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The Real Book - Volume I - Mini Edition. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Prava knjiga - Volume I - mini izdanje. Raznovrstan. Note C Instrument. Piano note.


The Real Book - Volume I - Mini Edition. C Edition. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Fake Book. 464 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240292. ISBN 1423424514. 5.25x8.5 inches. Hal Leonard proudly presents new “mini” editions of its best-selling Real Books. These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch. they include all 400 fantastic songs found in the 9 x 12 versions. All Blues. Au Privave. Autumn Leaves. Black Orpheus. Bluesette. Body and Soul. Bright Size Life. Con Alma. Dolphin Dance. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Easy Living. Epistrophy. Falling in Love with Love. Footprints. Four on Six. Giant Steps. Have You Met Miss Jones. How High the Moon. I'll Remember April. Impressions. Lullaby of Birdland. Misty. My Funny Valentine. Oleo. Red Clay. Satin Doll. Sidewinder. Stella by Starlight. Take Five. There Is No Greater Love. Wave. and hundreds more. B-flat Edition also available. Call Me. Easy Living. Jelly Roll. West Coast Blues. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. Ring Dem Bells. Israel. Pinocchio. Butterfly. Pfrancing. No Blues. Peace. Afternoon In Paris. Reflections. Always. Cotton Tail. Airegin. Passion Flower. Guilty. Lines And Spaces. Conception. Captain Marvel. Litha. What Was. Inner Urge. Isotope. Passion Dance. Las Vegas Tango. Alfie. Alice in Wonderland. Heaven. All Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Lament. How My Heart Sings. Steps. Crystal Silence. Detour Ahead. Sugar. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Solitude. In A Mellow Tone. All Of Me. All Of You. All The Things You Are. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Upper Manhattan Medical Group. UMMG. One Finger Snap. Iris. My Way. Alright, Okay, You Win. Golden Lady. So What. Somebody Loves Me. Afro Blue. Once I Loved. Amor Em Paz. Love In Peace. April Joy. Bright Size Life. Midwestern Nights Dream. Missouri Uncompromised. Sirabhorn. Uniquity Road. Unity Village. Angel Eyes. Unchain My Heart. Ceora. A Child Is Born. Full House. Icarus. El Gaucho. Prince Of Darkness. Armageddon. Black Nile. Stuff. Anthropology. Apple Honey. April In Paris. Skating In Central Park. Arise, Her Eyes. What Am I Here For. Desafinado. Contemplation. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Joy Spring. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Black Diamond. Forest Flower. Sweet Georgia Bright. Swedish Pastry. Chippie. Think On Me. Man In The Green Shirt. Memories Of Tomorrow. Milano. Tame Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Poem For #15. The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers. Deluge. House Of Jade. Dolores. Orbits. Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America. Equipoise. African Flower. Petite Fleur Africaine. Indian Lady. Three Flowers. Peri's Scope. Quiet Now. Time Remembered. Very Early. Chelsea Bells. Doin' The Pig. Domino Biscuit. The Green Mountains. Portsmouth Figurations. Sweet Henry. Coral. Days And Nights Waiting. Grow Your Own. In Your Quiet Place. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. The Magician In You. Broad Way Blues. The Sphinx. Dear Old Stockholm. Midnight Mood. Turn Out The Stars. Gypsy In My Soul. Day Waves. Desert Air. Dexterity. Wild Flower. Sometime Ago. Kelo. Oliloqui Valley. The Sorcerer. Easy To Love. You'd Be So Easy To Love. Django. There Is No Greater Love. Bessie's Blues. Bewitched. Big Nick. Black Coffee. Fall. Blue In Green. The Blue Room. Young At Heart. Blue Train. Blue Trane. Bluesette. Body And Soul. Boplicity. Be Bop Lives. Beautiful Love. Could It Be You. Yesterday. Hello, Young Lovers. Stolen Moments. My Favorite Things. But Beautiful. Byrd Like. Call Me Irresponsible. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man. Central Park West. Chega De Saudade. No More Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Chitlins Con Carne. Come Sunday. Como En Vietnam. Confirmation. Crescent. D Natural Blues. Daahoud. Dancing On The Ceiling. Dearly Beloved. Dedicated To You. Dizzy Atmosphere. Don't Blame Me. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Dreamsville. Easter Parade. Equinox. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. A Fine Romance. 500 Miles High. Footprints. For All We Know. I Love You. For Sentimental Reasons. Four. Four On Six. Freddie Freeloader. God Bless' The Child. Giant Steps. Grand Central. Groovin' High. Half Nelson. Have You Met Miss Jones. Heebie Jeebies. Here's That Rainy Day. How High The Moon. How Insensitive. Insensatez. Hullo Bolinas. I Can't Give You Anything But Love. I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart. I Love Paris. I Remember Clifford. I'll Never Smile Again. I'll Remember April. I'm All Smiles. I'm Beginning to See the Light. I'm Your Pal. If You Never Come To Me. Inutil paisagem. Impressions. In A Sentimental Mood. In The Mood. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. The Inch Worm. The Intrepid Fox. Invitation. Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't. Ma' Baby. Isn't It Romantic. It Don't Mean a Thing. If it ain't got That Swing. It's Easy To Remember. June In January. Just One More Chance. Lazy Bird. Lazy River. Like Someone In Love. Limehouse Blues. Little Waltz. Long Ago. and Far Away. Lonnie's Lament. Look To The Sky. Love Is The Sweetest Thing. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush Life. Maiden Voyage. A Man And A Woman. Un Homme Et Une Femme. Meditation. Meditacao. Michelle. Misty. Moment's Notice. Mood Indigo. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. Mr. P.C. My Buddy. My Funny Valentine. My One And Only Love. My Ship. Mysterious Traveller. Naima. Niema. Nardis. Nefertiti. Never Will I Marry. Nica's Dream. A Night In Tunisia. Night Train. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Oleo. Once In Love With Amy. One Note Samba. Samba De Uma Nota So. Only Trust Your Heart. Ornithology. Out Of Nowhere. P.S. I Love You. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. Red Clay. 'round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin Doll. Scotch And Soda. Scrapple From The Apple. Seven Come Eleven. Seven Steps to Heaven. So Nice. Summer Samba. Solar. Some Day My Prince Will Come. Some Other Spring. Some Skunk Funk. Song For My Father. The Song Is You. Sophisticated Lady. Standing On The Corner. Stella By Starlight. STOMPIN' AT THE SAVOY. A String of Pearls. A Sunday Kind Of Love. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top. Take Five. Thanks For The Memory. There'll Be Some Changes Made. They Didn't Believe Me. Thou Swell. Tones For Joan's Bones. Tune Up. Valse Hot. Wait Till You See Her. Waltz For Debby. Wave. Well You Needn't. It's Over Now. When I Fall in Love. When Sunny Gets Blue. When You Wish Upon A Star. Wives And Lovers. Hey, Little Girl. Woodchopper's Ball. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Blue Monk. Twisted Blues. Nuages. Black Orpheus. For Heaven's Sake. Tour De Force. Yesterdays. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Are Too Beautiful. You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me. You Don't Know What Love Is. You Took Advantage Of Me. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. Blues For Alice. Silver Hollow. Tell Me A Bedtime Story. Black Narcissus. Blue Bossa. E.S.P. Gloria's Step. I Mean You. Pent Up House. Yes And No. Freedom Jazz Dance. Jordu. Sea Journey. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Windows. Woodyn' You. Lady Sings The Blues. Interplay. Epistrophy. Minority. Ecclusiastics. Jump Monk. Nostalgia In Times Square. Peggy's Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus Erectus. Pussy Cat Dues. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird. Ana Maria. Juju. Mahjong. Miyako. Night Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Virgo. Witch Hunt. Journey to Recife. Follow Your Heart. Straight No Chaser. Beauty And The Beast. I Could Write A Book. My Romance. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes. Whispering. Countdown. Prelude To A Kiss. Gemini. Lady Bird. Eighty One. Up Jumped Spring. We'll Be Together Again. Darn that Dream. My Shining Hour. I Should Care. There Will Never Be Another You. Triste. Take The 'A' Train. I Love You. Road Song. My Foolish Heart. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You. The Old Man From. The Old Country. C'est Si Bon. I Can't Get Started. Recorda Me. Little Boat. O Barquinho. The Girl From Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. Ãgua De Beber. Water To Drink. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.


