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The Risen Christ. Jonathan Willcocks. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate.
Uskrsli Krist. Jonathan Willcocks. Glas note. Zbor note. Pratnju orgulja note. Srednji.
The Risen Christ. The Lessons and Carols of Easter. Composed by Jonathan Willcocks. For congregation and organ. Cantatas. Hymns, Sacred and Easter. Difficulty. medium. Vocal score. Piano accompaniment and reference readings. 80 pages. Published by Roger Dean Publishing. LO.55-1099R. With piano accompaniment and reference readings. Hymns, Sacred and Easter. 6x9 inches. Patterned after the powerful, moving and traditional Christmas Lesson and Carols made famous at King's College in England, Jonathan Willcock's has crafted The Risen Christ as Easter Lessons and Carols for SATB choir, organ, reader and congregation. Combining fourteen traditional hymns into nine movements and incorporating reading from scripture, the composer moves us from Jesus' triumphal ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the last supper, and to the crucifixion. He then lifts us all with five traditional, joyous hymns of Easter morning, incorporating congregational singing throughout easch of the final arrangements. Such involvement from the congregation and rousing support from the choir and organ will leave everyohe feeling an emotional investment rarely experienced on Easter Sunday morning. All Glory Laud and Honor. Lord Have Mercy. Lord Jesus Think On Me. Ride On Ride On. Hosanna Loud Hosanna. O For a Closer Walk With God. Ah Holy Jesus. Go To Dark Gethsemane. Beneath the Cross of Jesus. The Strife is Over. That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today. Thine Is The Glory. O Sacred Head Now Wounded.
Uskrsli Krist. Lekcije i pjesama za Uskrs. Sastavljen Jonathan Willcocks. Za zajednicu i orgulje. Kantate. Himne, Sveto i Uskrs. Teškoća. medium. Vokalni ocjenu. Glasovirsku pratnju i referentni čitanja. 80 stranica. Objavljeno Roger Dean izdavaštvo. LO.55-1099R. Uz klavirsku pratnju i referentnih čitanja. Himne, Sveto i Uskrs. 6x9 inča. Uzorkom nakon snažnog, kreće i tradicionalni božićni lekciju i pjesama koje je proslavio na Kraljevskom koledžu u Engleskoj, Jonathan Willcock a je izrađen uskrslog Krista kao uskrsnih lekcije i pjesama za SATB zbor, orgulje, čitatelja i zajednici. Kombinirajući četrnaest tradicionalne pjesme u devet pokreta i uključuje čitanje iz Pisma, skladatelj nas kreće od Isusovog trijumfalnog vožnju u Jeruzalem na Cvjetnicu, kroz posljednje večere, a do raspeća. On je tada sve nas podiže s pet tradicionalnih, radosnim pjesmama uskrsnog jutra, koji uključuje skupno pjevanje tijekom easch konačnih dogovora. Takav angažman iz zajednice i su potaknuli podrška zbor i orgulje će ostaviti everyohe osjećaj emocionalne investicije rijetko doživjeti na Uskrs u nedjelju ujutro. Sve Slava Laud i Honor. Gospodine smiluj se. Gospodin Isus je mislio na mene. Vozi Na vožnja na. Hosana Hosana Loud. O za bliži hoda s Bogom. Ah Sveti Isus. Idi na tamno Getsemanski. Ispod križa Isusova. Svadljivost Over. To Uskrs s radošću Je Bright. Krist Gospodin je uskrsnuo danas. Isus Krist je uskrsnuo danas. Tvoje je Slava. O Sveto voditelj Sada Ranjen.