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Elton John Favorites. Elton John. Piano sheet music.


Elton John Favorites. Elton John. Piano note.


Elton John Favorites. Piano Play-Along Volume 77. By Elton John. For Piano. Keyboard. Piano Play-Along. Softcover with CD. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311884. ISBN 1423479904. 9x12 inches. Play 8 of your favorite songs with sound-alike CD tracks. Each volume in this series comes with a CD of orchestrated arrangements. The music in this book matches these recorded orchestrations. There are two tracks for each – a full performance for listening, plus a separate backing track which lets you be the soloist. The music even includes a separate vocal staff, plus guitar frames, so you or your friends can also sing or strum along. Songs. Bennie and the Jets. Blue Eyes. Don't Go Breaking My Heart. Don't Let the Sun Go down on Me. Rocket Man. I Think It's Gonna Be a Long Long Time. Sacrifice. Someone Saved My Life Tonight. Tiny Dancer. Sacrifice. Bennie And The Jets. Blue Eyes. Don't Go Breaking My Heart. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Rocket Man. I Think It's Gonna Be A Long Long Time. Someone Saved My Life Tonight. Tiny Dancer.


Elton John Favorites. Piano play-uz Volume 77. Eltona Johna. Za Piano. Tipkovnica. Klavir Play-zajedno. Meki uvez, s CD-om. 48 stranica. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.311884. ISBN 1423479904. 9x12 inča. Igrajte 8 od omiljenih pjesama sa zvukom podjednako CD pjesme. Svaki svezak u ovoj seriji dolazi s CD usaglašenih aranžmana. Glazba je u ovoj knjizi odgovara ovim snimljene orkestracijama. Postoje dvije pjesme za svakog - s punim učinkom za slušanje, plus zasebni prateći trag koji vam omogućuje da se solistica. Glazbu čak ima zaseban vokalnu osoblje, plus gitara okvire, tako da vi ili vaši prijatelji također mogu pjevati ili drndanje zajedno. Pjesme. Bennie i mlaznice. Blue Eyes. Nemojte ići Breaking My Heart. Ne dopustite da sunce ide dolje na mene. Rocket Man. Ja vjerujem da će biti dugo dugo vremena. Žrtva. Netko mi je spasila život Tonight. Tiny Dancer. Žrtva. Bennie And The Jets. Blue Eyes. Nemojte ići Breaking My Heart. Ne Neka Sun Go Down On Me. Rocket Man. Ja vjerujem da će biti dugo dugo vremena. Netko mi je spasila život Tonight. Tiny Dancer.
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