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Hymns For The Family Of God. Loose-leaf, Black. Various. Choir sheet music.
Himne za obitelj Boga. Neukoričen, crna. Raznovrstan. Zbor note.
Hymns For The Family Of God. Loose-leaf, Black. arranged by Various. For SATB choir. Looseleaf. Benson Hymnals. Sacred, Modern Christian. Hymnal. loose-leaf. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.8441800297. Songs include. 'Til The Storm Passes By - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus - A Christian Home - A Hymn Of Joy We Sing - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - A Shelter In The Time Of Storm - A Song Of Peace - Abide With Me - Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed - All Creatures Of Our God And King - All For Jesus - All Glory, Laud and Honor - All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name - All My Heart Today Rejoices - All People That On Earth Do Dwell - All Praise To Thee, My God - All The Way My Savior Leads Me - Alleluia - Almost Persuaded - Am I A Soldier Of The Cross - Amazing Grace. How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain. - Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Angels We Have Heard On High - Anywhere With Jesus - Are Ye Able, Said The Master - Are You Washed In The Blood. - As With Gladness Men Of Old - At Calvary - At The Cross - At The Name Of Jesus - Away In A Manger - Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Be Still My Soul - Be Thou My Vision - Beacuse He Lives - Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus - Beyond The Sunset - Bless His Holy Name - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine - Blessed Be The Name - Blessed Jesus - Blessed Quietness - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Be The Tie That Binds - Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light - Break Thou The Bread Of Life - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God - Brethern, We Have Met To Worship - Built On The Rock - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary - Calvary Covers It All - Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord - Child In The Manger - Children Of The Heavenly Father - Christ Arose - Christ For The World We Sing - Christ Is Coming. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today - Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies - Christ, We Do All Adore Thee - Cleanse Me - Clorious Is Thy Name, Most Holy - Close To Thee - Come Children See Him - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing - Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus - Come To Calvary's Holy Mountain - Come, All Christians, Be Commited - Come, Christians, Join To Sing - Come, Holy Spirit - Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine - Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove - Come, Thou Almighty King - Come, We That Love The Lord - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy - Come, Ye Thankful People, Come - Crown Him With Many Crowns - Day By Day And With Each Passing Moment - Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind - Down At The Cross - Doxology - Earth And All Stars - Eternal F. 699 selections. including readings. arranged by topic. Alphabetical index of titles and first lines. with hymn origin including. Hymntune. name. Topical index with 81 headings. Scriptural allusions in hymns. Index of readings. Scriptural index of readings. For The Beauty Of The Earth. How Great Thou Art. Praise Hymn. God, Who Made the Earth And Heaven. Morning has Broken. This Is My Father's World. Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand. Teach Us What We Yet May Be. Earth and All Stars. O Day Of Rest And Gladness. The Wonder Of It All. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Tell Me The Old, Old Story. The Love of God. God So Loved The World. Loe Divine, All Loves Excelling. One Day. O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus. Why Should He Love Me So. Love Was When. Wonderful Words Of Life. Break Thou The Bread Of Life. How Firm A Foundation. Holy Bible, Book Divine. Near to the Heart of God. No One Understands Like Jesus. The Hiding Place. The Great Physician. Blessed Jesus. The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want. Through It All. They That Sow In Tears. There Is A Balm In Gilead. I Must Tell Jesus. I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say. They That Wait Upon The Lord. Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord. God Will Take Care of You. Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus. Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary. Like A Lamb Who Needs The Shepherd. Sun of My Soul. Peace I Leave With You. Moment by Moment. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine. Standing On The Promises. Hiding In Thee. Faith Is The Victory. He The Pearly Gates Will Open. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus. My Faith Has Found A Resting Place. Yesterday, Today And Tomrorrow. Be Still My Soul. My Hope Is In The Lord. Trusting Jesus. Let God Be God. Victory In Jesus. Yesterday, Today, Forever. My Faith Looks Up To Thee. Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Children Of The Heavenly Father. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. The Solid Rock. I Am Not Skilled To Understand. At the Cross. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Satisfied. The Haven Of Rest. Day By Day And With Each Passing Moment. Great God Of Wonders. Grace Greater Than Our Sin. Amazing Grace. How Sweet The Sound. Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me. Whiter Than Snow. Thank God For The Promise Of Spring. He Giveth More Grace. Wonderful Grace Of Jesus. There's A Wideness In God's Mercy. A Shelter In The Time Of Storm. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. He Hideth My Soul. In The Hour Of Trial. When We All Get To Heaven. Is My Name Written There. Beyond The Sunset. Face To Face. When We See Christ. I'll Be There. In Heaven Above. O, That Will Be Glory For Me. Until Then. When I Can Read My Title Clear. It Will Be Worth It All. Praise Ye The Triune God. Hymn To The Trinity. Gloria Patri. The Comforter Has Come. Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove. Blessed Quietness. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is. Holy, Holy. Come, Holy Spirit. Spirit, Now Live In Me. Fill Me Now. Spirit Of The Living God. The Spirit Of Jesus Is In This Place. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. Holy Ghost, with Light Divine. Holy Spirit, Flow Through Me. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. Joy To The World. Of The Father's Light Begotten. Lo. How A Rose E'er Blooming. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night. Good Christian Men, Rejoice. O Little Town of Bethlehem. The First Noel. What Child Is This, Who, Laid To Rest. Come Children See Him. How Great Our Joy. I Wonder as I Wander. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. Away In A Manger. Angels from the Realms of Glory. Angels We Have Heard On High. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly. Silent Night, Holy Night. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. Child in the Manger. Redeeming Love. The Star Carol. As with Gladness Men of Old. All My Heart Today Rejoices. Go, Tell It on the Mountains. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light. O Sing A Song. I Cannot Tell. Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus. I Think When I Read That Sweet Story. Tell Me The Story Of Jesus. Strong, Righteous Man Of Galilee. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley. Jesus Is The Friend Of Sinners. I've Found A Friend, O Such A Friend. No, Not One. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. I Stand Amazed. If That Isn't Love. Jesus Loves Even Me. Jesus Loves Me, This I Know. There's Something About That Name. I Will Sing Of My Redeemer. How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds. His Name Is Wonderful. Take The Name Of Jesus With You. Join All the Glorious Names. He Is Lord. Jesus Is Lord Of All. The Unveiled Christ. Jesus Shall Reign Where'er The Sun. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates. Fairest Lord Jesus. He's Still The King Of Kings. Jesus. What A Friend For Sinners. Man Of Sorrows, What A Name. He's The Savior Of My Soul. