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Bullet for My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire. Bullet For My Valentine. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire. Bullet For My Valentine. Električna gitara note. Guitar Tablature note.


Bullet for My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. For Guitar. Guitar Recorded Version. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 144 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690957. ISBN 1423458192. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. The second studio CD from this Welsh metal quartet reached #4 on the Billboard 200. Our songbook offers notes & tab for all 11 heavy songs, plus the bonus track “Ashes of the Innocent. ” PARENTAL ADVISORY. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Disappear. Scream Aim Fire. Ashes Of The Innocent. Deliver Us From Evil. End Of Days. Eye of the Storm. Forever And Always. Hearts Burst Into Fire. Last To Know. Say Goodnight. Waking The Demon. Take It Out On Me.


Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. Za gitaru. Gitara snimljena verzija. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 144 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.690957. ISBN 1423458192. Uz gitaru tablature. 9x12 inča. Второй студийный CD от этого валлийского металла квартета достигли. Naš pjesmarica nudi bilješke. "Roditeljski nadzor. Guitar Snimljene verzije su note-za-note prepisu gitarske glazbe snimljene izravno off snimke. Ova serija, jedna od najpopularnijih u tisku i danas, ima neke od najvećih gitarista i skupina iz blues, rock i heavy metala. Guitar Snimljeni Verzije se prepisao najboljih transcribers u poslovanju. Svaka knjiga sadrži note i tablature. Nestati. Scream Aim Fire. Pepeo Innocent. Izbavi nas od zla. Kraj dana. Eye of the Storm. Forever And Always. Hearts je briznula u vatru. Zadnja znati. Say Goodnight. Buđenje demon. Uzmi ga na mene.
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