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I'm still standing. Elton John.


Ja sam još uvijek stoji. Elton John.


I'm still standing composed by Elton John. Arranged by Sven Van Calster. For Brass Band. Pop Collection. Grade 2. Score and set of parts. Duration 0. 03. 10. Published by Beriato Music. BT.0104-3-098. I'm still standing is another way of saying You haven't beaten me yet and is an ode to stamina. This world famous song by Elton John has been arranged by newcomer Sven Van Calster. The stirring rhythm and the infectious famous melody enable this piece to be played at any concert, irrespective of the level of your orchestra. Always a topper.


I dalje stojim sastavljen od Eltona Johna. Raspored po Sven Van Calster. Za limenu glazbu. Pop Collection. Grade 2. Score i skup dijelova. Trajanje 0. 03. 10. Objavio Beriato glazbe. BT.0104-3-098. Ja sam još uvijek stajao je još jedan način da se kaže Vi me nisu tukli, ali i oda izdržljivosti. Ovaj svjetski poznati pjesmu Eltona Johna je uređen po pridošlica Sven Van Calster. Miješanje ritam i zarazne poznata melodija omogućiti ovaj komad koji će se igrati na bilo kojoj koncertu, bez obzira na razinu vaše orkestar. Uvijek gornji.
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