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. All Glory, Laud and Honor. Calvary Covers It All. In The Cross of Christ I Glory. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. Near The Cross. Down At The Cross. The Old Rugged Cross. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Are You Washed In The Blood. And Can It Be That I Should Gain. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood. I Know A Fount. Nothing But The Blood. Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness. Jesus, The Son Of God. I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary. Jesus Paid It All. Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. Blessed Redeemer. Come To Calvary's Holy Mountain. Jesus, Priceless Treasure. There Is A Green Hill Far Away. Savior, Thy Dying Love. Go To Dark Gethsemane. Wounded For Me. What Wondrous Love Is This. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded. Worthy The Lamb. Were You There. Jesus Lives, And So Shall I. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Thine Is The Glory. Beacuse He Lives. Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies. I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today. Christ Arose. He Lives. The Easter Song. Christ Is Coming. Christ Returneth. Jesus Is Coming Again. Lo. He Comes With Clouds Descending. This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day. When He Shall Come. Is It The Crowning Day. What If It Were Today. Some Golden Daybreak. The King Is Coming. What A Day That Will Be. For God So Loved The World. My Lord, What A Morning. Let's Just Praise The Lord. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise. Let Us Celebrate The Glories Of Our God. Brethern, We Have Met To Worship. When Morning Gilds the Skies. Holy. Holy. Holy. Lord God Almighty. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme. It Is Good To Sing Thy Praises. Sometimes "Alleluia". The God Of Abraham Praise. We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer. Praise the Lord. Ye Heavens Adore Him. O Worship the King. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. We Sing The Greatness Of Our God. Praise My Soul, The King Of Heaven. Come, Thou Almighty King. Come, Christians, Join To Sing. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above. O Could I Speak The Matchless Worth. Crown Him with Many Crowns. All Creatures Of Our God And King. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing. At The Name Of Jesus. Blessed Be the Name. God The Omnipotent. The Joy Of The Lord. O For A Heart To Praise My God. Christ, We Do All Adore Thee. I Will Praise Him. You Servants Of God, Your Master Proclaim. Alleluia. Praise The Savior, Ye Who Know Him. To God Be The Glory. My Tribute. Praise Be To Jesus. Lord, We Praise You. My Wonderful Lord. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. What A Wonderful Savior. Praise The Lord, His Glories Show. Rejoice, The Lord is King. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. Bless His Holy Name. All People That On Earth Do Dwell. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow. Doxology. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. Thanks To God For My Redeemer. We Gather Together. Let All Things Now Living. O Let Your Soul Be Filled With Gladness. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come. Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart. We Plow The Fields And Scatter The Good Seed. I Will Serve Thee. Rise Up, O Men Of God. Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. Jesus, I Come. O Jesus, I Have Promised. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go. Close To Thee. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Lead Me To Calvary. I Surrender All. Who Is On The Lord's Side. Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. Under His Wings. Father, I Adore You. At Calvary. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior. Just As I Am, Without One Plea. Kind And Merciful God. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind. Cleanse Me. I Lay My Sins Of Jesus. Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy. Even So, Lord Jesus, Come. Reach Out To Jesus. Softly And Tenderly. Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. Jesus Is Calling. The Savior Is Waiting. For Those Tears I Died. Almost Persuaded. Sweet Hour of Prayer. The Lord's Prayer. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. i need Thee Every hour. Speak, Lord, In The Stillness. Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire. We Are Living, We Are Dwelling. I Need Jesus. Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts. I Could Never Outlove The Lord. I'll Live For Him. Trust and Obey. I Am Thine, O Lord. My Jesus, I Love Thee. Take Time To Be Holy. Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated. All For Jesus. Jesus, We Just Want To Thank You. Living For Jesus. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord. Be Thou My Vision. Higher Ground. Are Ye Able, Said The Master. Teach Me Your Way, O Lord. Make Me A Blessing. Eternal Life. More Love to Thee, O Christ. More About Jesus Would I Know. Fill Thou My Life, O Lord My God. O To Be Like Thee. Fill My Cup, Lord. May the Mind of Christ, My Savior. Nearer, Still Nearer. Open My Eyes That I May See. We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder. In Heavenly Love Abiding. Peace, Perfect Peace. Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace. Wonderful Peace. It Is Well With My Soul. Security. Like A River Glorious. Through The Love Of God, Our Savior. Abide with Me. 'Til The Storm Passes By. I'll Gl Where You Want Me To Go. Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone. Your Cause Be Mine. Come, All Christians, Be Commited. Clorious Is Thy Name, Most Holy. Little Is Much, When God Is In It. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending. We Give Thee But Thine Own. Give Of Your Best To The Master. All Praise To Thee, My God. Savior, Again To Thy Dear Name We Raise. Lord, Dismiss Us With Your Blessing. The Lord Bless You and Keep You. God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again. Now Thank We All Our God. Faith of Our Fathers. God Of Grace And God Of Glory. O Perfect Love. In The Circle Of Each Home. The Wise May Bring Their Learning. A Christian Home. Happy The Home When God Is There. The Family Of God. The Bond Of Love. I Love Your Kingdom, Lord. We Are God's People. The Church's One Foundation. Getting Used To The Family Of God. Come, We That Love The Lord. There's A Church Within Us, O Lord. Plenty Of Room In The Family. Built On The Rock. There's A Quiet Understanding. Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation. Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Let Us Break Bread Together. A Hymn Of Joy We Sing. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face. We Dedicate This Temple. This Child We Dedicate To Thee. Renew Thy Church, Her Ministries Restore. Revive Us Again. If My People Will Pray. Thou, Whose Purpose Is To Kindle. O Breath Of Life. There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing. It is No Secret. God Is At Work Within You. Only Believe. He Keeps Me Singing. In the Garden. I Am His And He Is Mine. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Anywhere With Jesus. Lead On, O King Eternal. Gentle Shepherd. God Leads Us Along. All The Way My Savior Leads Me. Take Thou My Hand, O Father. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. God Moves In A Mysterious Way. If You Will Only Let God Guide You. He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought. Where He Leads Me. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Jesus Will Walk with Me. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Fight The Good Fight. For All The Saints. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. Onward Christian Soldiers. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story. I Love To Tell The Story. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. O How He Loves You And Me. The Longer I Serve Him. Lord, Speak To Me. It Took A Miracle. Jesus Is All The World To Me. He Touched Me. Only Trust Him. There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today. I Know Whom I Have Believed. He's Everything To Me. In My Heart There Rings A Melody. O, How I Love Jesus. Why Do I Sing About Jesus. The Light Of The World Is Jesus. Now I Belong To Jesus. Something Worth Living For. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. Pass It On. If I Gained The World. Since I Have Been Redeemed. There's Room At The Cross. Redeemed. O Happy Day. I'll Tell The World That I'm A Christian. I'd Rather Have Jesus. Jesus Never Fails. Get All Excited. He Lifted Me. Have You Any Room For Jesus. Reach Out And Touch. Something Beautiful. Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul. O Zion Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling. We've A Story To Tell To The Nations. Rescue the Perishing. Let Your Heart Be Broken. Send The Light. So Send I You. Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life. Jesus Saves. Macedonia. Hear The Voice Of Jesus Calling. Once To Every Man And Nation. Through All The World. Far, Far Away In Sin And Darkness Dwelling. I Am Praying For You. They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love. Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Let There Be Peace On Earth. A Song Of Peace. In Christ There Is No East Or West. Christ For The World We Sing. God Of Our Fathers. The Star-Spangled Banner. America, the Beautiful. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. This Is My Country. America, The Heritage. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. Amen. Twofold Amen. Threefold Amen. Sixfold Amen.
Himne za obitelj Boga. Neukoričen, crna. raspoređeni po raznim. Za SATB zbor. Looseleaf. Benson pjesmarice. Sveto, Moderna Christian. Slavopojni. neukoričen. Objavio Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.8441800297. Pjesme su. 'Til Oluja prolazi -' Tis tako slatko da vjerujemo u Isusa - kršćanski dom - Himna radosti pjevamo - Mighty tvrđava je naš Bog - sklonište u vrijeme Oluje - pjesmu mira - ostati kod mene - Jao. I je li moj spasitelj Bleed - Svi Stvorenja našeg Boga i kralja - Sve za Isusa - svu slavu, hvaliti i časti - All Hail Snaga Isusova imena - All My Heart Danas raduje - Svi ljudi koji na Zemlji, prebivati - Sva hvala Tebi, Bože moj - Sve Way Moj Spasitelj me vodi - Aleluja - Gotovo nagovor - Am IA Soldier Of The Cross - Amazing Grace. Kako Sweet Sound - Amen - Amerika, Beautiful - Amerika, baština - A može li biti da sam trebala dobiti. - Anđela iz oblasti Glory - Anđeli smo čuli o Visokom - bilo gdje sa Isusom - Što ste u mogućnosti, rekao je majstor - Jeste li opran u Krvi. - Kao što je s veseljem starima - na Kalvariji - na križanju - U ime Isusovo - daleko u jaslicama - Bitka Himna Republike - Be Still My Soul - Budi Moja vizija - zato jer on živi - Begin, moj jezik , Neki Nebeski Tema - Pod križem - Beyond The Sunset - Bless njegovo sveto ime - Blaženu Assurance, Isus Is Mine - Blagoslovljen Ime - Blažena Isus - Blažena Mir - Blažena Otkupitelja - Blest Budite veza koja veže - Break Forth , O ljepotice Nebeski Light - Break si kruh života - Breathe On Me, Božji dah - Brethern, susreli smo se obožavati - podignutog na stijeni - opterećuje se podižu na Kalvariji - Kalvarija pokriva sve - od lijevanog Tvoje breme Gospodin - Dijete u jaslicama - Djeca nebeskog Oca - Krist je uskrsnuo - Kristom za svijet pjevamo - Krist dolazi. - Krist je napravio siguran temelj - Krista Returneth. - Krist Gospodin je uskrsli Danas - Krist slava ispunjava nebo - Krist, činimo sve Adore Tebe - Operi me - Clorious ti je ime, Presveta - blizu tebe - Dođi Djeca vidjeti ga - dolaze ti izvor svakog blagoslova - Dođi ti Long-Očekivana Isus - Dođite na Golgotu svete planine - Dođite, svi kršćani, biti predan - Dođi, kršćani, Pridružite pjevati - Dođi, Sveti Duh - Dođi, Duše Sveti, Dove Divine - Dođi, Duše Sveti, Nebeski Dove - Dođi, Ti Svemogući King - Dođi, smo tu ljubav Gospodin - Dođi, grešnici, siromašnima i potrebitima - Dođite, zahvalni ljudi, Dođi - krunu s njega mnoge krune - iz dana u dan i sa svakim trenutak - Dragi Gospodine i otac čovječanstva - dolje na križu - doksologije - Zemlja i All Stars - Eternal F. 699 odabiri. uključujući čitanja. raspoređeni po temama. Abecedni popis naslova i prva linija. uz himnu podrijetla uključujući. Hymntune. naziv. Aktuelno indeks s 81 naslova. Biblijske aluzije u himni. Indeks čitanja. Pisma indeks čitanja. Za ljepotom zemlje. Kolika si ti. Pohvala Himna. Bože, koji je zemljom i neba. Jutro je slomljena. To je