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Scott the Piano Guy's Favorite Piano Fake Book - Volume 2. Piano sheet music.


Scott klavir Guy Omiljeni Piano Lažni Knjiga - Volume 2. Piano note.


Scott the Piano Guy's Favorite Piano Fake Book - Volume 2 arranged by Scott Houston. For Piano. Keyboard. Fake Book. Softcover. 240 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240332. ISBN 1423461703. 9x12 inches. Over 90 more popular song arrangements from Scott Houston, the Piano Master of PBS. Features. Alfie. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do. Come Fly with Me. Friends in Low Places. Help Me Rhonda. I Write the Songs. King of the Road. Leaving on a Jet Plane. My Heart Will Go On. Rock Around the Clock. Sweet Home Alabama. Three Times a Lady. Under the Boardwalk. When I'm Sixty-Four. You're So Vain. and dozens more. Includes basic and advanced chord charts for every song. Achy Breaky Heart. Don't Tell My Heart. Beauty And The Beast. Alfie. All My Ex's Live In Texas. In A Mellow Tone. All Shook Up. Still. My Heart Will Go On. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. My Way. What Child Is This. Always on My Mind. American Pie. And I Love Her. Baby I Need Your Lovin'. Somewhere In Time. Daniel. Blue Bayou. Boot Scootin' Boogie. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. La Bamba. Bye Bye Love. We've Only Just Begun. Your Song. Ol' Man River. California Girls. Canadian Sunset. Chantilly Lace. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Rocky Top. Come Fly With Me. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Fields of Gold. A Fine Romance. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Friends In Low Places. Go Away, Little Girl. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Hang On Sloopy. A Hard Day's Night. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You. Help Me Rhonda. Here's That Rainy Day. Hopelessly Devoted To You. How Deep Is Your Love. I Shot The Sheriff. I Write The Songs. If You Leave Me Now. It Don't Mean a Thing. If it ain't got That Swing. Killing Me Softly with His Song. King Of The Road. Kokomo. Lay Down Sally. Leaving On A Jet Plane. The Loco-motion. The Long And Winding Road. Louie, Louie. Love Me Tender. Meditation. Meditacao. My Ship. Nothing From Nothing. Oh, Pretty Woman. One Note Samba. Samba De Uma Nota So. Peggy Sue. Please Mr. Postman. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. Rainy Days And Mondays. Rock Around The Clock. Sittin' On. The Dock Of The Bay. Somewhere, My Love. Splish Splash. Summer Breeze. Surfin' U.S.A. Sweet Home Alabama. Tequila. That'll Be The Day. Three Times A Lady. Ticket To Ride. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree. Tijuana Taxi. Unchained Melody. Under the Boardwalk. Wake Up Little Susie. What The World Needs Now Is Love. When I'm Sixty-Four. Why Do Fools Fall In Love. With A Little Help From My Friends. Wooly Bully. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Don't Bring Me Flowers. You're So Vain. Your Mama Don't Dance. C-Jam Blues. Forever And Ever, Amen. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.


Scott klavir Guy Omiljeni Piano Lažni Knjiga - Volume 2 uređen Scott Houston. Za Piano. Tipkovnica. Lažni knjiga. Softcover. 240 stranica. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.240332. ISBN 1423461703. 9x12 inča. Više od 90 više popularne pjesme aranžmani od Scott Houstonu, Piano Master PBS. Značajke. Alfie. Breaking up je teško učiniti. Come Fly With Me. Prijatelji na niskim mjestima. Pomozi mi Rhonda. Ja Pisanje pjesama. King of the Road. Ostavljajući na mlazni avion. My Heart Will Go On. Smeće Glazba. Sweet Home Alabama. Tri puta Lady. Pod Boardwalk. Kad sam šezdeset četiri. Ti si toliko tašt. i još nekoliko desetaka. Sadrži osnovne i napredne akord karata za svaku pjesmu. Bol u rukama Breaky srca. Nemojte reći My Heart. Ljepotica i zvijer. Alfie. All My Ex živi u Teksasu. In A Mellow Tone. All Shook Up. Još. My Heart Will Go On. Ljubav Theme From 'Titanica'. My Way. Što je dijete ovo. Uvijek On My Mind. American Pie. I ja je volim. Dječji Trebam Your Lovin '. Negdje u vrijeme. Danijel. Blue Bayou. Boot Scootin 'Boogie. Breaking up je teško učiniti. La Bamba. Bye Bye Ljubav. Samo smo tek na početku. Your Song. Ol 'Man River. California Girls. Kanadski Sunset. Chantilly Lace. Jambalaya. Na Bayou. Rocky Top. Come Fly With Me. Nemojte biti okrutni. U srce to je istina. Fields of Gold. Fine Romance. Prvi put u povijesti I Saw Your Face. Prijatelji na niskim mjestima. Odlazi, Little Girl. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Hang On Sloopy. A Hard Day Night. Jesam li vam rekla u zadnje vrijeme da Volim te. Pomozi mi Rhonda. Evo to kišni dan. Beznadno odan. Kako Duboko je tvoja ljubav. I Shot The Sheriff. Ja Pisanje pjesama. Ako ste Leave Me Now. To ne znači ništa. Ako nije dobio taj Swing. Killing Me Softly svojom pjesmom. King Of The Road. Kokomo. Lay Down Sally. Ostavljajući On A Jet Plane. Loco-motion. Long And Winding Road. Louie, Louie. Love Me Tender. Meditacija. Meditacao. Moj brod. Ništa od Nothing. Oh, Pretty Woman. Jedan Napomena Samba. Samba De Uma Nota Tako. Peggy Sue. Molimo Mr. Postman. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Grbavac. Kišnih dana i ponedjeljkom. Rock Around The Clock. Sjediti na. Dock Of The Bay. Negdje, My Love. Splish Splash. Summer Breeze. Surfin 'U.S.A. Sweet Home Alabama. Tekila. To će biti dan. Tri puta Lady. Ticket To Ride. Kravata je žutu vrpcu zaokruživati ​​Ole hrast. Tijuana Taxi. Unchained Melody. Pod Boardwalk. Wake Up Little Susie. Ono što svijet treba Sada je ljubav. Kad sam šezdeset četiri. Zašto Fall In Love Fools. Uz malu pomoć mojih prijatelja. Wooly Bully. You Are Sunshine Of My Life. Vi ne Bring Me Flowers. Ti si toliko tašt. Tvoja mama ne plešem. C-Jam Blues. Vijeke vjekova, Amen!. To je Amora. To je ljubav.