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Music Sudoku Six-Square, Set 1. Beginning.
Glazba Sudoku Six-trg, Set 1. Početak.
Music Sudoku Six-Square, Set 1 for Games. General Music. Easy. Published by Heritage Music Press. LX.30-2298H. Like the familiar number version, the rules for solving these puzzles are simple. put one--and only one--whole, half, quarter and eighth note, and whole and half rest in each row, column and 3x2 box within the bigger grid. This set of six-square puzzles includes three levels of difficulty--easy, medium-easy and medium. Each of the 24 puzzles is labeled accordingly and the puzzles get progressively harder as you move to the end. None are as challenging as the nine-square puzzles, though, which makes them perfect anytime you're on-the-go and find yourself not going. You'll want to keep this in your purse, briefcase, bag, or music tote, because once you start, you won't be able to stop. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.
Glazba Sudoku Six-trg, Set 1 za igre. General Glazba. Lako. Objavio Heritage Music Press. LX.30-2298H. Kao poznati broj verzije, pravila za rješavanje ove zagonetke su jednostavne. staviti jedan - i samo jedan - cijela, pola, četvrtinu i osma nota, a cijela i polovice ostali u svakom retku, stupcu i 3x2 okvir unutar većeg mrežu. Ovaj set od šest četvornih zagonetke uključuje tri razine težine - lako, srednje lakše i srednje. Svaka od 24 zagonetke s oznakom u skladu s tim i zagonetke dobiti progresivno teže kao što kretati na kraju. Nitko se kao izazovna kao devet četvornih zagonetke, međutim, što ih čini savršenim bilo kad ste on-the-go i pronaći sebe ne ide. Vi ćete želite zadržati ovo u svoj novčanik, aktovka, torba, ili glazbeni tote, jer jednom kada počnete, nećete biti u mogućnosti da se zaustavi. Digital Print je ispis glazbeni dostupan list bilo kada, bilo gdje. Samo za kupnju, ispis i igrati. Pregled online note kod kuće, u školi, na poslu ili bilo gdje imate računalo spojeno na Internet. Koristite našu ipad app za pregledavanje digitalne list glazbe u pokretu. Uz Digital Print, možete ispisati svoje digitalne note odmah nakon kupnje, ili čekati do njegova povoljno. I naš instalacija softvera je jednostavno - mi ćemo vas kroz jednostavne korake kako bi bili sigurni da imate instaliran Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR i notnih Plus AIR aplikacija.