svijet moga oca. Veliki Bože, pjevamo svoju jaku ruku. Pouči nas što ćemo ipak može biti. Zemlja i All Stars. O dan odmora i radosti. Wonder Of It All. Isus voli malu djecu. Reci mi je stari, Old Story. Ljubav prema Bogu. Bog je tako ljubio svijet. Loe Divine, All ljubi odlikuje. Jednog dana. O Deep, Deep Isusove ljubavi. Zašto bi On Love Me Tako. Ljubav Je Kad. Prekrasne riječi života. Break Ti kruh života. Kako Firm Foundation. Biblija, Knjiga Divine. Blizu Srcu Boga. Nitko ne razumije Poput Isusa. Skrovište. Veliki liječnik. Blagoslovljen Isus. Gospodnja Moj Shepherd, ja ću ne želi. Kroz sve to. Oni koji siju u suzama. Tu je Melem na brdu. Moram reći Isusa. Sam čuo plač Isus rekao. Oni koji Pričekajte Jahvu. Baci teret za Gospodina. Bog će se pobrinuti za vas. Sjedeći na noge Isusu. Tereti se podižu na Kalvariji. Kao janje Tko treba pastir. Sunce moje duše. Mir vam ostavljam. Iz trenutka u trenutak. Moj Shepherd će dostaviti moju potrebu. Blažena Osiguranje, Isus Is Mine. Stojeći na obećanjima. Skrivanje u Tebi. Vjera je pobjeda. On Pearly Gates će otvoriti. Ja sam Vjerujući Tebe, Gospodine Isuse!. Moja vjera je pronašao počivalište. Jučer, danas i Tomrorrow. Budite Ipak My Soul. Moja nada je u Gospodinu. Vjerujući Isus. Neka Bog bude Bog. Pobjeda u Isusu. Jučer, danas, zauvijek. Moja vjera gleda sa Tobom. Isuse, ja sam odmaranje, odmaranje. Naslonjena na vječne ruke. Djeca nebeskog Oca. 'Tis Dakle Sweet vjerovati u Isusa. Solid Rock. Ja nisam vješt razumjeti. Na križu. Znam tko presuđuje sutra. Tvoja je vjernost velika. Zadovoljan. Haven odmora. Dana u dan i sa svakim trenutak. Velika God of Wonders. Grace je veći od našega grijeha. Amazing Grace. Kako Sweet Sound. Rock of vijeku, rascjep za mene. Bjelji od snijega. Hvala Bogu Obećanje proljeća. On daje više milost. Wonderful milosti Isusa. Tu je širina u Božje milosrđe. Sklonište u vrijeme Oluje. Mighty tvrđava je naš Bog. Krije My Soul. U sat suđenje. Kada smo svi dobili na nebu. Je li moje ime napisano Postoji. Beyond The Sunset. Licem u lice. Kada vidimo Krista. Ja ću biti tamo. Gore na nebu. O, kako će se slava u meni. Do tada. Kad sam može čitati moje Naslov Clear. To će se isplatiti sve. Hvalite Trojstveni Bože. Himna Trojstva. Gloria Patri. Branitelj prešla. Dođite, Duh Sveti, Nebeski Dove. Blažena Mir. Duh Božji, obrušiti My Heart. Gdje Duh Gospodnji. Sveti, Sveti. Dođi, Duše Sveti. Duh, sada žive u meni. Ispunite Me Now. Duh Boga živoga. Duh Isusa je na ovom mjestu. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Dišite na mene, Božji dah. Duh Sveti, uz lagane Božanskim. Duh Sveti, protok kroz mene. Neka sve smrtnika šuti. Dođi Long-očekuje se Isusu. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Ti si 'Ostavi Throne. Joy To The World. Očeve Light poniklo. To. Kako Rose e'er Blooming. Dok pastiri Gledao svoja stada po noći. Dobar kršćanin Muškarci, Radujte. O gradiću Betlehemu. Prvo Noel. Što je dijete, tko, položeno na počinak. Dođite Djeca ga vidim. Kolika Naša Radost. Pitam se što ja lutam. Slušati. Herald Angels Sing. Gost u jaslama. Anđeli iz Realms of Glory. Anđeli smo čuli o Visokom. O Dođite, svi ste vjerni. Djetešce Holy, dojenčadi Nisko. Tiha noć, sveta noć. On je došao Nakon ponoći Clear. Dijete u jaslicama. Otkupiteljskoj ljubavi. Star Carol. Kao što je s veseljem starima. All My Heart Danas raduje. Idi, reći da na planinama. Mi Three Kings Of Orijenta Jeste. Break Forth, O ljepotice Nebeski Light. O otpjevati pjesmu. Ja ne mogu reći. Reci mi priča o Isusu. Mislim da kad sam pročitao da Sweet Story. Reci mi priča o Isusu. Jaka, pravednik Galileje. Isus hodao ovom Lonesome Valley. Isus je prijatelj grešnika. Ja sam pronašao prijatelja, O takvoj prijatelja. Ne, nije jedan. Isuse, Lover of My Soul. I Stand zaprepašteni. Ako to nije ljubav. Isus voli čak i mene. Isus me voli, ovo ja znam. Ima nešto u to ime. Pjevat ću Of My Otkupitelja. Kako slatko ime Isusa Zvuci. Njegovo ime je predivan. Uzmi ime Isusa s vama. Pridružite sve slavne Imena. On je Gospodin. Isus je Gospodar sviju. Otkriven je Krist. Isus će vladati Where'er The Sun. Podignite glave, Ye Mighty Gates. Najpravedniji Gospodine Isuse. On je još uvijek kralj kraljeva. Isus. Što prijatelj grešnika. Čovjek boli, što