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Neil Young - After the Gold Rush - Piano Software. Neil Young. Piano sheet music.
Neil Young - Nakon zlatne groznice - Piano Software. Neil Young. Piano note.
Neil Young - After the Gold Rush - Piano Software. Smart PianoSoft. By Neil Young. For Disklavier. Pianosoft Sync. Disk. 4 pages. Published by Yamaha. HL.504215. This innovative software series enables your Disklavier Mark III piano to perform with the world's most popular CDs. Using Yamaha's PianoSmart Technology, this companion diskette will magically empower your Disklavier Mark III to accompany the exciting audio performance from the designated CD.. Use only the CD listed. The commercial CD is NOT INCLUDED and must be purchased separately. Includes 10 songs. Tell Me Why. Only Love Can Break Your Heart. Southern Man. Don't Let It Bring You Down. Cripple Creek Fairy. After the Gold Rush. Don't Let It Bring You Down. Tell Me Why. Only Love Can Break Your Heart. Till The Morning Comes. When You Dance, I Can Really Love. Cripple Creek Ferry. Oh, Lonesome Me. Southern Man. I Believe In You.
Neil Young - Nakon zlatne groznice - Piano Software. Smart PianoSoft. Neil Young. Za Disklavier. Pianosoft Sync. Disk. 4 stranice. Objavljeno Yamaha. HL.504215. Ovaj inovativni program serija omogućuje svoj Disklavier Mark III klavir izvesti s najpopularnijih svjetskih CD. Korištenje Yamahin PianoSmart tehnologiju, to pratitelj disketa magično će osnažiti svoj Disklavier Mark III pratiti uzbudljivu audio performanse iz određenog CD.. Koristite samo CD navedene. Komercijalni CD nije uključen i mora se kupiti zasebno. Sadrži 10 pjesama. Reci mi zašto. Samo ljubav može Break Your Heart. Southern Man. Ne dopustite da vas srušiti. Bogalj Creek Fairy. Nakon zlatne groznice. Ne dopustite da vas srušiti. Reci mi zašto. Samo ljubav može Break Your Heart. Do Morning Comes. Kada plešeš, ja mogu stvarno ljubav. Cripple Creek Ferry. Oh, Lonesome Me. Southern Man. Ja vjerujem u tebe.