Rimsky-Korsakov-The Tsar's Bride. Lykov. Calm now the angry sky. Shostakovich. The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District. Shabby Peasant. Cousin Masha makes me laugh. This landmark series opens up exciting vistas of challenging and rewarding repertoire for the discerning and adventurous singer. As with the Peters companion volumes of French Operatic Arias, this Russian series presents many of the justly celebrated arias, but also juxtaposes them with other less familiar gems, which undoutedly deserve wider recognition. Much of the selected repertoire is eminently suitable for audition purposes, so that each volume is a treasure trove for professional singers and students. Ah, where are you, where. Everything here reminds me of the past. Brothers, into the snow-storm. There is a deserted land. Flow, flow, bitter tears. Why then, my heart, are you sobbing and groaning. Sleep, my beauty. Oh, you dark little grove. Countless are the diamonds. Full, full of wonders is mighty Nature. Cheerful day is departing. The foul storm-cloud has swept past. Once I had a ladyfriend. In the bloody battle, on the field of honour. Yes. I can no longer tread. What is our Life. I love you, I love you Olga. Whither, whither, whither have you flown. Lo, a little breeze is blowing. "Soft. A gentle zephyr goes, from Askold's Grave". "Brothers in arms, from A Life for the Tsar". "In a distant land, from Ruslan and Lyudmila". "Here all things remind me of days gone forever, from Rusalka". Ah. Hear my call. from Prince Igor. "Weep, my eyes, with bitter tears flowing, from Boris Godunov". "Ah, why, my heart, with such sorrow laden. from The Fair at Sorochintsy". "I love you, I love you, Olga, from Yevgeny Onegin". "Farewell, farewell, O springtime all too fleeting, from Yevgeny Onegin". "Where battle rages, and honor calls me, from Mazeppa". "Once I could march towards my goal, frm The Queen of Spades". What is our life. from The Queen of Spade. "Sleep, my love, from May Night". "How rich, how wondrous rich, from The Snow Maiden". "The glorious day is going, from The Snow Maiden". "Dark the oak-trees in the wildwood growing, from Sadko". "Unnumbered diamonds, from Sadko". "Calm now the angry sky, from The Tsar's Bride". "Cousin Masha makes me laugh, from The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District".


Ruski operne arije za tenor 19. i 20. stoljeće Repertoar uredio Fanning. Za tenorom, glasovir. Glas. Opera. Zbirka. Objavio Edition Peters. PE.P07582. Vertovsky-Askold grob. Toropka. Mekan. Nježni lahor ide. Glinka-Život za cara. Sobinin. Braća po oružju. Glinka-Ruslan i Ljudmila. Bayan. U dalekoj zemlji. Dargomyzhsky-Rusalka. Princ. Ovdje su sve stvari me podsjećaju dana otišao zauvijek. Boro din-Prince Igor. Vladimir. Ah. Čuti moj poziv. Musorgski-Boris Godunov. Sveti Fool. Plači, oči, s gorkim suzama koje teku. Musorgski-Sorochintsy Pristojno. Gritsko. Ag, zašto, moje srce, sa takvom tugom laden. Čajkovski-Eugene Onegin. Lensky. Volim te, volim te, Olga. Čajkovski-Mazeppa. Andrey. Gdje bitka bjesni, i čast mi pozive. Čajkovski-Queen of Spades. Njemački. Nakon što sam mogao marširati prema moj cilj. Rimski-Korsakova-May Night. Levko. Sleep, Moja ljubav. Rimski-Korsakova-Snow Maiden. Tsar Berendey. Kako bogati, kako je čudesno bogat. Rimski-Korsakova-Sadko. Sadko. Tamni hrast-stabala u Šumu uzgoj. Indijski trgovac. Nenumerirana Diamo NDS. Rimski-Korsakova-carsku nevjesta. Lykov. Smiri se sada ljutiti nebu. Šostakovič. Lady Macbeth Mcenskoga Distrikta. Otrcana seljačka. Cousin Masha čini mi se smijati. Ovaj reper serija otvara uzbudljive vidike izazovan i nagrađivanja repertoara za uviđavan i avanturistički pjevačica. Kao i kod Peters kućnim količine francuske operne arije, ovaj ruski serija predstavlja mnoge pravom najslavnijih arije, ali i suprotstavlja ih s drugim manje poznatih dragulja, koji undoutedly zaslužuju veće priznanje. Velik dio odabranom repertoaru je izrazito pogodan za audiciju svrhe, tako da je svaki svezak je prava riznica za profesionalnim pjevačima i studente. Ah, gdje si ti, gdje. Ovdje se sve me podsjeća na prošlost. Brothers, u snijegom oluji. Tu je pusta zemlja. Protoka, protok, gorke suze. Zašto onda, srce moje, ti jecajući i stenjući. Sleep, moja ljepotica. Oh, ti tamno malo gaj. Nebrojene su dijamanti. Puna, puna čuda je moćna Nature. Vesela dan odlaska. Slobodan Oluja-oblak je pometen prošlost. Jednom sam imao ladyfriend. U krvavoj borbi, na području čast. Da. Ja više ne može gaziti. Što je naš život. Volim te, volim te Olgu. Kamo, kamo, kamo ste letjeli. Eto, malo vjetar puše. "Soft. Nježni lahor ide, od Askold grobu ". "Brothers in Arms, iz Život za cara". "U dalekoj zemlji, iz Ruslan i Ljudmila". "Ovdje je sve me podsjeća dana otišao zauvijek, od Rusalka". Ah. Čuti moj poziv. od kneza Igora. "Plači, oči, s gorke suze teku, od Borisa Godunova". "Ah, zašto, moje srce, sa takvom tugom laden. Iz sajam na Sorochintsy ". "Volim te, volim te, Olga, od Jevgenij Onegin". "Zbogom, zbogom, O proljeće sve previše kratkotrajna, od Jevgenij Onegin". "Gdje bitka bjesni, i čast mi je poziva, od Mazeppa". "Nakon što sam mogao marširati prema moj cilj, frm Pikova dama". Što je naš život. Iz Kraljice Spadea. "Spavaj, ljubavi moja, od svibnja Night". "Kako bogati, kako je čudesno bogat, od snijega Maiden". "Slavno dan ide, od snijega Maiden". "Dark hrast-stabala u Wildwood raste, iz Sadko". "nenumerirana dijamanti, iz Sadko". "Smiri se sada ljutiti nebo, iz carsku Bride". "Cousin Masha čini mi se smijati, s Lady Macbeth Mcenskoga Distrikta".