Ime. On je Spasitelj moje duše. Hosana, Hosana Loud. Sve Glory, Laud i Honor. Kalvarija Omoti to sve. U Kristovu križu I Glory. Ispod Isusov križ. Uz križ. Dolje na križ. Stari Čvrsto križ. Kad sam Anketa o čudesnoj križ. Jeste li opran u Krvi. I može li biti da sam trebala dobiti. Krv nikada neće izgubiti svoju moć. Tu je fontana puna krvi. Znam vrelo. Nothing But The Blood. Isuse, Tvoja krv i pravednost. Isus, Sin Božji. Vjerujem u brdu Kalvarija Planina. Isus je to sve Plaćeni. Avaj jao meni. I je li moj spasitelj Bleed. Blažena Otkupitelja. Dođite na Kalvariju je Svete Gore. Isuse, neprocjenjivo blago. Tu je Green Hill Far Away. Spasitelj, tvoja smrt ljubav. Idi na tamno Getsemanski. Ranjen za mene. Što Čudesni Ljubav Je To. O Sveto voditelj, sad Ranjen. Dostojan Lamb. Bio si tamo. Isus je živote, a tako će sam. Krist Gospodin je uskrsnuo danas. Tvoje je Slava. Zato jer on živi. Krist je slava ispunjava nebo. Znam da moj Izbavitelj živi. Isus Krist je uskrsnuo danas. Krist je uskrsnuo. Živi. Uskrs Song. Krist dolazi. Krist Returneth. Jesus Is Coming Again. To. On dolazi s oblacima silazno. To bi mogao biti Svitanje tog dana. Kad ce doci. Je li to dan krune. Što ako je to danas. Neki Zlatna Zora. Kralj dolazi. Koji dan koji će biti. Jer Bog je tako ljubio svijet. Gospodine moj, što Morning. Ajmo Hvalite Gospodina. Dođi ti vrelo svakoga blagoslova. Immortal, nevidljivi, Bog jedini mudar. Proslavimo slave Majke Božje. Brethern, susreli smo se obožavati. Kad Jutro Gilds nebo. Svet. Svet. Svet. Gospodin Bog Svemogući. All Hail Moć ime Isusovo. Počnite, moj jezik, neki Nebeski Tema. Dobro je pjevati Tvoje hvali. Ponekad "Aleluja". Bog Abrahamov Praise. Slavimo Tebe, Bože, naš Otkupitelj. Hvalite Gospodina. Nebesa Obožavam ga. O Obožavanje kralja. Hvalite Gospodina, Svemogućeg. Pjevamo veličinu našeg Boga. Hvalite My Soul, The King Of Heaven. Hajde, ti Svemogući King. Dođite, kršćani, Pridružite pjevati. Pjevajte hvalu Bogu koji vlada iznad. O Mogu li razgovarati o nenadmašnoj vrijedan. Okruniti ga s mnogim krunicama. Sva stvorenja našeg Boga i kralja. O za tisuću jezika pjevati. U ime Isusovo. Blagoslovljen Ime. Bog Svemogući. Radost Gospodnja. O Za srcem slaviti Boga Moja. Krist, činimo sve Obožavam Tebe. Ja ću ga hvalite. Vi sluge Božjega, diplomu proglašenju. Aleluja. Hvalite Spasitelja, vi koji ga poznaju. Bogu slava. Moj Tribute. Hvaljen Isus. Gospodine, hvalimo. Moj Wonderful Gospodin. O Bože, naša pomoć u davnine. Što Wonderful Spasitelja. Hvalite Gospodina, Njegova Slave Show. Raduj se, Gospodin je kralj. Slavna Stvari o Tebi govori. Veselo, Radosna, klanjamo Ti. Blagoslovi njegovo sveto ime. Svi ljudi koji su na Zemlji, prebivati. Hvala Bogu, od koga svi blagoslovi Flow. Doksološkim. Sveti Bože, slavimo ime tvoje. Hvala Bogu za moje Otkupitelja. Mi smo okupiti. Sve neka sada živi. O Let Your Soul biti ispunjen radošću. Dođite, zahvalni ljudi, Come. Raduj se, Ye čista srca. Mi plug Polja i raspršuju dobro sjeme. Služit ću ti. Ustani, o ljudi Božji. Isus nas poziva valima metežu. Neka ti je pak svoj način, Gospodine. Isuse, dolazim. O Isuse, ja obećali. O ljubavi koja neće Let Me Go. Zatvori Za Tebe. Gospodine, dolazim kući. Vodi me na Kalvariju. Ja predaju. Tko je na Gospodnjoj strani. Jesam li Soldier Of The Cross. Pod njegovim krilima. Oče, ja te obožavam. Na Kalvariji. Pass Me Ne, o Nježna Spasitelja. Baš kao i ja, bez jednog priznanju krivnje. Ljubazan i milosrdan Bog. Gospodine, ja želim biti kršćanin. Dragi Gospodine i otac čovječanstva. Operi me. I Lay My grijehe Isusu. Dođite, Sinners, siromašne i potrebite. Čak i tako, Gospodine Isuse, Dođi. Doprijeti do Isusa. Tiho i nježno. Neka Isus ući u tvoje srce. Isus vas zove. Spasitelj čeka. Za te suze sam umro. Gotovo na nagovor. Sweet Sat molitve. Molitva Gospodnja. O Gospodaru, Let Me Šetnja s tobom. trebam tebe svaki sat. Govori, Gospodine, u miru. Molitva je duša je iskrena želja. Živimo, Mi stanuju. Trebam Isusa. Isuse, Ti radost voljeti Hearts. Ja nikada ne bi mogao Outlove Gospodar. Živjet ću za njega. Povjerenje i poštujte. Ja sam Tvoja, Gospode. Moj Isuse, volim Te. Uzmite si vremena da bude sveta. Uzmi moj život i neka to bude Posvećeni. Sve za Isusa. Isuse, mi samo želimo Vam zahvaliti. Živjeti