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Neil Young - Decade. Neil Young. Guitar sheet music.


Neil Young - Dekada. Neil Young. Gitara note.


Neil Young - Decade by Neil Young. For Guitar. Guitar Chord Songbook. Softcover. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.700464. ISBN 1423451910. 5.88x9 inches. 35 songs from the boxed set, originally released as three albums in 1977, with just the lyrics and chords so you can strum and sing along. Titles include. After the Gold Rush. Cinnamon Girl. Down by the River. Harvest. Heart of Gold. Like a Hurricane. Long May You Run. Mr. Soul. Ohio. Old Man. Southern Man. Tonight's the Night. and more. After the Gold Rush. Walk On. Helpless. Cinnamon Girl. I Believe In You. Soldier. Broken Arrow. Harvest. The Campaigner. Deep Forbidden Lake. Heart Of Gold. I Am A Child. The Loner. Ohio. Southern Man. Star Of Bethlehem. Tonight's The Night. The Needle And The Damage Done. Love Is A Rose. Old Man. Cowgirl in the Sand. Sugar Mountain. Burned. Down To The Wire. Mr. Soul. Expecting To Fly. The Old Laughing Lady. Down By The River. A Man Needs a Maid. Tired Eyes. For The Turnstiles. Winterlong. Like A Hurricane. Cortez The Killer. Long May You Run.


Neil Young - Desetljeće Neila Younga. Za gitaru. Guitar Chord pjesmarice. Softcover. 80 stranica. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.700464. ISBN 1423451910. 5.88x9 inča. 35 pjesama iz maloprodajnog skupa, izvorno objavljen kao tri albuma u 1977, sa samo stihovima i akordima, tako da možete drndanje i pjevati zajedno. Naslovi uključuju. Nakon zlatne groznice. Cimet Girl. Uz rijeku. Žetva. Heart of Gold. Poput uragana. Long May Vi Run. Mr. Soul. Ohio. Starac. Southern Man. Večeras je Noć. i još mnogo toga. Nakon zlatne groznice. Walk On. Bespomoćan. Cimet Girl. Ja vjerujem u tebe. Vojnik. Broken Arrow. Žetva. Kampanje. Duboko Forbidden jezero. Heart Of Gold. Ja sam dijete. Samotnjak. Ohio. Southern Man. Zvijezda Betlehema. Večeras je Noć. Igla i štetu koja je učinjena. Ljubav je ruža. Starac. Cowgirl in the Sand. Sugar Mountain. Spaljen. Down To The Wire. Mr. Soul. Očekujući letjeti. Old Laughing Lady. Uz rijeku. Treba mu Maid. Umorne oči. Za rampama. Winterlong. Poput uragana. Cortez The Killer. Long May Vi Run.