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The Picture Guide to Learning Guitar. Arthur Dick. Guitar sheet music.


Slika Vodič za učenje gitare. Arthur Dick. Gitara note.


The Picture Guide to Learning Guitar for Guitar. Music Sales America. Softcover. 32 pages. Music Sales #AM952952. Published by Music Sales. HL.14025536. ISBN 0711972990. 9x11 inches. If you have ever been left feeling dazed and confused by the sheer volume and variety of guitar methods to choose from, or simply put off by the amount of text to wade through before you even start playing, then this book is exactly what you need. Using pictures and diagrams to show you the essentials, here is the most simple and direct way to start playing the guitar – immediately. Perfect for the absolute beginner, no prior musical knowledge or experience is required as you progress effortlessly from tuning and finger positions to basic chords and strumming. In fact, the Picture Guide To Playing Guitar will have you playing classic songs by the likes of Chuck Berry, The Beatles and T. Rex within minutes. There really is no easier way, without delay, to become a musician today. Arthur Dick is a session guitarist, author and teacher with over twenty years' experience. He has worked with Cliff Richard, Selena Jones, Barbara Dickson, Helen Shapiro, Susan Maughan, Bernie Flint, Chris Rea and Davy Jones, amongst others, as well as performing in many West End stage shows. He currently lectures on jazz and contemporary guitar at Goldsmith's College, University of London. Get Back. Get It On. Love Me Do. Memphis Tennessee.


Slika Vodič za učenje gitare za gitaru. Glazba Prodaja Amerika. Softcover. 32 stranice. Музыка по продажам. Objavio prodaje glazbe. HL.14025536. ISBN 0711972990. 9x11 inča. Ako ste ikada bili napustili osjećajući mučninu i zbunjeni obična volumen i razne metode gitare za izabrati iz, ili jednostavno odložiti za iznos od teksta preći preko prije nego što čak i početi igrati, onda ova knjiga je upravo ono što vam je potrebno. Korištenje slike i dijagrame kako bi vam pokazati osnove, ovdje je najviše jednostavan i izravan način da se početi svirati gitaru - odmah. Savršeno za apsolutne početnike, bez prethodnog glazbenog znanja ili iskustvo je potrebno kako napredujete napora od tuninga i prst pozicije na osnovne akorde i drndanje. U stvari, slike Vodič za svirati gitaru imat ćete igrati klasične pjesme koje voli Chuck Berry, The Beatles i T. Rex u nekoliko minuta. Zapravo ne postoji jednostavniji način, bez odlaganja, da postane glazbenik danas. Arthur Dick je sjednici gitarist, autor i učitelj s više od dvadeset godina iskustva. On je radio s Cliff Richard, Selena Jones, Barbara Dickson, Helen Shapiro, Susan Maughan, Bernie Flint, Chris Rea i Davy Jones, između ostalog, i nastupa u mnogim West End pozornici predstave. On trenutno predaje na jazza i suvremene gitaru na Goldsmith College, University of London. Vratiti se. Get It On. Love Me Do. Memphis Tennessee.