Notna sveska $85.00
Resurgences. Robert Sheldon. Grade 4.
Resurgences. Robert Sheldon. Grade 4.
Resurgences composed by Robert Sheldon. Concert Band. Concert Band. Part. Score. SmartMusic. Alfred Concert Band. Grade 4. 276 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.39636. This celebratory piece expresses the joy and exhilaration of a new beginning. Tuneful melodies and intricate rhythmic conversations among the instruments provide a festive mood and highly appealing musical moment to any program. 20. This title is available in SmartMusic. List. syllabus. Bandworld Top 100 2013-14. Concert. Contest. Festival.
Resurgences sastavljeni Robert Sheldon. Koncert Band. Koncert Band. Dio. Postići. SmartMusic. Alfred Koncert Band. Grade 4. 276 stranice. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.39636. Ovaj slavljenički komad izražava radost i veselje novog početka. Melodična melodije i zamršene ritmičke razgovori među instrumentima osigurati svečani ugođaj i vrlo atraktivan glazbeni trenutak u bilo kojem programu. 20. Ovaj naslov je dostupan u SmartMusic. Popis. nastavni plan. Bandworld Top 100 2013-14. Koncert. Borba. Festival.