za Isusa. Isuse, pomisli na Tebe. Što prijatelj imamo u Isusu. Uzmi iz naše svijesti, Dragi Gospodine. Budi Moja vizija. Uzvisinu. Što ste u mogućnosti, rekao je Master. Nauči me na svoj način, Gospodine. Napravite mi blagoslov. Vječni život. Više Ljubav Tebi, Kriste. Više o Isusu Želite li znati. Ispunite si moj život, Jahve, Bože moj. O biti kao ti. Ispunite Moj Cup, Gospodine. Svibanj Mind Krista, Spasitelja. Bliže, ipak Bliže. Otvorim oči da mogu vidjeti. Mi smo Penjanje buškaina. U Nebeskog Ljubav Abiding. Mir, mir Savršen. Ti ćeš ga držati u savršenom miru. Wonderful Mir. To je dobro s moje duše. Sigurnost. Kao rijeka Glorious. Kroz ljubavi Božje, naš Spasitelj. Ostati kod mene. 'Til The Storm prolazi. Ja ću gl gdje želite da odem. Mora Isus nosi križ Alone. Vaš Uzrok Be Mine. Dođite, svi kršćani, biti počinjena. Clorious ti je ime, Presveta. Malo je puno, kad je Bog na njega. Bože, Čija Davanje ne poznaje Ending. Mi dam ti nego tvoja neka Own. Daj od svoje najbolje na master. Sva hvala Tebi, Bože moj. Spasitelj, opet tvojim Dragi ime dižemo. Gospodine, Odbaci nas sa svojim blagoslovom. Gospodin vas blagoslovio i vas. Bog s vama 'Til smo Meet Again. Sada smo svi Hvala Bogu našemu. Vjera naših otaca. Bog milosti i Bog slave. O Savršena ljubav. U krugu svakom domu. Wise može donijeti svoje učenje. Christian Home. Happy Home Kad Bog je tu. Božja obitelj. Bond Of Love. Volim tvoje kraljevstvo, Gospodine. Mi smo Božji narod. Jedan temelje Crkve. Navikavanje na Božju obitelj. Dođite, mi tu ljubav Gospodin. Tu je Crkva u nama, o Jahve. Obilje prostora u obitelji. Izgrađen je na stijeni. Tu je tiho razumijevanje. Krist je napravio siguran temelj. Dođi, Duše Sveti, Dove Divine. Blest Budite veza koja veže. Neka nas lomiti kruh zajedno. Himna radosti pjevamo. Evo, O Gospodine moj, ja vidim Tebe licem u lice. Mi posvetiti ovaj hram. To dijete posvećujemo Tebi. Obnovite Tvoju Crkvu, ministarstva Restore. Oživite nas opet. Ako moji ljudi Molit. Ti, čija je svrha zapaliti. O dah života. Bit će to kiša blagoslova. Nije tajna. Bog na djelu u vama. Samo Vjerovali. On drži me Pjevanje. U vrtu. I Njegov Am I On Is Mine. Samo Closer Walk s tobom. Bilo gdje s Isusom. Olovo On, kralju Vječni!. Nježna Shepherd. Bog nas vodi uz. Sve Way Moj Spasitelj me vodi. Uzmi iz moje ruke, Oče. Spasitelj, kao pastir uvedi nas. Bog Moves u tajanstveni način. Ako će neka samo Bog vas voditi. On me upravlja, O Blago Misao. Gdje me vodi. Vodič me, O Ti Veliki Jahve. Isus će hodati sa mnom. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Bij dobar boj. Na sve svete. Stand Up, Stand Up za Isusa. Naprijed kršćanski vojnici. Pjevat ću čudesno Story. I Love ispričati priču. Uključite oči nakon Isusa. O tome kako je i tebe i mene voli. Dulje sam ga poslužite. Gospodine, razgovarati sa mnom. Trebalo je čudo. Isus je sve na svijetu za mene. On me je dotaknuo. Samo povjerenja u njega. Tu je sunce u mojoj duši Danas. Ja znam koje sam vjerovao. On je sve do mene. U mom srcu ima prsteni Melody. O, kako bih volio Isusa. Zašto sam pjevati o Isusu. Svjetlo svijeta je Isus. Sada ja pripadam Isusu. Something Worth Living For. Budući da je Isus došao u moje srce. Šalji dalje. Ako sam stekao svijet. Budući da sam otkupljena. Ima mjesta na križ. Otkupio. O Happy Day. Ja ću reći svijetu da sam kršćanin. Ja bih radije Isusa. Isus nikada ne. Dobiti sve uzbuđeni. On me podiže. Imate li mjesta za Isusa. Posegnuti i dotaknuti. Nešto Lijepa. Nebo je sišao i slava Ispunjen My Soul. O Zion Žurba, tvoja misija visoke Ispunjavanje. Imamo priču narodima. Spašavanje se propasti. Neka vaše srce bude Slomljeni. Pošalji svjetlu. Pa ja šaljem vas. Gdje Ubačaj prepunoj načina života. Isus spašava. Makedonija. Čuti glas Isusa Calling. Kada bi svaki muškarac i nacije. Kroz sve na svijetu. Daleko, daleko u grijeh i tama Stan. Ja molim za vas. Oni će znati da smo kršćani po ljubavi. Vječni Oče, Strong štedjeti. Neka bude mir na Zemlji. Pjesmu mira. U Kristu Ne postoji istok ili zapad. Krist je za svijet pjevamo. God of Our Fathers. Star-Spangled Banner. Amerika, Beautiful. Battle Hymn Republike. To je moja zemlja. Amerika, baštine. Moja zemlja, 'Tis od tebe. Amen. Nakon dvostruke Amen. Trostruko Amen. Šesterostruk Amen.