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The Beatles Session Parts. The Beatles.


The Beatles sjednica Dijelovi. The Beatles.


The Beatles Session Parts. Note-for-Note Transcriptions of the Brass, Woodwind, Strings and More. By The Beatles. For Orchestra. Transcribed. Softcover. 192 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.121903. ISBN 1480353574. 9x12 inches. This unique collection of 20 Beatles tunes presents, in score format, the parts played by the band's studio session players, so that you can study and play exactly what those violins, harps or trumpets were playing. Songs include. All You Need Is Love. Eleanor Rigby. The Fool on the Hill. Golden Slumbers. Got to Get You into My Life. Hello, Goodbye. I Am the Walrus. Magical Mystery Tour. Penny Lane. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Something. Strawberry Fields Forever. When I'm Sixty-Four. and more. Golden Slumbers. All You Need Is Love. Blue Jay Way. For No One. Something. Eleanor Rigby. The Fool On The Hill. Got To Get You Into My Life. Hello, Goodbye. I Am The Walrus. Magical Mystery Tour. Martha My Dear. Penny Lane. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. She's Leaving Home. Strawberry Fields Forever. When I'm Sixty-Four. Within You Without You. Carry That Weight. Mother Nature's Son.


The Beatles sjednica Dijelovi. Note-for-Note Transcriptions of the Brass, Woodwind, Strings and More. By The Beatlesa. Za orkestar. Prepisao. Softcover. 192 stranica. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.121903. ISBN 1480353574. 9x12 inča. This unique collection of 20 Beatles tunes presents, in score format, the parts played by the band's studio session players, so that you can study and play exactly what those violins, harps or trumpets were playing. Pjesme su. Sve što trebate je ljubav. Eleanor Rigby. Luda na Brdu. Zlatni drijema. Dobio bi vas u mom životu. Hello, Goodbye. Ja sam morž. Magical Mystery Tour. Penny Lane. Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band. Nešto. Strawberry Fields Forever. Kad sam šezdeset četiri. i još mnogo toga. Zlatni drijema. Sve što trebate je ljubav. Blue Jay Way. Jer nitko ne. Nešto. Eleanor Rigby. Fool On The Hill. Dobio bi vas u mom životu. Hello, Goodbye. Ja sam morž. Magical Mystery Tour. Martha My Dear. Penny Lane. Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band. Ona odlaze kući. Strawberry Fields Forever. Kad sam šezdeset četiri. Unutar Vi Without You. Nosi tu težinu. Sin matere.