Prava knjiga - Volume I - mini izdanje. C Edition. Sastoji se od strane raznih. Za C instrumenti. Lažni knjiga. 464 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.240292. ISBN 1423424514. 5.25x8.5 inča. Hal Leonard s ponosom predstavlja novi "mini" izdanja njegovih najboljih-prodaja realnih knjiga. Ove 5,5 x 8,5 malo knjige omot veliki jazz bušiti. oni su sve 400 fantastične pjesme pronađene u 9 x 12 verzija. Svi Blues. Au Privave. Jesenje lišće. Crni Orfej. Bluesette. Body and Soul. Bright Size Life. Con Alma. Dolphin Dance. Ne Get Around Much Anymore. Jednostavno Dnevni. Epistrophy. Falling in Love with Love. Footprints. Četiri na šest. Giant Steps. Jeste li upoznali gospođice Jones. Kako High Moon. Zapamtit ću travnja. Dojmovi. Lullaby of Birdland. Maglovit. Moj Funny Valentine. Oleo. Red Clay. Satin doll. Sidewinder. Stella by Starlight. Take Five. Nema veće ljubavi. Val. i više stotina. B-stan izdanje također dostupna. Call Me. Jednostavno Dnevni. Jelly Roll. West Coast Blues. Naknada-Fi-Fo-Fum. Ring DEM Bells. Izrael. Pinocchio. Leptir. Pfrancing. Nema Blues. Mir. Poslijepodne u Parizu. Razmišljanje. Uvijek. Američki zec. Airegin. Strast cvijet. Kriv. Linije i prostora. Dizajn. Kapetan Marvel. Litha. Ono što je. Unutarnji poriv. Izotop. Passion Dance. Las Vegas Tango. Alfie. Alisa u zemlji čudesa. Raj. Svi Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Naricati. How My Heart Sings. Koraci. Crystal Silence. Detour naprijed. Šećer. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Samoća. In A Mellow Tone. All Of Me. Sve vas. Sve stvari koje su. Ja bih znao kako bi se osjećati biti slobodan. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Gornji Manhattan Medical Group. UMMG. Jedan Finger Snap. Iris. My Way. Dobro, OK, pobijedila. Golden Lady. Pa što. Netko me voli. Afro Blue. Jednom sam volio. Amor Em Paz. Ljubav u miru. Travnja Joy. Bright Size Life. Srednje Noći Dream. Missouri beskompromisnu. Sirabhorn. Uniquity Road. Jedinstvo Selo. Angel Eyes. Osloboditi okova My Heart. Ceora. Dijete se rađa. Puna kuća. Icarus. Gaucho. Prince of Darkness. Armagedon. Crna Nile. Stvari. Antropologija. Apple Honey. Travnja u Parizu. Klizanje U Central Parku. Ustani, oči su joj. Ono što sam ja ovdje za. Desafinado. Razmišljanje. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Joy Spring. Jesen u New Yorku. Jesenje lišće. Black Diamond. Forest Flower. Sweet Georgia Bright. Švedski Tijesto. Chippie. Misli na mene. Man In The Green Shirt. Memories Of Tomorrow. Milano. Pitoma Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Поэма для. Saga Harrison Crabfeathers. Potop. Kuća od žada. Dolores. Orbite. Dobra večer G. I gđa Amerika. Ravnoteža. Afrički cvijet. Petite Fleur Africaine. Indijski Lady. Tri Cvijeće. Peri je Scope. Mirna Sada. Vrijeme zapamćen. Vrlo rano. Chelsea Bells. Radiš Pig. Domino keksa. Zelene planine. Portsmouth figuracije. Sweet Henry. Koralj. Dana i noći na čekanju. Širi Your Own. U Vašem mirno mjesto. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. Mađioničar u vas. Široko Way Blues. Sfinga. Dragi Stari Stockholm. Midnight raspoloženje. Ugasi Zvijezde. Gypsy In My Soul. Dan Valovi. Desert Air. Spretnost. Wild Flower. Negdje prije. Kelo. Oliloqui Valley. Mudraca. Lako voljeti. Da bih se tako lako voljeti. Django. Nema veće ljubavi. Bessie je Blues. Začaran. Big Nick. Crna kava. Pasti. Blue In Green. Blue Room. Mladi u srcu. Blue Train. Plava Trane. Bluesette. Dušu i tijelo. Boplicity. Budite BOP Lives. Lijepa Ljubav. To bi moglo pomoći biti. Jučer. Pozdrav, mladih ljubavnika. Ukradeni trenuci. Moje najdraže stvari. Ali Lijepa. Byrd Like. Call Me neodgovoran. Ne može pomoći Lovin 'Dat Man. Central Park West. Chega de Saudade. Nema više Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Cherokee. Indian Song. Cherry Pink i Apple Blossom White. Chitlins Con Carne. Dođite nedjelja. Como En Vijetnam. Potvrda. U obliku polumjeseca. D Prirodni Blues. Daahoud. Ples na stropu. Dragi vjernici. Posvećen vama. Dizzy Atmosfera. Nisam ja kriv. Ne Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Dreamsville. Uskrs Parade. Ravnodnevnica. Padaju Grace. Falling in Love With Love. Fine Romance. 