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Basses Loaded - Volume 2. Rob Goelz.


Pedali Loaded - Volume 2. Rob Goelz.


Basses Loaded - Volume 2 for bass. This edition. Paperback. Instructional. Instructional. Instructional book and accompaniment CD. Text Language. English. 93 pages. Published by Santorella Publications. SP.TS372. ISBN 9781585606528. With Text Language. English. Instructional. The Basses Loaded Series by Rod Goelz is the industry's best Bass Method for the serious bass player. That's the chant kicking around all the magazine racks, educational string periodicals and musical water coolers across the country. Basses Loaded. Volume 2, Rock Edition" published by Santorella Publications will teach you Major & Natural Minor Music Theory and its application. This "96 Page Mammoth" edition teaches Straight 8th, Basic Shuffle, Baion Rhythms and Major & Minor Pentatonic Scales. There is an entire section devoted to Major & Minor Improvisational Patterns including Extended Pentatonic Scales with runs, licks and riffs. Essential Rock Slur Techniques and the "not to be forgotten" Classic Rock Ostinato Patterns are introduced and explained in detail. Basses Loaded. Volume 2 from Santorella Publications will feature the Rock "playing" styles of Paul McCartney. The Beatles. , Jack Bruce. Cream. , Geezer Butler. Black Sabbath. , John Entwhistle. The Who. , John Paul Jones. Led Zeppelin. and many others. Feel the impact of "Chicago Blues" & examine the enormous influence of "Latin Rhythms" in today's Rock & Roll Music. As you grasp the "5 Line Approaches" for building & improvising better "Rock" bass lines you'll begin to experience that nasty "growl" sound. This "Rock" edition also includes a CD with over 90 tracks of lessons and rhythm section play-a-longs. Here's a quick glance at what you'll find inside this incredible book. The Rock n" Roll Bass Player - Rock Bass. Basic Rhythms - Application. Chord To Chord Movement - Focus On Theory. Essential Intervals, The Major Scale - Major Scale Construction - Third Intervals & The Major Scale Chords - Major Chords within The Major Scale - Minor Chords within The Major Scale - The "VII" Chord & The Major Scale - Basic Open Patterns. Application - Basic Movable Patterns. Application - Groove Style. Quarter Note Rock Style - Rock Articulation Styles. Part 1. Making Upright Bass "Doom" Sounds - In The Style Of "Footstompin' Music" by Grandfunk Railroad - Swing Bass. Open Blues Runs - In The Style Of "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller - "Jump Blues" Bass. Mid-40s Style - In The Style Of "Caldonia" by Louis Jordon - "Rhythm & Blues" Bass. Early 50's Style - In The Style Of "Honey Hush" by Big Joe Turner - Early Rock Bass. In The Style Of Bill Black - In The Style Of "Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley v Early Rock Bass. In The Style Of Willie Dixon - In The Style Of "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry - The British Invasion - Early Paul McCartney Style - In The Style Of "All My Loving" by The Beatles - 1970's Classic Rock Style - In The Style Of "Money" by Pink Floyd - Rock Articulation Styles. Part 2. Making "Dump" Sounds - In The Style Of "Memphis Tennessee" by Johnny Rivers - Quarter Note Rock Style - The Revivalist Movement, Part 1. Ska & Reggae - In The Style Of 'superman" by Goldfinger - The Revivalist Movement. Part 2. Swing - In The Style Of "Route 66" by The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Intervallic Visualization & Application - Quarter Note Rock Style. Bass Line Ideas - Put It Together. Sample Progressions - Focus On Theory. The Natural Minor Scale - Natural Minor Scale Construction - The Natural Minor Scale. Diatonic Chords - Major & Minor Chords within The Natural Minor Scale - The "II" Chord & The Natural Minor Scale - Minor Scale Intervals. Visualize & Apply - Quarter Note Rock Style. Minor Bass Line Ideas - Groove Study 2. Straight 8ths - 8th Note Pedaling - Key Note Pedaling - In The Style Of "Live Wire" by AC. DC - Root Note Pedaling - In The Style Of 'smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana - Rock Bass. Picking Styles - In The Style Of 'sin City" by AC. DC - In The Style Of "Got The Time" by Joe Jackson - In The Style Of 'she" by Green Day - Scale Visualization. Horizontal Arrangement - Open String Pedaling - In The Style Of 'some Heads Are Gonna Roll" by Judas Priest - Open String Pedaling. Riff Examples - In The Style Of "Enter Sandman" by Metallica - In The Style Of "Gotta Get Away" by The Offspring - In The Style Of "Breaking The Chains" by Dokken - In The Style Of "Forty Six & Two" by Tool - In The Style Of "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins - In The Style Of "Coast To Coast - by The Scorpions - Beyond Pedaling. Theme & Variation - Scalar Neighboring Tone - Chromatic Neighboring Tone - Beyond Pedaling. Expanding The Quarter Note Concept - In The Style Of "Mony Mony" by Tommy James & The Shondells - Beyond Pedaling. Theme & Variation. Major 6 Arpeggio Applicati Note from the author, Mr. Rod Goelz Basses Loaded. Volume 2 "Rock Edition" is part "history lesson" and part "improvisational workshop". In this edition, you'll learn Quarter, 8th & 16th note rhythmic combinations. I'll not only teach you how to play the lines and improvise the lines, but I'm even gonna show you how to make your bass GROWL.