500 Miles High. Footprints. Jer svi znamo. Volim te. Sentimentalnih razloga. Četiri. Četiri šest. Freddie Freeloader. God Bless 'The Child. Giant Steps. Grand Central. Groovin 'Visoka. Half Nelson. Jeste li upoznali gospođice Jones. Heebie Jeebies. Evo to kišni dan. Kako High Moon. Kako Neosjetljivo. Besmisla. Hullo Bolinas. Ne mogu vam dati ništa, ali ljubav. Uspio sam loš, to nije dobro. I neka pjesma ne izlazi iz mog srca. Volim Pariz. I Remember Clifford. Nikada neću opet nasmijati. Zapamtit ću travnja. Ja sam sve osmjesima. Ja sam na početku vidjeti svjetlo. Ja sam tvoj prijatelj. Ako nikad prije doći k meni. Inutil paisagem. Dojmovi. U sentimentalno raspoloženje. U raspoloženju. U noći s malim jutarnjim satima. Inch Worm. Intrepid Fox. Poziv. Je si li, ili je nisi. Ma 'bebe. Nije li to romantično. To ne znači ništa. Ako nije dobio taj Swing. To je lako zapamtiti. Lipnja u siječnju. Just One More Chance. Lazy Bird. Lazy River. Kao netko u ljubavi. Limehouse Blues. Malo Waltz. Davno. i Far Away. Lonnie je tuže. Pogledajte u nebo. Love Is The Sweetest Thing. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush Life. Prvo putovanje. Muškarac i žena. Muškarac i žena. Meditacija. Meditacao. Michelle. Maglovit. Obavijest trenutka. Mood Indigo. Najljepša djevojka na svijetu. Gospodin P.C. Moj Prijatelj. Moj Funny Valentine. My One And Only Love. Moj brod. Tajanstveni Traveller. Naima. Niema. Nardis. Nefertiti. Nikada neću udati. Nica je san. Noć u Tunisu. Night Train. Nitko te ne zna kad si dolje i van. Oleo. Nakon što je zaljubljen u Amy. Jedan Napomena Samba. Samba De Uma Nota Tako. Vjeruj samo svoje srce. Ornitologija. Niotkuda. P.s. Volim te. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Grbavac. Red Clay. 'Round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin doll. Viski i soda. Scrapple od jabuka. Sedam Dođite Eleven. Sedam koraka do raja. Dakle Nice. Summer Samba. Solarni. Neki dan moj princ će doći. Neki Ostalo Proljeće. Neki Skunk Funk. Pjesma za mog oca. Pjesma je Vi. Sofisticirani Lady. Stojeći na uglu. Stella By Starlight. STOMPIN 'Savoy. String of Pearls. Nedjelja Kind Of Love. Surrey sa Fringe na vrhu. Take Five. Hvala za memoriju. Bit će nekih promjena. Oni ne vjeruje. Ti Swell. Tonovi za Joan kostiju. Podešavanje. Valse Hot. Čekaj da vidiš Nju. Waltz Za Debby. Val. Pa ne morate. Gotovo je sada. Kad sam Zaljubi. Kad Sunny Gets Blue. Kada želite Upon A Star. Žene i ljubitelji. Hej, Little Girl. Woodchopper bal. Svjetska čeka sunca. Blue Monk. Twisted Blues. Oblaci. Crni Orfej. Za boga miloga. Tour de force. Yesterdays. You Are Sunshine Of My Life. Previše si lijepa. Vi donijeli nove vrste ljubavi prema meni. Ti ne znaš što je ljubav. Iskoristili ste meni. Ti si nitko 'Til Netko te voli. Blues za Alice. Silver Hollow. Reci mi priču za laku noć. Black Narcissus. Blue Bossa. E.S.P. Glorijino Korak. I misliš. Skriven House. Da i ne. Sloboda Jazz Dance. Jordu. Sea Journey. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Windows. Woodyn 'Vi. Lady Sings The Blues. Uzajamno djejstvo. Epistrophy. Manjina. Ecclusiastics. Jump Monk. Nostalgija na Times Squareu. Peggy je Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus erectus. Pussy Cat članarine. Reinkarnacija Of A lovebird. Ana Maria. Juju. Mahjong. Miyako. Noć Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Djevica. Lov na vještice. Putovanje u Recife. Slijedite svoje srce. Ravno No Chaser. Ljepotica i zvijer. Mogao bih napisati knjigu. Moja Romantika. Noć ima tisuću očiju. Šaputanje. Odbrojavanje. Preludij za poljubac. Blizanci. Lady Bird. Osamdeset Jedan. Gore Skočio proljeće. Mi ćemo opet biti zajedno. Prokleto da Dream. Moj Shining Sat. I trebali Care. Tu nikada neće biti još jedan Vi. Tužan. Take 'A' Train. Volim te. Road Tekstovi. Moj Lud Heart. Gee Baby, Nije mi dobro za vas. Starac iz. Stari Država. C'est Si Bon. Ja ne mogu započeti. Recorda Me. Malo Brod. O Barquinho. Djevojka iz Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. Agua de Beber. Vode za piće. To je Amora. To je ljubav.
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