Pedali Loaded - Volume 2 za bass. Ovo izdanje. Knjiga sa mekim koricama. Nastavni. Nastavni. Nastavni knjiga i pratnja CD. Tekst Jezik. Engleski. 93 stranice. Objavio Santorella Publikacije. SP.TS372. ISBN 9781585606528. Sa jezika teksta. Engleski. Nastavni. Pedali Loaded serije Rod Goelz je industrija najbolji bas Metoda za ozbiljan basistu. To je pjevanje mrda oko svih magazin stalci, obrazovne gudačke časopisa i glazbene hladne vode za piće u cijeloj zemlji. Pedali Loaded. Volume 2, rock izdanje "objavio Santorella publikacije će vas naučiti bojnice. Ovaj "96 Page Mamut" izdanje uči Hetero 8., Osnovna Shuffle, Baion Ritmovi i bojnik. Postoji cijeli dio posvećen bojnika. Eterična rock ljaga Tehnike i "ne treba zaboraviti" Klasični rock ostinantni Uzorci su upoznati i objasniti u detalje. Pedali Loaded. Volume 2 od Santorella publikacije će značajka Stijenu "igranja" stilove Paul McCartney. The Beatles. , Jack Bruce. Vrhnje. , Geezer Butler. Black Sabbath. , John Entwhistle. Tko. , John Paul Jones. Led Zeppelin. i mnogi drugi. Osjećati utjecaj "Chicago blues". Kao što shvatiti "5 linija pristupi" za izgradnju. Ovaj "Stijena" izdanje uključuje i CD s više od 90 pjesama od lekcija i ritam sekcija play-a-žudi. Evo kratak pogled na ono što ćete naći u ovoj nevjerojatnoj knjizi. Rock n 'Roll basist - Rock Bass. Osnovni Ritmovi - Primjena. Akord akord pokreta - Fokus na teoriju. Eterična intervalima, Major Scale - Major Scale Graditeljstvo - Treće Intervals. Primjena - Osnovni Pokretne Patterns. Primjena - Groove Style. Četvrtina Napomena rock stil - rock Artikulacijski Stilovi. Part 1. Izrada uspravno bas "Doom" Zvuči - u stilu "Footstompin 'glazbe" od strane Grandfunk željeznica - Swing Bass. Otvorene Blues Runs - u stilu "In The Mood" Glenn Miller - "jump bluesa" Bass. Sredinom 40-ih Style - u stilu "Caldonia" Louis Jordan - "Ritam. Početkom 50-Style - u stilu "Honey Hush" od Big Joea Turnera - Rano rock Bass. U stilu Bill Black - u stilu "Blue Suede Shoes" Elvis Presley v ranog rock Bass. U stilu Willie Dixon - u stilu "Johnny B. Goode" Chuck Berry - British Invasion - Rano Paul McCartney Style - u stilu "All My Loving" od The Beatlesa - 1970 Classic Rock Style - U stilu "Money" Pink Floyda - Rock Artikulacijski Stilovi. 2. dio. Izrada "Dump" Sounds - u stilu "Memphis Tennessee" Johnny Rivers - četvrtinka rock stilu - preporodni pokret, Part 1. Ska. 2. dio. Swing - u stilu "Route 66" od strane Brian Setzer Orchestra - Intervallic Vizualizacija. Bas Ideje - Put It Together. Uzorak progresije - Usredotočite se na teoriji. Prirodni Minor Scale - Prirodni Minor Scale Graditeljstvo - Prirodni Minor Scale. Dijatonici Chords - Bojnik. Vizualizirajte. Manji bas Ideje - Groove Studijska 2. Ravne 8ths - 8. Napomena pedaliranja - Key Note pedaliranja - u stilu "Live Wire" AC. DC - Root Napomena pedaliranja - u stilu 'Smells Like Teen Spirit "od Nirvane - Rock Bass. Branje stilova - u stilu "Sin City" AC. DC - u stilu "dobili vrijeme" Joe Jackson - u stilu "ona" Green Day - Scale Vizualizacija. Horizontalni Aranžman - Open String pedaliranja - u stilu "neke glave su Gonna Roll" od Judas Priest - Otvoreno Gudački pedalu. Riff Primjeri - u stilu "Enter Sandman" od Metallice - u stilu "Gotta Get Away" The Offspring - u stilu "Breaking lance" by Dokken - u stilu "četrdeset i šest. Tema. Proširenje četvrtfinalu Napomena Concept - u stilu "Mony Mony" Tommy James. Tema. Major 6 Arpeggio applicati Napomena od autora, gospodin Rod Goelz pedali Loaded. Volume 2 "Rock Edition" je dio "sat povijesti" i dio "improvizacijski radionica". U ovom izdanju, saznat ćete tromjesečju, 8.. Ne samo da ću vas naučiti kako igrati linije i improvizirati linije, ali ja sam još ću vam pokazati kako napraviti svoj bas režati.
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